Online Links:
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Range of values | |
Minimum: | CAM13-20220716162903_003-1.tif |
Maximum: | CAM82-20220718160733_010-466.tif |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 24.55120289 |
Maximum: | 24.55405601 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | -81.38620083 |
Maximum: | -81.37682258 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | -22.389 |
Maximum: | -20.945 |
Units: | meters |
Online Links:
Online Links:
Online Links:
Access_Constraints | None |
Use_Constraints | USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain from the U.S. Government and are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize and acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey as the originator of the dataset and in products derived from these data. This information is not intended for navigation purposes. |
Data format: | TIFF images can be opened directly with any TIFF-compatible image viewer. in format TIFF |
Network links: | |
Data format: | ASCII text files can be opened with any text viewer, such as Notepad. in format columnar text |
Network links: | |
Data format: | KMZ files can be opened with software capable of viewing geographic information system (GIS) data, such as the Google Earth web viewer ( in format KMZ |
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