
Study of the planet earth, its composition, structure, physical and chemical processes, and history since its origin.
Geochronology (1 items)
Geomorphology (813 items)
Hydrogeology (9 items)
Marine geology (1325 items)
Mineralogy (1 items)
Sedimentology (29 items)
Stratigraphy (4 items)

Subsurface maps (188 items)

2132 results listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Geology and geomorphology--Hueneme Canyon and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Hueneme Canyon and Vicinity map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Clahan, K.B., Sliter ...

Geology and geomorphology--Monterey Canyon and Vicinity Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of Monterey Canyon and Vicinity, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Dartnell, P., Maier, K.L., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Kvitek, R.G., Sliter, R.W., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Gaviota Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Gaviota map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Hartwell, S.R., Golden, N.E., Kvitek, R.G., and Davenport, C.W. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2018, California State Waters Map Series-Offshore of Gaviota, ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Monterey, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Monterey map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey, M.D., Krigsman, L.M., Sliter, R.W., and Maier, K.L. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds. ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore Pigeon Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from Marine geology and geomorphology were mapped in the Offshore Pigeon Point map area, California, from approximate Mean High Water (MHW) to the 3-nautical-mile limit of California'€™s State Waters. Offshore geologic units were delineated on the basis of ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Fort Ross Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Bodega Head Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E. ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Ventura, California

This part of DS 781 presents geologic data of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I., Sliter, R.W., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of San Francisco Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Francisco map area, California. The polygon shapefile is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Carpinteria, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Sliter, ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Aptos Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore Aptos map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, r.G., Maier, K.L., Endris, C.A., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Sliter, R.W., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Watt, J ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Tomales Point Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris ...

Geology--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Point Conception map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Hartwell, S.R., Golden, N.E., Kvitek, R.G., and Davenport, C.W. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2018, California State Waters Map Series-Offshore ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Pacifica map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Ross ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Bolinas Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, S.L., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore Refugio Beach, California

This part of DS 781 presents the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H.G., Seitz, G ...

Geology and geomorphology--Drakes Bay and Vicinity Bay, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Drakes Bay and Vicinity, California. The polygon shapefile is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore Santa Cruz, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore Santa Cruz map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Dieter, B.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Sliter, R.W., Maier, K ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of San Gregorio Map Area, California

This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey ...

Coastal Marine Geology Program Video and Photograph Portal

Access to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program’s (CMGP) vast collection of unique and valuable seafloor and coastal imagery is made available in the CMGP Video and Photograph Portal. The portal provides a single location for data discovery and viewing. The CMGP and our research partners invest immense resources collecting, processing, and archiving seafloor and oblique coastal video and photographs. Until the publication of the CMGP Video and Photograph Portal in 2015, only ...

Interpretations of the Surficial Geology from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11079 of Great Round Shoal Channel, MA (H11079_SURFGEOL.SHP, Geographic)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment ...

Interpretation of the Surficial Geology in the Pulley Ridge Study Area (PULLEY_INTERP.SHP)

Pulley Ridge is a series of drowned barrier islands that extends almost 200 km in 60-100 m water depths. This drowned ridge is located on the Florida Platform in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico about 250 km west of Cape Sable, Florida. This barrier island chain formed during the initial stage of the Holocene marine transgression. These islands were then submerged and left abandoned near the outer edge of the Florida Platform. The southern portion of Pulley Ridge hosts zooxanthellate scleractinian corals, ...

Interpretation of the surficial geology within the St. Clair River between Michigan and Ontario, Canada, 2008 (ESRI VECTOR SHAPEFILE, SURFICIAL_GEOLOGY)

In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a geophysical and sampling survey of the riverbed of the Upper St. Clair River between Port Huron, MI, and Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. The objectives were to define the Quaternary geologic framework of the St. Clair River to evaluate the relationship between morphologic change of the riverbed and underlying stratigraphy. This report presents the ...

Interpretation of the Surficial Geology of Apalachicola Bay and St. George Sound, Florida (SURFICIALGEOLOGY)

These data were collected under a cooperative mapping program between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Services Center (NOAA\CSC), and the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). The primary objectives of this program were to collect marine geophysical data to develop a suite of seafloor maps to better define the extent of oyster habitats, the overall seafloor geology of the bay and provide updated information for management of ...

Surficial geology interpretive map from the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast based on sidescan-sonar imagery and sediment samples

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan-sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Interpretive Data Layer Showing the Framework Geology of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11250 (H11250G_GEOL, Geographic)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

Upper Florida Keys 2002-2016 Seafloor Elevation Stability Models, Maps, and Tables

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted research to identify areas of seafloor elevation stability and instability based on elevation changes between the years of 2002 and 2016 in the Upper Florida Keys (UFK) from Triumph Reef to Pickles Reef within a 242.4 square-kilometer area. USGS SPCMSC staff used seafloor elevation-change data from Murphy and others (2021) derived from an elevation-change analysis between two elevation datasets acquired in ...

Crocker Reef, Florida, 2016-2017 Seafloor Elevation Stability Models, Maps, and Tables

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted research to identify areas of seafloor elevation stability and instability based on elevation changes between the years of 2016 and 2017 at Crocker Reef near Islamorada, Florida (FL), within a 33.62 square-kilometer area. USGS SPCMSC staff used seafloor elevation-change data from Yates and others (2019) derived from an elevation-change analysis between two elevation datasets acquired in 2016 and 2017 using ...

Looe Key, Florida, 2016-2017 Seafloor Elevation Stability Models, Maps, and Tables

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted research to identify areas of seafloor elevation stability and instability based on elevation changes between the years of 2016 and 2017 at Looe Key coral reef near Big Pine Key, Florida (FL), within a 19.74 square-kilometer area. USGS SPCMSC staff used seafloor elevation-change data from Yates and others (2019) derived from an elevation-change analysis between two elevation datasets acquired in 2016 and ...

