Format: netcdf4 Global Attributes: product_name = 'CMIP6 WW3 Extracted Station Wave Parameters' area = 'Alaskan 4 min wave grid' data_type = 'OCO spectra 2D' format_version = '1.1' CMIP6_Mod = 'CMCC' start_date = '2020-01-01' stop_date = '2050-12-31' Temporal_Res = 'hourly' Extracted_Dir = '/caldera/projects/usgs/water/nywsc/lherdman/WW4/WW3- 6.07.1' Extracted_Files = 'cmcc.pnts.ak_4m*' author = 'USGS,' CMIP6_Winds = 'CMCC-CM2-VHR4-r1i1p1f1_gn, 6-hourly, 25 km resolution' CMIP6_SeaIce = ' CMCC-CM2-VHR4-r1i1p1f1_gn, daily, 25 km resolution ' Dimensions: time = 271752 station = 1139 Variables: time Size: 271752x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'julian day (UT)' standard_name = 'time' conventions = 'Relative julian days with decimal part (as parts of the day)' axis = 'T' units = 'hours since 2020-01-01 00:00:00' calendar = 'proleptic_gregorian' station Size: 1139x1 Dimensions: station Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'station id' axis = 'X' longitude Size: 1139x1 Dimensions: station Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'longitude' standard_name = 'longitude' globwave_name = 'longitude' units = 'degree_east' valid_min = -178.73 valid_max = -134.33 content = 'TX' associates = 'time station' latitude Size: 1139x1 Dimensions: station Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'latitude' standard_name = 'latitude' globwave_name = 'latitude' units = 'degree_north' valid_min = 50.067 valid_max = 72.067 content = 'TX' associates = 'time station' depth Size: 1139x1 Dimensions: station Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999long_name = 'Station Depth Below MSL' standard_name = 'station_depth' units = 'm' Convention = 'Positive Downward' valid_min = 5.1 valid_max = 7070.6 associates = 'station'
hs Size: 1139x271752 Dimensions: station,time Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'spectral estimate of significant wave height' standard_name = 'sea_surface_wave_significant_height' globwave_name = 'significant_wave_height' units = 'm' valid_min = 0 valid_max = 21.0576 content = 'TX' associates = 'time station' fp Size: 1139x271752 Dimensions: station,time Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'peak frequency (Fp=1/Tp)' standard_name = 'dominant_wave_frequency' globwave_name = 'dominant_wave_frequency' units = 's-1' valid_min = 0 valid_max = 0.52997 content = 'TX' associates = 'time station' tr Size: 1139x271752 Dimensions: station,time Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'mean period normalised by the relative frequency' standard_name = 'mean_period_normalised_by_the_relative_frequency' globwave_name = 'mean period normalised by the relative frequency' units = 's' valid_min = 0 valid_max = 22.6691 content = 'TX' associates = 'time station' th1m Size: 1139x271752 Dimensions: station,time Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 standard_name = 'mean_wave_direction' globwave_name = 'mean_wave_direction' units = 'degree' valid_min = 0 valid_max = 359.9999 content = 'TX' associates = 'time station' th1p Size: 1139x271752 Dimensions: station,time Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'mean wave direction from spectral moments at spectral peak' standard_name = 'dominant_wave_direction' globwave_name = 'dominant_wave_direction' units = 'degree' valid_min = 0 valid_max = 359.9999 content = 'TX' associates = 'time station' sth1m Size: 1139x271752 Dimensions: station,time Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'directional spread from spectral moments' standard_name = 'mean_wave_spreading' globwave_name = 'mean_wave_spreading' units = 'degree' valid_min = 0 valid_max = 81.0263 content = 'TX' associates = 'time station' sth1p Size: 1139x271752 Dimensions: station,time Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'directional spread at spectral peak' standard_name = 'dominant_wave_spreading' globwave_name = 'dominant_wave_spreading' units = 'degree' valid_min = 0 valid_max = 81.0158 content = 'TX' associates = 'time station'