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Range of values | |
Minimum: | 2.22045e-016 |
Maximum: | .705603 |
Hydroids taxa~Depth+I(Depth^2)+ Class+Block+Depth:Block # Depth+ Depth^2+Class+Block+Depth:Block tryCatch(taxa33.glm <- glm(taxa~Depth+I(Depth^2)+ Class+Block+Depth:Block, family=binomial(link="logit"), data=taxa.df), warning = function(x) { output.df[33,"flag"] <<- 1 }, finally = taxa33.glm <- glm(taxa~Depth+I(Depth^2)+ Class+Block+Depth:Block, family=binomial(link="logit"), data=taxa.df) ) summary(taxa33.glm) MODEL SUMMARY: ============== Call: glm(formula = hydroid ~ Depth + I(Depth^2) + factor(Class) + factor(Block) + Depth:factor(Block), family = binomial(link="logit"), data = na.omit(d)) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -2.3139 -0.5898 -0.3904 -0.0679 3.0037 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -8.4997924 1.5209153 -5.589 2.29e-08 *** Depth 0.1327309 0.0282624 4.696 2.65e-06 *** I(Depth^2) -0.0005203 0.0001674 -3.108 0.00188 ** factor(Class)2 3.1719054 0.2897839 10.946 < 2e-16 *** factor(Class)3 3.8009031 0.5451951 6.972 3.13e-12 *** factor(Block)2 1.5962789 1.4989529 1.065 0.28691 factor(Block)3 5.7171958 1.4296933 3.999 6.36e-05 *** Depth:factor(Block)2 -0.0310252 0.0195242 -1.589 0.11205 Depth:factor(Block)3 -0.0515432 0.0197311 -2.612 0.00899 ** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 1016.09 on 922 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 632.84 on 914 degrees of freedom AIC: 650.84 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6 Analysis of Deviance Table Model: binomial, link: logit Response: hydroid Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev NULL 922 1016.09 Depth 1 57.68 921 958.41 I(Depth^2) 1 1.50 920 956.92 factor(Class) 2 223.61 918 733.31 factor(Block) 2 91.52 916 641.78 Depth:factor(Block) 2 8.95 914 632.84 resampled to 10 meters.Krigsman, L.M., M.M. Yoklavich, E.J. Dick, and G.R. Cochrane (2012) Models and maps: predicting the distribution of corals and other benthic macro-invertebrates in shelf habitats. Ecosphere 3:1-16.
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Access_Constraints | None |
Use_Constraints | USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain from the U.S. Government and are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize and acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey and NOAA National Marine Fisheries as the originator(s) of the dataset and in products derived from these data. This information is not intended for navigation purposes. |
Data format: | TIFF (version 9.3.1) Arcinfo grid Size: 884 |
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