Florida Reef Tract 2016-2019 Seafloor Elevation Stability Models, Maps, and Tables

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted research to identify areas of seafloor elevation stability and instability based on elevation changes between the years of 2016 and 2019 along the Florida Reef Tract (FRT) from Miami to Key West within a 939.4 square-kilometer area. USGS SPCMSC staff used seafloor elevation-change data from Fehr and others (2021) derived from an elevation-change analysis between two elevation datasets acquired in 2016/2017 ...

Looe Key, Florida, 2004-2016 Seafloor Elevation Stability Models, Maps, and Tables

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted research to identify areas of seafloor elevation stability and instability based on elevation changes between the years of 2004 and 2016 at Looe Key coral reef near Big Pine Key, Florida (FL), within a 16.37 square-kilometer area. USGS SPCMSC staff used seafloor elevation-change data from Yates and others (2019) derived from an elevation-change analysis between two elevation datasets acquired in 2004 and ...

Upper Florida Keys 1930s-2002 Seafloor Elevation Stability Models, Maps, and Tables

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted research to identify areas of seafloor elevation stability and instability based on elevation changes between the 1930’s and 2002 in the Upper Florida Keys (UFK) from Triumph Reef to Pickles Reef within a 234.2 square-kilometer area. USGS SPCMSC staff used seafloor elevation-change data from Yates and others (2017a) derived from an elevation-change analysis between two elevation datasets acquired in the ...

Florida Reef Tract 1930s-2016 Seafloor Elevation Stability Models, Maps, and Tables

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted research to identify areas of seafloor elevation stability and instability based on elevation changes between the 1930’s and 2016 along the Florida Reef Tract (FRT) from Miami to Key West within a 982.4 square-kilometer area. USGS SPCMSC staff used seafloor elevation-change data from Yates and others (2021) derived from an elevation-change analysis between two elevation datasets acquired in the 1930’s ...

Looe Key, Florida, 1938-2004 Seafloor Elevation Stability Models, Maps, and Tables

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted research to identify areas of seafloor elevation stability and instability based on elevation changes between the years of 1938 and 2004 at Looe Key coral reef near Big Pine Key, Florida (FL), within a 19.06 square-kilometer area. USGS SPCMSC staff used seafloor elevation-change data from Yates and others (2017a) derived from an elevation-change analysis between two elevation datasets acquired in 1938 and ...

Continental Margin Mapping Program (CONMAP) sediments grainsize distribution for the United States East Coast Continental Margin (CONMAPSG)

Sediments off the eastern United States vary markedly in texture - the size, shape, and arrangement of their grains. However, for descriptive purposes, it is typically most useful to classify these sediments according to their grain-size distributions. Starting in 1962, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) began a joint program to study the marine geology of the continental margin off the Atlantic coast of the United States. As part of this program and ...

Crocker Reef, Florida, 2017-2018 Seafloor Elevation Stability Models, Maps, and Tables

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted research to identify areas of seafloor elevation stability and instability based on elevation changes between the years of 2017 and 2018 at Crocker Reef near Islamorada, Florida (FL), within a 6.11 square-kilometer area. USGS SPCMSC staff used seafloor elevation-change data from Yates and others (2019) derived from an elevation-change analysis between two elevation datasets acquired in 2017 and 2018 using ...

Sea floor maps showing topography, sun-illuminated topographic imagery, and backscatter intensity of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region off Boston, Massachusetts

This data set contains the sea floor topographic contours, sun-illuminated topographic imagery, and backscatter intensity generated from a multibeam sonar survey of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts, an area of approximately 1100 square nautical miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environments and habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (July 6, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 15, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (October 5, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 14, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Bulk organic matter and carbonate content of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Grain-size analyses of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) data of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Undrained shear strength of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Visual description sheets of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Water content analyses of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

X-radiographs of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (January 21, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Sedimentologic Data from Point aux Chenes Marsh and Estuary, Mississippi (18CCT09)

Sediment samples, including marsh and estuarine surface samples and marsh push and peat-auger cores, were collected from Point aux Chenes, Mississippi from October 23-26, 2018, and August 4, 2021. Marsh surface samples (top 1 centimeter (cm) of sediment; sample names appended with S), marsh push cores (core names appended with M) and peat-auger cores (core names appended with R) were collected along 50-meter (m), shore perpendicular, transects identified as sites 5, 6, 7, and 9. All samples in the dataset ...

Sedimentologic Data from Point aux Chenes Marsh and Estuary, Mississippi (21CCT02)

Sediment samples, including marsh and estuarine surface samples and marsh push and peat-auger cores, were collected from Point aux Chenes, Mississippi from October 23-26, 2018, and August 4, 2021. Marsh surface samples (top 1 centimeter (cm) of sediment; sample names appended with S), marsh push cores (core names appended with M) and peat-auger cores (core names appended with R) were collected along 50-meter (m), shore perpendicular, transects identified as sites 5, 6, 7, and 9. All samples in the dataset ...

2008-2017 Globigerinoides ruber Sediment Trap Data Collected from the Gulf of Mexico

This data release includes results of a high-resolution (1–2 weeks) and long-term sediment trap time series collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico. This dataset allows for a detailed assessment of the seasonal distribution, size, morphological variability and geochemistry of co-occurring pink and white chromotypes of the shallow-water foraminifera, Globigerinoides ruber. The flux of both chromotypes is highly correlated, and both represent mean annual conditions in the marine surface mixed layer. ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile, Imagery, and Geospatial Data Collected in 2022 Offshore of Breton Island, Louisiana

On August 5, 2022, researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted an offshore geophysical survey to map the shoreface and determine Holocene stratigraphy near Breton Island, Louisiana (LA). The Breton Island Post Construction Monitoring project objective includes the investigation of nearshore geologic controls on surface morphology in addition to mapping the seafloor to evaluate coastal change. This publication (Forde and others, 2023) serves as an archive of high-resolution chirp subbottom ...

2022-328-FA_shots: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Shotpoint Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-328-FA Offshore of Breton Island, Louisiana, August 2022

On August 5, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of Breton Island, Louisiana (LA). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Breton Island Post Construction Monitoring project. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-328-FA chirp subbottom profile 1,000-shot-interval locations.

