Profiles were collected in Grizzly Bay and San Pablo Bay using the Sequoia Scientific LISST-200X, near the Grizzly Bay Mooring site (GBM) and the San Pablo Bay Mooring site (PBM). The LISST-200x was vertically oriented, such that the pressure sensor was 43.5 cm above the optics. For each profile, the instrument was equilibrated to water temperature for at least 5 minutes. Then, the sampling targeted depths of approximately 0.3 meters below the surface (mbs), mid-water column, and 0.5 meters above bed (mab), with the instrument at each target depth for at least 1 minute. The targeted depths, in meters below surface (mbs), in consecutive order, for each trip and Bay, are as follows: PBP trip 09: 0.3 mbs, 0.6 mbs, 1.3 mbs, 2.6 mbs, 2.45 mbs. GBP trip 09: 0.3 mbs, 0.6 mbs, 1.2 mbs, 2.0 mbs, 1.55 mbs. PBP trip 10: 0.3 mbs,1.5 mbs,3 mbs. GBP trip 10: 0.3 mbs, 1.2 mbs, 2.0 mbs. PBP trip 11: 0.3 mbs,0.7 mbs,1.5 mbs. GBP trip 11:0.3 mbs, 0.7 mbs, 1.1 mbs. PBP trip 12: 1.6 mbs, 1.35 mbs, 0.8 mbs, 0.3 mbs. GBP trip 12:0.75 mbs, 1.0 mbs, 0.3 mbs.
Process_Date: 20200226
Files were named with a convention that uses a 12-digit alpha-numeric code. The first three characters for this dataset are all 'ERO' for the experiment name; the fourth and fifth positions represent the calendar year in which the first data point in the file was taken (20, 2020); the sixth and seventh characters are an alphabetic code for the embayment (for example, GB refers to Grizzly Bay) the eighth character is 'P', to represent the method of collection used (Profiling). The ninth and tenth characters represent the time index of the profile, starting at 09 for the first profile, and ending at 12 for the last one. The eleventh and twelfth characters are "ls" for the Sequoia Scientific LISST-200X. Data from San Pablo Bay and data from Grizzly Bay are provided in separate zip files.
Process_Date: 20210601