Entity_Type_Label: CoastSat_Calif_SeasonalCycleData.csv
Table containing attribute information associated with the dataset
Entity_Type_Definition_Source: Producer defined
Attribute_Label: CoastSat_Section
There are 309 distinct coastal sections in the CoastSat shoreline database for Califonia beaches, ranging from the U.S.-Mexico border (section 1) to the California-Oregon border (section 309). This attribute provides these CoastSat section numbers according to the data published in Vos (2023).
Attribute_Definition_Source: CoastSat database (Vos, 2023)
Range_Domain_Minimum: 1
Range_Domain_Maximum: 309
Attribute_Label: CoastSat_Transect
Each section of the CoastSat database has beach transects numbered from zero (0) to n-1, where n is the total number of transects in the section. Transects are spaced every 100 meters along the shoreline. This attribute provides these CoastSat transect numbers according to the data published in Vos (2023).
Attribute_Definition_Source: CoastSat database (Vos, 2023)
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 258
Attribute_Label: Lat_AvShoreline_WGS84
This is the latitude of the average shoreline position for each transect in the CoastSat database. Average shoreline position was computed as the mean shoreline position from the 2000-2021 CoastSat records. These across-shore positions (in meters from the transect origin) were transformed to latitude and longitude using the transect origin point from Vos (2023), the transect direction (from the ShoreOrientation_deg attribute below), and a UTM-to-Decimal degrees calculator.
Attribute_Definition_Source: CoastSat database (Vos, 2023)
Range_Domain_Minimum: 32.52579102
Range_Domain_Maximum: 42.01239218
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Decimal degrees
Attribute_Label: Lon_AvShoreline_WGS84
This is the longitude of the average shoreline position for each transect in the CoastSat database. Average shoreline position was computed as the mean shoreline position from the 2000-2021 CoastSat records. These across-shore positions (in meters from the transect origin) were transformed to latitude and longitude using the transect origin point from Vos (2023), the transect direction (from the ShoreOrientation_deg attribute below), and a UTM-to-Decimal degrees calculator.
Attribute_Definition_Source: CoastSat database (Vos, 2023)
Range_Domain_Minimum: -124.4026317
Range_Domain_Maximum: -117.1240128
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Decimal degrees
Attribute_Label: ShoreOrientation_deg
The orientation for each transect of the CoastSat database was computed using the bearing computed between the origin and terminal ends of the transects. These were computed by converting the WGS positions in decimal degrees to UTM to produce distance units of meters, and the orientation was computed from the arctangent function and the total distance in the northing and easting directions.
Attribute_Definition_Source: CoastSat database (Vos, 2023)
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.1
Range_Domain_Maximum: 353.2
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Degrees from North
Attribute_Label: Lat_Backbeach_WGS84
The geographic position of the backbeach was derived from the interection of each transect and a hand-digitized line that represented the first landward position of: (i) the base of the cliff, (ii) an urbanized structure, (iii) a mid-backwater channel, or (iv) a well-vegetated dune or marsh area.
Google's 2015 satellite-based map data in Q-GIS and CoastSat database (Vos, 2023)
Range_Domain_Minimum: 32.52580357
Range_Domain_Maximum: 42.01295728
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Decimal degrees
Attribute_Label: Lon_Backbeach_WGS84
The geographic position of the backbeach was derived from the interection of each transect and a hand-digitized line that represented the first landward position of: (i) the base of the cliff, (ii) an urbanized structure, (iii) a mid-backwater channel, or (iv) a well-vegetated dune or marsh area.
Google's 2015 satellite-based map data in Q-GIS and CoastSat database (Vos, 2023)
Range_Domain_Minimum: -124.4020462
Range_Domain_Maximum: -117.1226493
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Decimal degrees
Attribute_Label: BeachWidth_m
The along-transect distance between the backbeach point as characterized by the following attributes (Lat_Backbeach_WGS84, Lon_Backbeach_WGS84) and the average shoreline position characterized by these attributes (Lat_AvShoreline_WGS84, Lon_AvShoreline_WGS84). To compute these distances, the geographic positions in decimal degrees were transformed to UTM in meters.