2022-328-FA_sol: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Start of Line Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-328-FA Offshore of Breton Island, Louisiana, August 2022

On August 5, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of Breton Island, Louisiana (LA). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Breton Island Post Construction Monitoring project. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-328-FA chirp subbottom profile start of trackline locations.

2022-328-FA_trkln: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Trackline Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-328-FA Offshore of Breton Island, Louisiana, August 2022

On August 5, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of Breton Island, Louisiana (LA). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Breton Island Post Construction Monitoring project. This shapefile represents a line dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-328-FA chirp tracklines.

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile, Imagery, and Geospatial Data Collected in June 2022 Near Panama City, Florida

As part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted a nearshore geophysical survey to map back-barrier and lagoonal areas, as well as characterizing stratigraphy near Panama City, Florida (FL) in June 2022. The purpose of this study was to conduct a geologic assessment (including bathymetric mapping) of the environs ...

2022-312-FA_shots: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Shotpoint Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-312-FA Near Panama City, Florida, November 2022

From June 20-30, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport near Panama City, Florida (FL). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-312-FA chirp subbottom profile 1,000-shot-interval locations.

2022-312-FA _sol: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Start of Line Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-312-FA Near Panama City, Florida, June 2022

From June 20-30, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport near Panama City, Florida (FL). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-312-FA chirp subbottom profile start of trackline locations.

2022-312-FA_trkln: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Trackline Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-312-FA Near Panama City, Florida, November 2022

From June 20-30, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport near Panama City, Florida (FL). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects. This shapefile represents a line dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-312-FA chirp tracklines.

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile, Imagery, and Geospatial Data Collected in 2022 from Seven Mile Island, New Jersey

From April 29 through May 2, 2022, researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a nearshore geophysical survey to map the shoreface and inner shelf, as well as characterizing stratigraphy near Seven Mile Island, New Jersey (NJ). The Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux project objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and resolving storm-related impacts, post-storm beach response, and recovery. ...

2022-309-FA_shots: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Shotpoint Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-309-FA Offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, April and May 2022

From April 29 through May 2, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey. Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux project. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-309-FA chirp subbottom profile 1,000-shot-interval locations.

2022-309-FA_sol: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Start of Line Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-309-FA Offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, April and May 2022

From April 29 through May 2, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey. Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux project. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-309-FA chirp subbottom profile start of trackline locations.

2022-309-FA_trkln: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Trackline Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-309-FA Offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, April and May 2022

From April 29 through May 2, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey. Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux project. This shapefile represents a line dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-309-FA chirp tracklines.

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile, Imagery, and Geospatial Data Collected in 2022 from Boca Chica Key, Florida

As part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted a nearshore geophysical survey at the nearshore ledge offshore of Boca Chica Key, Florida (FL) November 8-13, 2022. The objective of the project was to collect bathymetric maps and conduct a geologic assessment of the nearshore ledge off Boca Chica Key in support ...

2022-334-FA_shots: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Shotpoint Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-334-FA Offshore of Boca Chica Key, Florida, November 2022

From November 8-13, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of Boca Chica Key, Florida (FL). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-334-FA chirp subbottom profile 1,000-shot-interval ...

2022-334-FA_sol: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Start of Line Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-334-FA Offshore of Boca Chica Key, Florida, November 2022

From November 8-13, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of Boca Chica Key, Florida (FL). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-334-FA chirp subbottom profile start of trackline ...

2022-334-FA_trkln: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Trackline Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2022-334-FA Offshore of Boca Chica Key, Florida, November 2022

From November 8-13, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of Boca Chica Key, Florida (FL). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects. This shapefile represents a line dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2022-334-FA chirp tracklines.

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (October 17, 2018)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (September 19, 2019)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (August 7, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (October 7, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (December 7, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (February 3, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (April 1, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (May 19, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (July 28, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (September 9, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (October 8, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (February 22, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (June 7, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (January 27, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (July 21, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (September 8, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (September 11, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile, Imagery, and Geospatial Data Collected in May 2023 from Oahu, Hawaii

As part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted a nearshore geophysical survey to map the shoreface and inner shelf, as well as characterizing stratigraphy near Oahu, Hawaii (HI) May 7-13, 2023. The purpose of this study was to conduct a geologic assessment (including bathymetric mapping) near Fort Hase Beach, ...

2023-310-FA_shots: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Shotpoint Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2023-310-FA Offshore of Kailua, Hawaii, May 2023

From May 7-13, 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geologic assessment, including bathymetric mapping, near Kailua, Hawaii in support of efforts to construct an artificial coral reef offshore of Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2023-310-FA chirp subbottom ...

2023-310-FA_sol: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Start of Line Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2023-310-FA Offshore of Kailua, Hawaii, May 2023

From May 7-13, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geologic assessment, including bathymetric mapping, near Kailua, Hawaii in support of efforts to construct an artificial coral reef offshore of Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects. Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced ...

2023-310-FA_trkln: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Trackline Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2023-310-FA Offshore of Kailua, Hawaii, May 2023

From May 7-13, 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geologic assessment, including bathymetric mapping, near Kailua, Hawaii in support of efforts to construct an artificial coral reef offshore of Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH). Geophysical data were collected as part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects. This shapefile represents a line dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2023-310-FA chirp tracklines.

USGS CoastCam at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico: 2018-2019 GNSS Topography Survey Data

This data release presents the post-processed Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ground-survey data acquired during the installation of the Argus camera at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico. The data contains topographic survey data collected during the installation of the camera. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a GNSS antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ). The GNSS measurements were made using Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) corrections ...

GNSS Topography Survey Data Collected from Tres Palmas, Rincón, Puerto Rico

This data release presents the post-processed Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ground-survey data acquired during the installation of a camera system at Tres Palmas, Rincón, Puerto Rico (PR). The data contains topographic survey data collected during the installation of the camera. Data were collected on foot, by a person equipped with a GNSS antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ). The GNSS measurements were made using Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) ...

