USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 1997-019-FA

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Other ID: GSLK97-1

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s):

Principal Investigator(s): Stephen Colman

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s): Stephen Colman

Data Type(s): Imagery: Photo, Imagery: Video, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sampling: Geology, Seismics: Boomer, Seismics: Sub Bottom Profiler

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Collection of high-resolution seismic reflection data to define the Quaternary stratigraphy of Great Salt Lake and Bear Lake, UT. Data will define rates of sedimentation and tectonic movements and will be used to select and correlate core sites.


Start Port/Location: Logan, UT

End Port/Location: Logan, UT

Start Date: 1997-07-11

End Date: 1997-07-26

Equipment Used: Single channel hydrophone, ORE 140 transceiver/1036 transducer sub-bottom profiler, Huntec profiling system (500-2500 Hz), P-code GPS

Information to be Derived:

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Successful test of Elics Delft II data acquisition system.

Staff: Stephen Colman, David Nichols, Robert N. Oldale

Affiliate Staff:
Chris Luetke
Utah State University

Notes: Project = Western U.S. Lakes, Western U.S. Lakes
Information from Foghorn: Delft Elics 2-channel digital data acquisition system; ORE 3.5 kHz seismic system, Huntec boomer seismic system, P-code GPS Navigation system;Related plotting and data storage equipment;


Great Salt Lake and Bear Lake, Utah, United States, North America;

North: 43 South: 40 West: -113 East: -111


Great Salt Lake


Colman, S.M., 2006, Acoustic stratigraphy of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho; late Quaternary sedimentation patterns in a simple half-graben: Sedimentary Geology, v. 185 no. 1-2, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2005.11.022.

Colman, S.M., Kelts, Kerry R., and Dinter, David A., 2002, Depositional history and neotectonics in Great Salt Lake, Utah, from high-resolution seismic stratigraphy: Sedimentary Geology, v. 148 no. 1-2, doi: 10.1016/S0037-0738(01)00210-X.


Documents associated with this activity

Title Survey Equipment Description
Seismic log (document not focused on specific equipment) Cruise log describing equipment configuration, line numbers, start and end times, disk, and tape and roll numbers.

Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Single channel hydrophone --- Air Gun / Water Gun
Bubble Gun
Sub Bottom Profiler
1997-019-FA-SE-002 (Raw ELICS Data - Raw Great Salt Lake data for Lines 1-17. (Huntec))
1997-019-FA-SE-004 (Boomer ELICS Data - Great Salt Lake boomer data for Lines 1-17.)
1997-019-FA-SE-005 (Raw ELICS Data - Raw Bear Lake data for Lines 21-36. (Huntec))
1997-019-FA-SE-007 (Boomer ELICS Data - Bear Lake boomer data for Lines 21-36.)
ORE 140 transceiver/1036 transducer sub-bottom profiler --- Sub Bottom Profiler
1997-019-FA-SE-006 (3.5 kHz ELICS Data - Bear Lake 3.5 kHz data for Lines 21-36.)
1997-019-FA-SE-001 ( Collection of paper record displays of seismic data( 3.5K) for lines )
1997-019-FA-SE-003 (3.5 kHz ELICS Data - Great Salt Lake 3.5 kHz data for Lines 1-17.)
Huntec profiling system (500-2500 Hz) --- Boomer
P-code GPS --- Navigation
1997-019-FA-LN-001-02 (Track Map - Bear Lake, UT (pdf file) Plotted track map with 15 minute fixes.)
1997-019-FA-LN-002-02 (Raw Navigation Data (txt files) Raw GPS navigation data for Bear Lake.)
1997-019-FA-LN-001-01 (Track Map - Great Salt Lake, UT (pdf file) Plotted track map with 15 minute fixes.)
1997-019-FA-LN-002-01 (Raw Navigation Data (txt files) Raw GPS navigation data for Great Salt Lake.)

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