Attribute_Definition_Source: CoastSat database (Vos, 2023)
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 520.9
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Meters
Attribute_Label: STL_SeasonalExcurs_m
Using the seasonal-trend decomposition with LOESS (STL) technique of Cleveland and others (1990), the median monthly detrended shoreline positions were computed. The seasonal excursion distance is defined to be the difference between the maximum and minimum median monthly shoreline position. However, if the STL results were not found to be significant (p>0.05) with respect to either (i) a student's t-test between the complete set of values for the month with the maximum and the month with the minimum shoreline position values, or (ii) a Fischer's g-statistic test for the spectral periodogram at the annual frequency, the transect was deemed to be 'nonseasonal' and the seasonal excursion distance was set to zero meters.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 76.6
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Meters
Attribute_Label: STL_Tmin_mo
Using the seasonal-trend decomposition with LOESS (STL) technique of Cleveland and others (1990), the median monthly detrended shoreline positions were computed. The month of the minimum shoreline excursion distance was found and is defined to be 'Tmin.' However, if the STL results were not found to be significant (p>0.05) with respect to either (i) a student's t-test between the complete set of values for the month with the maximum and the month with the minimum shoreline position values, or (ii) a Fischer's g-statistic test for the spectral periodogram at the annual frequency, the transect was deemed to be 'nonseasonal' and the Tmin was set to 'NaN'. 'NaN' indicates that no value was calculated.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey.
Range_Domain_Minimum: 1
Range_Domain_Maximum: 12
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Month of the year (1=Jan, 2=Feb, ... 12=Dec)
Attribute_Label: STL_Tmax_mo
Using the seasonal-trend decomposition with LOESS (STL) technique of Cleveland and others (1990), the median monthly detrended shoreline positions were computed. The month of the maximum shoreline excursion distance was found and is defined to be 'Tmax.' However, if the STL results were not found to be significant (p>0.05) with respect to either (i) a student's t-test between the complete set of values for the month with the maximum and the month with the minimum shoreline position values, or (ii) a Fischer's g-statistic test for the spectral periodogram at the annual frequency, the transect was deemed to be 'nonseasonal' and the Tmax was set to 'NaN'. 'NaN' indicates that no value was calculated.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 1
Range_Domain_Maximum: 12
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Month of the year (1=Jan, 2=Feb, ... 12=Dec)
Attribute_Label: STL_pval_tTest
Using the seasonal-trend decomposition with LOESS (STL) technique of Cleveland and others (1990), the median monthly detrended shoreline positions were computed. The significant of these STL results were tested with two analyses. This attribute provides the results of one of these analyses, the p-value of a student's t-test between the complete set of detrended shoreline values for the month with the maximum and the month with the minimum shoreline position values. For our analyses, transects with p-values greater than 0.05 were determined to be 'nonseasonal.'
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 0.61962
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Unitless probability from 0 to 1
Attribute_Label: fft_SeasonalExcurs_m
A fast Fourier transform (FFT) was conducted on the 22-year detrended monthly shoreline position time series of each transect. The FFT-derived seasonal shoreline excursion distance was computed as twice the FFT amplitude for the annual frequency, where the amplitude was calculated to be the absolute value of the complex FFT magnitude for the annual frequency divided by the number of frequencies assessed in the single-sided FFT, which was 132 for our analyses.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 2.0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 73.6
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Meters
Attribute_Label: Periodogram_pval_annual
To evaluate whether the seasonal cycles in the detrended shoreline positions were significant, the power spectral density (PSD) of the monthly shoreline positions were estimated with a periodogram. An assessment of whether the annual frequency cycle was statistically significant was made using Fischer’s g-statistic. Here we follow general recommendations that the first term of the Fisher series is adequate to calculate the p-value.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 1.0
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Unitless probability from 0 to 1
Attribute_Label: k_Means_Cluster
A k-means clustering analysis was conducted on the entire set of standardized monthly median shoreline positions from each transect. The number of clusters was set to 11, as determined by a peak in the 'gap statistic' that characterizes change in within cluster dispersion verses change that would occur from a reference null distribution. Clusters were ordered by the timing of the seasonal response, from '1' for the earliest winter-narrow conditions to '10' for the latest summer-narrow conditions. The final cluster ('11') included all 'nonseasonal' transects.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 1
Range_Domain_Maximum: 11
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Unitless