Ground Penetrating Radar and Global Positioning System Data Collected from Central Florida Gulf Coast Barrier Islands, Florida, February-March 2021

A morphologically diverse and dynamic group of barrier islands along the Central Florida (FL) Gulf Coast (CFGC) form a 75-kilometer-long chain stretching from Anclote Key in the north to Egmont Key in the south. In 2021, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys on barrier islands located along the CFGC, in Pinellas County, FL. This study investigated the past evolution of the CFGC from field ...

USGS CoastCam at Waiakāne, Moloka'i, Hawai'i: 2018 GNSS Topography Survey Data

This data release presents the post-processed global navigation satellite system (GNSS) ground-survey data acquired during the installation of the Argus camera at Waiakāne, Moloka'i, Hawai'i. The data contains topographic survey data collected during the installation of the camera. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a GNSS antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ). The GNSS measurements were made using Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) ...

Digital version of the Cape Cod and the Islands Geologic Map (CAPE_GEOLGEOG shapefile, Geographic, NAD83)

These data represent a digital form of the geologic map of Cape Cod and the islands.

Shapefile of the postimpoundment sediment limits in Lake Mead

Lake Mead is a large interstate reservoir located in the Mojave Desert of southeastern Nevada and northwestern Arizona. It was impounded in 1935 by the construction of Hoover Dam and is one of a series of multi-purpose reservoirs on the Colorado River. The lake extends 183 km from the mouth of the Grand Canyon to Black Canyon, the site of Hoover Dam, and provides water for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and other non-agricultural users in communities across the southwestern United States ...

John Day Reservoir sediment sample locations and analyses - 2002

A two-week field operation was conducted in the John Day Reservoir on the Columbia River to image the floor of the pool, to measure the distribution and thickness of post-impoundment sediment, and to verify these geophysical data with video photography and bottom sediment samples. The field program was a cooperative effort between the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Team of the Geologic Division and the USGS Columbia River Research Laboratory of the Biological Resources Division. The data collection was ...

Interpretation of Sidescan-sonar Imagery in the John Day Reservoir

A two-week field operation was conducted in the John Day Reservoir on the Columbia River to image the floor of the pool, to measure the distribution and thickness of post-impoundment sediment, and to verify these geophysical data with video photography and bottom sediment samples. The field program was a cooperative effort between the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Team of the Geologic Division and the USGS Columbia River Research Laboratory of the Biological Resources Division. The data collection was ...

Surficial sediment samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey within the St. Clair River between Michigan and Ontario, Canada, 2008 (ESRI VECTOR SHAPEFILE, 08016_SAMPLE.SHP)

In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a geophysical and sampling survey of the riverbed of the Upper St. Clair River between Port Huron, MI, and Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. The objectives were to define the Quaternary geologic framework of the St. Clair River to evaluate the relationship between morphologic change of the riverbed and underlying stratigraphy. This report presents the ...

Elevation of the bedrock surface within the St. Clair River between Michigan and Ontario, Canada, 2008 (ESRI GRID, DSUELEV)

In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a geophysical and sampling survey of the riverbed of the Upper St. Clair River between Port Huron, MI, and Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. The objectives were to define the Quaternary geologic framework of the St. Clair River to evaluate the relationship between morphologic change of the riverbed and underlying stratigraphy. This report presents the ...

Geospatial Navigational Data Associated with Chirp Sub-Bottom Profiles Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2023-325-FA in June and August 2023 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

As part of the 2022 Disaster Supplemental project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted a nearshore geophysical survey to map the shoreface and inner shelf, as well as characterize stratigraphy near the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (LA) in June and August 2023. The purpose of this study was to conduct a morphologic and geologic assessment of the impacts of the 2020 and 2021 hurricane seasons within part of the Breton National ...

Archive of Chirp Sub-Bottom Profile, Imagery, and Navigational Data Collected in June and August 2023 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

As part of the 2022 Disaster Supplemental project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted a nearshore geophysical survey to map the shoreface and inner shelf, as well as characterize stratigraphy near the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (LA) in June and August 2023. The purpose of this study was to conduct a morphologic and geologic assessment of the impacts of the 2020 and 2021 hurricane seasons within part of the Breton National ...

Seismic Reflection, EdgeTech SB-424 chirp shot points collected within Lake Powell, UT-AZ during USGS field activity 2017-049-FA (CSV text and Esri point shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

High-resolution geophysical mapping of Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona was conducted between October 8 and November 15, 2017, as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation to provide high-quality data needed to reassess the area-capacity tables for the Lake Powell reservoir. Seismic data collected during this survey can help to define the rates of deposition within the San Juan and Colorado Rivers, which are the ...

Seismic Reflection, EdgeTech SB-424 chirp profile images collected within Lake Powell, UT-AZ during USGS field activity 2017-049-FA (PNG images).

High-resolution geophysical mapping of Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona was conducted between October 8 and November 15, 2017, as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation to provide high-quality data needed to reassess the area-capacity tables for the Lake Powell reservoir. Seismic data collected during this survey can help to define the rates of deposition within the San Juan and Colorado Rivers, which are the ...

Seismic Reflection, EdgeTech SB-424 chirp tracklines collected within Lake Powell, UT-AZ during USGS field activity 2017-049-FA, (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

High-resolution geophysical mapping of Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona was conducted between October 8 and November 15, 2017, as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation to provide high-quality data needed to reassess the area-capacity tables for the Lake Powell reservoir. Seismic data collected during this survey can help to define the rates of deposition within the San Juan and Colorado Rivers, which are the ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected within Lake Powell, UT-AZ during USGS Field Activity 2017-049-FA, using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 12N, WGS 84, 2 meter resolution)

High-resolution geophysical mapping of Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona was conducted between October 8 and November 15, 2017, as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation to provide high-quality data needed to reassess the area-capacity tables for the Lake Powell reservoir. Seismic data collected during this survey can help to define the rates of deposition within the San Juan and Colorado Rivers, which are the ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected within Lake Powell, UT-AZ during USGS Field Activity 2017-049-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 12N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum, 2-m resolution).

