
Branch of geology concerned with the study of the formation, composition, ordering in time, and arrangement in space of stratified rocks.

4 results listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Foraminifera biostratigraphy of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

Sedimentary Data from the Coastal Marshes Fringing the Lower Waccasassa River, Northwest Florida

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center extracted sediment and surface samples along transects at three saltmarsh sites situated on the lower end of the Waccasassa River in north-west Florida in order to increase understanding of the region’s environmental history and the ongoing soil chemical processes. To this end, they obtained 17 (ten long and seven short) sediment cores and seven surface samples from saltmarshes along the margins of the river ...

Hydrological Data Concerning Submarine Groundwater Discharge Along the Western Margin of Indian River Lagoon, East-Central Florida-December 2016 and January 2017

Stretching along approximately 200 kilometers (km) of the Atlantic Coast of central Florida, Indian River Lagoon is one of the most biologically diverse estuarine systems in the continental United States. This shallow, brackish lagoon varies in width from about 0.5–9.0 km, with substantial human infrastructure lining both shores. Scientists from the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center used continuous resistivity profiling (CRP), a towed electronic array, to ...

St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center's Geologic Core and Sample Database Metadata

This database contains a comprehensive inventory of geologic (coral, coral reef, limestone, and sediment) cores and samples collected, analyzed, published, and/or archived by, or in collaboration with, the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC). The SPCMSC Geologic Core and Sample Database includes geologic cores and samples collected beginning in the 1970s to present day, from study sites across the world. This database captures metadata about samples ...
