Vegetation biomass and density from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018

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Frequently anticipated questions:

What does this data set describe?

Vegetation biomass and density from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018
Vegetation type and density data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Data were collected in Lindsey Slough in April 2017, and Middle River and the Mokelumne River in March 2018. Vegetation samples were collected by divers, and used to determine dry biomass density. These data were collected as part of a cooperative project, with the USGS California Water Science Center and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, on the effects of invasive aquatic vegetation on sediment transport in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
  1. How might this data set be cited?
    Lacy, Jessica R., and Drexler, Judith Z., 20200518, Vegetation biomass and density from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018: data release doi:10.5066/P9112AIP, U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, California.

    Online Links:

    This is part of the following larger work.

    Lacy, Jessica R., Joanne C. T. Ferreira, Dailey, Evan T., Dartnell, Peter, Drexler, Judith Z., Allen, Rachel M., and Stevens, Andrew, 2020, Sediment transport and aquatic vegetation data from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018: data release doi:10.5066/P9112AIP, U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, California.

    Online Links:

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?
    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -121.7089
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -121.5289
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 38.24815
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 37.94653
  3. What does it look like? &allowOpen=true (PNG)
    Image map showing vegetation biomass density sampling locations.
  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?
    Beginning_Date: 04-Apr-2017
    Ending_Date: 28-Mar-2018
    ground condition
  5. What is the general form of this data set?
    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: Comma-separated values
  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?
    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?
      Data were collected in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
      This is a Point data set.
    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?
      Horizontal positions are specified in geographic coordinates, that is, latitude and longitude. Latitudes are given to the nearest 1.0E-5. Longitudes are given to the nearest 1.0E-5. Latitude and longitude values are specified in Decimal degrees. The horizontal datum used is World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84).
      The ellipsoid used is WGS84.
      The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378137.0.
      The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/298.257223563.
  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?
    Table containing attribute information associated with the dataset (Source: Producer defined)
    Unique U.S. Geological Survey field activity identifier. (Source: Producer defined) Unique U.S. Geological Survey field activity identifier.
    Date of collection
    Date in month/day/year format of sample collection. (Source: Producer defined)
    Range of values
    Units:Date in month/day/year format
    Site name
    Sample identifier (Source: Producer defined) Unique identifier for sample locations
    Latitude of sample location in decimal degrees, north. (Source: Producer defined)
    Range of values
    Units:Decimal degrees
    Longitude of sample location in decimal degrees, east. (Source: Producer defined)
    Range of values
    Units:Decimal degrees
    Quadrant area
    sample area at location (Source: Producer defined)
    Range of values
    Units:square meters
    Vegetation type
    type of predominant vegetation at location (Source: Producer defined) species of predominant vegetation at location (by mass)
    Total dry biomass (g)
    total dry mass of predominant vegetation type. (Source: producer defined)
    Range of values
    Average stem diameter (mm)
    average diameter of predominant vegetation stems, "NA" indicates that no value was calculated. (Source: producer defined)
    Range of values
    Secondary vegetation type
    type of secondary vegetation at location (Source: Producer defined) species of secondary vegetation at location (by mass), "none" indicates that no secondary vegetation was present or measured.
    Total dry biomass of second type(g)
    Total dry mass of secondary vegetation type, "na" indicates that no value was calculated. (Source: producer defined)
    Range of values
    Tertiary vegetation type
    type of tertiary vegetation at location (Source: Producer defined) species of tertiary vegetation at location (by mass), "none" indicates that no secondary vegetation was present or measured.
    Total dry biomass of third type(g)
    Total dry mass of tertiary vegetation type, "na" indicates that no value was calculated. (Source: producer defined)
    Range of values

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)
    • Jessica R. Lacy
    • Judith Z. Drexler
  2. Who also contributed to the data set?
    Data collection was funded by U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?
    U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
    Attn: PCMSC Science Data Coordinator
    2885 Mission Street
    Santa Cruz, CA

    831-427-4747 (voice)

Why was the data set created?

The data were collected to determine vegetation density and frontal area, to support interpretation of measurements of current attenuation within the vegetation. Users are advised to check the data carefully for sampling time, location, and reference information. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?
  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?
    Date: Mar-2018 (process 1 of 6)
    Plant biomass samples were collected by divers from 0.25 square-meter quadrats in submerged aquatic vegetation patches during April, 2017 and March, 2018. Quadrat locations were recorded using a hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver at the water surface.
    Date: Jun-2018 (process 2 of 6)
    Plant biomass samples were placed in plastic bags and transported in coolers to the laboratory. In the lab, plant biomass samples were rinsed with de-ionized water until the water ran clear, which took approximately 8-9 rinses. After washing, plant biomass samples were sorted by species and the stem diameter of each plant fragment was measured in the middle of the fragment. After measurements, all plant biomass samples were dried in the drying oven at 40 C for 72 hours and then weighed.
    Date: 31-Aug-2020 (process 3 of 6)
    Theme Keyword Thesaurus name was corrected from ISO 19115 Topic Categories to ISO 19115 Topic Category. No data were changed. Person who carried out this activity:
    Susan A Cochran
    U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
    2885 Mission St.
    Santa Cruz, CA
    United States

    831-460-7545 (voice)
    Date: 19-Oct-2020 (process 4 of 6)
    Edited metadata to add keywords section with USGS persistent identifier as theme keyword. No data were changed. Person who carried out this activity:
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Attn: VeeAnn A. Cross
    Marine Geologist
    384 Woods Hole Road
    Woods Hole, MA

    508-548-8700 x2251 (voice)
    508-457-2310 (FAX)
    Date: 13-Oct-2021 (process 5 of 6)
    Performed minor edits to the metadata to correct typos. No data were changed. Person who carried out this activity:
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Attn: Susan A. Cochran
    2885 Mission Street
    Santa Cruz, CA

    831-460-7545 (voice)
    Date: 25-May-2022 (process 6 of 6)
    Corrected typo in one keyword. No data were changed. (
  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?
    Data values are within the expected values.
  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?
    Horizontal accuracy derived from GPS instrumentation at the surface, less than 1 m.
  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?
    No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted
  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?
    Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.
  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?
    Data values are within the expected values.

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?
Access_Constraints none
Use_Constraints USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain from the U.S. Government and are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize and acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as the originator of the dataset and in products derived from these data.
  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)
    U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302
    Denver, CO
    United States

    1-888-275-8747 (voice)
  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set? These data are available in csv format (Vegetation_biomass_density_in_Sacramento-San_Joaquin_Delta_2017-2018.csv) along with CSDGM FGDC-compliant metadata.
  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?
    Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.
  4. How can I download or order the data?
  5. What hardware or software do I need in order to use the data set?
    The data are available in comma-separated values (CSV) spreadsheet format. Text editing software can be used to open the file, as well as spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel.

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 25-May-2022
Metadata author:
PCMSC Science Data Coordinator
U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA
United States

831-427-4747 (voice)
Metadata standard:
Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)

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