High-resolution geophysical mapping of Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona was conducted between October 8 and November 15, 2017, as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation to provide high-quality data needed to reassess the area-capacity tables for the Lake Powell reservoir. Seismic data collected during this survey can help to define the rates of deposition within the San Juan and Colorado Rivers, which are the ...

Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P tracklines, collected within Lake Powell UT-AZ during USGS Field Activity 2017-049-FA (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

High-resolution geophysical mapping of Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona was conducted between October 8 and November 15, 2017, as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation to provide high-quality data needed to reassess the area-capacity tables for the Lake Powell reservoir. Seismic data collected during this survey can help to define the rates of deposition within the San Juan and Colorado Rivers, which are the ...

Seismic reflection-tracklines, shotpoints, and profile images collected in the Belfast Bay, Maine pockmark field using an EdgeTech SB-424 subbottom profiler during USGS field activities 2006-024-FA and 2009-037-FA (Esri polyline, and point shapefiles, WGS 84, and JPEG images)

The U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center in cooperation with the University of Maine mapped approximately 50 square kilometers of the seafloor within Belfast Bay, Maine. Three geophysical surveys conducted in 2006, 2008 and 2009 collected swath bathymetric (2006 and 2008) and chirp seismic reflection profile data (2006 and 2009). The project characterized the spatial, morphological and subsurface variability of the Belfast Bay, Maine pockmark field. Pockmarks are large ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected in the eastern Gulf of Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2016-625-FA using a Reson 7160 multibeam echosounder (10 meter resolution, 8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 8 WGS 84, WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

Marine geophysical mapping of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the eastern Gulf of Alaska was conducted in 2016 as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to understand the morphology and subsurface geology of the entire Queen Charlotte system. The Queen Charlotte fault is the offshore portion of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault: a major structural feature that extends more than 1,200 kilometers from the Fairweather Range of southern ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the eastern Gulf of Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2016-625-FA using a Reson 7160 multibeam echosounder (10 meter resolution, 32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 8 WGS 84, WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

Marine geophysical mapping of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the eastern Gulf of Alaska was conducted in 2016 as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to understand the morphology and subsurface geology of the entire Queen Charlotte system. The Queen Charlotte fault is the offshore portion of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault: a major structural feature that extends more than 1,200 kilometers from the Fairweather Range of southern ...

Trackline navigation collected with a Reson 7160 Multibeam echosounder in the eastern Gulf of Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2016-625-FA (Esri polyline shapefile, UTM 8 WGS 84)

Marine geophysical mapping of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the eastern Gulf of Alaska was conducted in 2016 as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to understand the morphology and subsurface geology of the entire Queen Charlotte system. The Queen Charlotte fault is the offshore portion of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault: a major structural feature that extends more than 1,200 kilometers from the Fairweather Range of southern ...

Multibeam echo sounder, Reson T-20P tracklines collected in Little Egg Inlet and offshore the southern end of Long Beach Island, NJ, during USGS Field Activity 2018-001-FA (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

The natural resiliency of the New Jersey barrier island system, and the efficacy of management efforts to reduce vulnerability, depends on the ability of the system to recover and maintain equilibrium in response to storms and persistent coastal change. This resiliency is largely dependent on the availability of sand in the beach system. In an effort to better understand the system's sand budget and processes in which this system evolves, high-resolution geophysical mapping of the sea floor in Little Egg ...

Seismic Reflection, Boomer shot points collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior, during USGS field activity 2018-043-FA, (CSV text and Esri point shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Seismic Reflection, Boomer profile images collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior,during USGS field activity 2018-043-FA, (PNG Images)

In September 2018, the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in collaboration with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands”, were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present ...

Seismic Reflection, boomer tracklines collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior, during USGS field activity 2018-043-FA, (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Seismic Reflection, EdgeTech SB-424 Chirp shot points collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS field activity 2018-043-FA, (CSV text and Esri point shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

In September 2018, the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in collaboration with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands”, were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present ...

Seismic Reflection, EdgeTech SB-424 Chirp profile images collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior, during USGS field activity 2018-043-FA, (PNG Images)

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Seismic Reflection, EdgeTech SB-424 Chirp tracklines collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS field activity 2018-043-FA, (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2018-043-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, 2-m resolution)

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2018-043-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum, 2-m resolution)

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Multibeam bathymetric trackline data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2018-043-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84).

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Sediment sample locations and analysis collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2018-043-FA (Microsoft Excel file).

In September 2018, the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in collaboration with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands”, were dumped into the laFke in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2021-005-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, 1-m resolution)

In August 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, collected high-resolution geophysical data, sediment samples, and bottom imagery to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2021-005-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum, 1-m resolution)

In August 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, collected high-resolution geophysical data, sediment samples, and bottom imagery to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of ...

Multibeam trackline data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2021-005-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84)

In August 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, collected high-resolution geophysical data, sediment samples, and bottom imagery to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of ...

A bathymetric terrain model of multibeam sonar data collected between 2005 and 2018 along the Queen Charlotte Fault System in the eastern Gulf of Alaska from Cross Sound, Alaska to Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada. (30-meter resolution, 32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 8 WGS 84, WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

This data publication is a compilation of six different multibeam surveys covering the previously unmapped Queen Charlotte Fault offshore southeast Alaska and Haida Gwaii, Canada. These data were collected between 2005 and 2018 under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resources Canada, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The six source surveys from different multibeam sonars are combined into one terrain model with a 30-meter resolution. A complementary ...

Polygon shapefile of data sources used to create a bathymetric terrain model of multibeam sonar data collected between 2005 and 2018 along the Queen Charlotte Fault System in the eastern Gulf of Alaska from Cross Sound, Alaska to Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada. (Esri polygon shapefile, UTM 8 WGS 84)

This data publication is a compilation of six different multibeam surveys covering the previously unmapped Queen Charlotte Fault offshore southeast Alaska and Haida Gwaii, Canada. These data were collected between 2005 and 2018 under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resources Canada, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The six source surveys from different multibeam sonars are combined into one terrain model with a 30-meter resolution. A complementary ...

