USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 1972-003-FA

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Other ID: HUNT Cruise I; Leg I

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s):

Principal Investigator(s): Robert N. Oldale

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s):

Data Type(s): Electro-Magnetic: Magnetics, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Seismics: Boomer, Seismics: Sonobuoy, Sonar: Sidescan

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Cruise was first part of the search for drilling sites along the north flank of Georges Bank.


Start Port/Location:

End Port/Location:

Start Date: 1972-07-21

End Date: 1972-08-02

Equipment Used: Boomer, Seismic refraction, Marine magnetometer, Loran-C, Single channel hydrophone, EG&G Mark 1A sidescan sonar

Information to be Derived:

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered:

Staff: Raymond E. Hall, John Hendricks, Frank W. Jennings, Charles J. O'Hara, Robert N. Oldale

Affiliate Staff:
Phil Clark
David Davis
Gary Stuckey
Robert White



Georges Bank, United States, North America, North Atlantic,

North: 42.5 South: 39.9 West: -70 East: -65


photo of Hunt


Oldale, R.N., Hathaway, J.C., Dillon, W.P., Hendricks, J.D., and Robb, J.M., 1974, Geophysical observations on northern part of Georges Bank and adjacent basins of Gulf of Maine: The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, AAPG Bulletin, v. 58 no. 12, URL:

Schlee, J., Mattick, R.E., Taylor, D.J., Girard, O.W., Grow, J., Rhodehamel, E.C., Perry, W.J., Jr., Bayer, K.C., Furbush, M., Clifford, C.P., and Lees, J.A., 1975, Sediments, structural framework, petroleum potential, environmental conditions, and operational considerations of the United States North Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-353,


Documents associated with this activity

Title Survey Equipment Description
Cruise report (document not focused on specific equipment) Chief Scientist's summary describing personnel, data type, dates of field work, and track map.
Cruise log (document not focused on specific equipment) Field log containing Loran-C navigation positions, sonobouy, gravity meter, magnetometer, CSP airgun, and 3.5 kHz Uniboom data acquisition notes.

Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Boomer --- Boomer
Seismic refraction --- Sonobuoy
Marine magnetometer --- Magnetics
Loran-C --- Navigation
1972-003-FA-LN-002 (Digital tape(s) of NV-FINAL, )
1972-003-FA-NL-001-02 (Field log containing Loran-C navigation positions, sonobuoy, gravity meter, magnetometer, CSP airgun, and 3.5 kHz Uniboom data acquisition notes. )
Single channel hydrophone --- Air Gun / Water Gun
Bubble Gun
Sub Bottom Profiler
1972-003-FA-SE-002 (analog tape of seismic data)
1972-003-FA-SE-001 (microfilm of )
EG&G Mark 1A sidescan sonar --- Sidescan
1972-003-FA-SO-001 ( Collection of paper record displays of sidescan sonar data for lines )

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