Geospatial Navigational Data Associated with Chirp Sub-Bottom Profiles Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2014-303-FA in June and July 2014 from Fire Island, New York

During June 15-23 and July 10-12, 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a nearshore geologic assessment, including bathymetric mapping, along Fire Island, New York (NY). This work was conducted in support of efforts to map the shoreface, characterize stratigraphy, and investigate changes in seafloor elevations near Fire Island, NY to assess the impacts of Hurricane Sandy to the area in October 2012. Geophysical data were collected as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project (GS2-2B). The ...

Archive of Chirp Sub-Bottom Profile, Imagery, and Navigational Data Collected in June and July 2014 from Fire Island, New York

During June 15-23 and July 10-12, 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a nearshore geologic assessment, including bathymetric mapping, along Fire Island, New York (NY). This work was conducted in support of efforts to map the shoreface, characterize stratigraphy, and investigate changes in seafloor elevations near Fire Island, NY to assess the impacts of Hurricane Sandy to the area in October 2012. Geophysical data were collected as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project (GS2-2B). The ...

Geospatial Navigational Data Associated with Chirp Sub-Bottom Profiles Collected During USGS Field Activity Numbers 2021-326-FA and 2022-326-FA in 2021 and 2022 from Duck, North Carolina

In June/December 2021 and July 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (USACE-ERDC) conducted repeat, nearshore geologic assessments, including bathymetric mapping, near Duck, North Carolina (NC). This work was performed in support of efforts to map the shoreface, characterize stratigraphy, and investigate changes in seafloor elevations near the USACE Field Research Facility and to measure the co-evolution of the morphology and ...

Archive of Chirp Sub-Bottom Profile, Imagery, and Navigational Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Numbers 2021-326-FA and 2022-326-FA in 2021 and 2022 from Duck, North Carolina

In June/December 2021 and July 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (USACE-ERDC) conducted repeat, nearshore geologic assessments, including bathymetric mapping, near Duck, North Carolina (NC). This work was performed in support of efforts to map the shoreface, characterize stratigraphy, and investigate changes in seafloor elevations near the USACE Field Research Facility and to measure the co-evolution of the morphology and ...

Core descriptions and sedimentologic data from vibracores collected in 2021 from Central Florida Gulf Coast Barrier Islands

In 2021, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) conducted ground penetrating radar (GPR) and sediment sampling surveys on barrier islands located along the central Florida Gulf Coast (CFGC), Pinellas County, Florida (FL). This study investigated the past evolution of the CFGC from field sites at Anclote Keys, Caladesi and Honeymoon Islands, and Fort DeSoto to quantify changes that occurred along these barrier systems prior to the 20th ...

Core descriptions and sedimentologic data from vibracores and sand augers collected in 2021 and 2022 from Fire Island, New York

In 2021 and 2022, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and the USGS New York Water Science Center (NYWSC), on behalf of SPCMSC, conducted sediment sampling and ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys at Point O' Woods and Ho-Hum Beach (NYWSC, 2021) and Watch Hill, Long Cove, and Smith Point (SPCMSC, 2022), Fire Island, New York. These data complement previous SPCMSC GPR and sediment sampling surveys conducted at Fire Island in 2016 ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 9 December 2015 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1132 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Capitola to Pajaro Dunes with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 26 January 2016 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1836 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Ano Nuevo to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 5 February 2016 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3494 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 2 March 2016 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1309 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Santa Cruz to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 8 March 2016 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2753 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 15 September 2016 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1600 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Ano Nuevo to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 26 September 2016 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1569 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ano Nuevo with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 1 December 2016 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3234 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 20 December 2016 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3036 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 25 January 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4521 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Cape San Martin with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 22 February 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4808 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Lucia with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 8 March 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5642 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 5 April 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5044 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Cape San Martin with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 8 May 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1975 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Pedro Point to Sunset Beach with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 12 May 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 628 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from SeaCliff Beach to Fort Ord with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 17 May 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3045 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 19 May 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3164 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 27 May 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 642 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 31 May 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 410 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 13 June 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 757 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 26 June 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5069 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 18 December 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2948 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 21 December 2017 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2072 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 29 January 2018 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5365 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 7 March 2018 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5355 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 28 May 2018 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3550 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 5 June 2018 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1533 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded by the ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 10 September 2018 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5846 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 23 February 2019 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4734 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 4 March 2019 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2541 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Ano Nuevo to Monterey (x2) with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 11 March 2019 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1967 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 10 June 2019 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5042 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 15 October 2019 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3777 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 31 October 2019 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1911 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 29 November 2019 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1782 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Ano Nuevo to Davenport with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 30 November 2019 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1444 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Davenport to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 20 January 2020 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3072 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 25 January 2020 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1880 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 9 March 2020 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1979 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Ano Nuevo to Monterey (x2) with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 19 March 2020 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4835 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 19 April 2020 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2889 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 5 July 2020 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1890 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 30 September 2020 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3862 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 15 October 2020 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1982 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Natural Bridges to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 10 January 2021 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1896 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 11 January 2021 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3796 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey (x2) with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 29 January 2021 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4919 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 3 March 2021 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2049 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Natural Bridges to Monterey (x2) with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 26 March 2021 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5626 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 8 September 2021 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2678 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from PigeonPt to Monterey (x2) with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 18 December 2021 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4722 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 20 January 2022 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2066 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Natural Bridges to Monterey (x2) with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 4 February 2022 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2269 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 12 March 2022 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2098 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Natural Bridges to Monterey (x2) with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 9 June 2022 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4595 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Big Sur with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 12-13 September 2022 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3661 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Natural Bridges to Monterey (x2) with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 1 January 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2076 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Lobos to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 5 January 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2105 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Natural Bridges to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 16 January 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2763 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 23 January 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5039 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 1 February 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2943 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 8 February 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1939 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 2 March 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1839 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 3 March 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2758 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 13 March 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2195 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 16 March 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2915 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 17 March 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2077 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 6 April 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2374 vertical aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Half Moon Bay to Santa Cruz with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 8 June 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2123 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 10 October 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3929 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 11 October 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4930 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 26 October 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2869 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 23 December 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4772 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 29 December 2023 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1821 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Ano Nuevo to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 1 January 2024 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2876 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 12 January 2024 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 1965 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Lobos to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 9 February 2024 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4787 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 23 February 2024 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2323 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Monterey to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 24 February 2024 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 3059 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 7 March 2024 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2161 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Natural Bridges to Monterey with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 6 April 2024 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2286 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Lobos to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 17 June 2024 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5140 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 18 August 2024 coastal survey of Central California.

This is a set of 2003 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Lobos to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 6 January 2023 coastal-landslides survey of Central California.

This is a set of 8762 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 12 January 2023 coastal-landslides survey of Central California.

This is a set of 11207 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco to Ragged Point with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 4-5 November 2020 CZU-fire survey of Central California.

This is a set of 11776 near-nadir aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from CZU fire with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded by the ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 26 January 2017 landslides survey of Central California.

This is a set of 4889 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco Bay area with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 23 February 2017 landslides survey of Central California.

This is a set of 5954 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from San Francisco Bay area with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 29 March 2018 coastal survey of Central and southern California.

This is a set of 1160 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Mud Creek Slide to Santa Barbara Channel with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 13 October 2018 coastal survey of Northern California to Washington.

This is a set of 11805 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from OR-WA border to Mussel Rock CA with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 19 April 2024 coastal survey of Northern California to Washington.

This is a set of 14032 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Hoh Head to Cape Mendocino with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 25 September 2016 coastal survey of Oregon and Washington.

This is a set of 1712 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Cape Falcon to Cascade Head with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 28 September 2017 coastal survey of Oregon and Washington.

This is a set of 2060 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from OR-WA border to Nestucca River OR with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 3 August 2020 coastal survey of Oregon and Washington.

This is a set of 2324 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Taholah WA to Seaside OR with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 3 September 2020 coastal survey of Oregon and Washington.

This is a set of 2158 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from NW WA to Seaside OR with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 29 August 2022 coastal survey of Oregon and Washington.

This is a set of 2413 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Taholah WA to Seaside OR with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 1 June 2023 coastal survey of Oregon and Washington.

This is a set of 10139 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Salish Sea WA to Seaside OR with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

PCMSC PlaneCam – Field data from periodic and event-response surveys of the U.S. West Coast.

This is an ongoing collection of aerial oblique and near-nadir images, ancillary data, and derivatives, from aerial surveys of coastal and near-coastal environments with a crewed light aircraft using the "PCMSC PlaneCam," a mounted fixed-lens DSLR camera with an attached consumer-grade GPS for time-keeping and approximate position, and a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for precise positioning. Data are collected and produced primarily for coastal monitoring using structure-from-motion ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 28 September 2016 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2671 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from ptConception to Ventura with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 1 March 2017 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2979 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Conception to Ventura with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 27 December 2017 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2392 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Conception to Santa Barbara with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 13 September 2018 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2062 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Santa Barbara Channel with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 6 May 2020 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2167 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Santa Barbara Channel with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 18 September 2020 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 1968 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Santa Barbara Channel with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 2 March 2022 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2212 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Santa Barbara Channel with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 28 September 2022 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2032 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Conception to Point Mugu with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 2 October 2022 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 1108 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Santa Rosa Island with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded by ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 8 March 2023 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2006 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Conception to Point Mugu with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 12 October 2023 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2013 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Conception to Port Hueneme with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 5 January 2024 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2061 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Conception to Point Mugu with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 12 February 2024 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2032 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Conception to Point Mugu with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 23 February 2024 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2371 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Conception to Point Mugu with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 18 March 2024 coastal survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 2076 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Point Conception to Point Mugu with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 23 January 2018 Thomas-fire survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 4838 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Montecito with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded by the ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 19 April 2023 thomas-fire survey of Southern California.

This is a set of 3086 vertical aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Montecito with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded by the ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 4 August 2020 coastal survey of Washington.

This is a set of 645 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Elwha river mouth to Ediz Hook CG with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 28 August 2022 coastal survey of Washington.

This is a set of 4116 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Salish Sea with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded by the ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 29 August 2022 coastal survey of Washington.

This is a set of 4281 oblique and near nadir aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Elwha river mouth to Ediz Hook CG with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 6 July 2024 coastal survey of Washington.

This is a set of 7809 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Salish Sea with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded by the ...

Unprocessed aerial imagery from 31 August 2024 coastal survey of Washington.

This is a set of 6976 oblique aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Juan de Fuca Strait to Grays Harbor with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial ...

10BIM03_Terrestrial_core_locations: Cat Island Terrestrial Core Locations from field activity 10BIM03

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical and sedimentological surveys around Cat Island, the westernmost island in the Mississippi-Alabama barrier island chain. The objectives of the study were to understand the geologic evolution of Cat Island relative to other barrier islands in the northern Gulf of Mexico and to identify relationships between the ...

10BIM03_Terrestrial_Vibracore_Table: Cat Island Terrestrial Core Locations from field activity 10BIM03

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical and sedimentological surveys around Cat Island, the westernmost island in the Mississippi-Alabama barrier island chain. The objectives of the study were to understand the geologic evolution of Cat Island relative to other barrier islands in the northern Gulf of Mexico and to identify relationships between the ...

GIS data: Sediment Sample Locations Collected in March 2012 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 12BIM01)

As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected sediment samples from the northern Chandeleur Islands in March and September 2012. The overall objective of this project, which integrates geophysical (bathymetric, seismic, and topographic) and sedimentologic data, is to better understand the depositional and erosional processes that drive the morphologic evolution of barrier ...

Tabular data: Sediment Sample Locations Collected in March 2012 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 12BIM01)

As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected sediment samples from the northern Chandeleur Islands in March and September 2012. The overall objective of this project, which integrates geophysical (bathymetric, seismic, and topographic) and sedimentologic data, is to better understand the depositional and erosional processes that drive the morphologic evolution of barrier ...

GIS data: Sediment Sample Locations Collected in September 2012 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 12LGC02)

As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected sediment samples from the northern Chandeleur Islands in March and September 2012. The overall objective of this project, which integrates geophysical (bathymetric, seismic, and topographic) and sedimentologic data, is to better understand the depositional and erosional processes that drive the morphologic evolution of barrier ...

Tabular data: Sediment Sample Locations Collected in September 2012 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 12LGC02)

As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected sediment samples from the northern Chandeleur Islands in March and September 2012. The overall objective of this project, which integrates geophysical (bathymetric, seismic, and topographic) and sedimentologic data, is to better understand the depositional and erosional processes that drive the morphologic evolution of barrier ...

GIS data: Sediment Sample Locations Collected in July 2013 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 13BIM05)

As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected sediment samples from the northern Chandeleur Islands in July 2013. The overall objective of this project, which integrates geophysical (bathymetric, seismic, and topographic) and sedimentologic data, is to understand better the depositional and erosional processes that drive the morphologic evolution of barrier islands over ...

Tabular data: Sediment Sample Locations Collected in July 2013 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 13BIM05)

As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected sediment samples from the northern Chandeleur Islands in July 2013. The overall objective of this project, which integrates geophysical (bathymetric, seismic, and topographic) and sedimentologic data, is to better understand the depositional and erosional processes that drive the morphologic evolution of barrier islands over ...

14CCT01_metadata: Sedimentary Data From Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi, 2014-2016

This data release is an archive of sedimentary field and laboratory analytical data collected in Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi from 2014-2016 by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC). This work, a component of the SPCMSC’s Sea-level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines (SSIEES) project, provides the necessary data to quantify sedimentation rates and sediment sources for the marsh and estuary. The SSIEES project ...

15CCT02_metadata: Sedimentary Data From Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi, 2014-2016

This data release is an archive of sedimentary field and laboratory analytical data collected in Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi from 2014-2016 by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC). This work, a component of the SPCMSC’s Sea-level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines (SSIEES) project, provides the necessary data to quantify sedimentation rates and sediment sources for the marsh and estuary. The SSIEES project ...

16CCT03_metadata: Sedimentary Data From Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi, 2014-2016

This data release is an archive of sedimentary field and laboratory analytical data collected in Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi from 2014-2016 by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC). This work, a component of the SPCMSC’s Sea-level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines (SSIEES) project, provides the necessary data to quantify sedimentation rates and sediment sources for the marsh and estuary. The SSIEES project ...

16CCT04_metadata: Sedimentary Data From Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi, 2014-2016

This data release is an archive of sedimentary field and laboratory analytical data collected in Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi from 2014-2016 by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC). This work, a component of the SPCMSC’s Sea-level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines (SSIEES) project, provides the necessary data to quantify sedimentation rates and sediment sources for the marsh and estuary. The SSIEES project ...

Grain_Size-met: Archive of sediment physical properties and grain-size data for sediment samples collected offshore of Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia

This data release serves as an archive of sediment physical properties and grain-size data for surficial samples collected offshore of Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, for comparison with surficial estuarine and subaerial sedimentological samples collected and assessed following Hurricane Sandy (Ellis and others, 2015 (; Smith and others, 2015 (; Bernier and others, 2016 ( The sediment samples ...

MS_AL_Benthic_Foram_CENSUS_metadata: Benthic foraminiferal data from the eastern Mississippi Sound salt marshes and estuaries

Microfossil (benthic foraminifera) and coordinate/elevation data were obtained from sediments collected in the coastal zones of Mississippi and Alabama, including marsh and estuarine environments of eastern Mississippi Sound and Mobile Bay, in order to develop a census for coastal environments and to aid in paleoenvironmental reconstruction. These data provide a baseline dataset for use in future wetland and estuarine change studies and assessments, both descriptive and predictive types. The data presented ...

MS_AL_Cores_Foram_CENSUS_metadata: Benthic foraminiferal data from sedimentary cores collected in the Grand Bay (Mississippi) and Dauphin Island (Alabama) salt marshes

Microfossil (benthic foraminifera) data from coastal areas were collected from state and federally managed lands within the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Grand Bay, Mississippi/Alabama; federally managed lands of Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge on Cedar Island and Little Dauphin Island, Alabama; and municipally managed land around Dauphin Island, Alabama. Samples were analyzed and quantified for foraminiferal census in order to document changes to ...

MS_AL_Cores_XYZ_metadata: Benthic foraminiferal data from sedimentary cores collected in the Grand Bay (Mississippi) and Dauphin Island (Alabama) salt marshes

Microfossil (benthic foraminifera) data from coastal areas were collected from state and federally managed lands within the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Grand Bay, Mississippi/Alabama; federally managed lands of Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge on Cedar Island and Little Dauphin Island, Alabama; and municipally managed land around Dauphin Island, Alabama. Samples were analyzed and quantified for foraminiferal census in order to document changes to ...

MS_AL_XYZ_metadata: Benthic foraminiferal data from the eastern Mississippi Sound salt marshes and estuaries

Microfossil (benthic foraminifera) and coordinate/elevation data were obtained from sediments collected in the coastal zones of Mississippi and Alabama, including marsh and estuarine environments of eastern Mississippi Sound and Mobile Bay, in order to develop a census for coastal environments and to aid in paleoenvironmental reconstruction. These data provide a baseline dataset for use in future wetland and estuarine change studies and assessments, both descriptive and predictive types. The data presented ...

Sediment_PhysicalProperties-met: Archive of sediment physical properties and grain-size data for sediment samples collected offshore of Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia

This data release serves as an archive of sediment physical properties and grain-size data for surficial samples collected offshore of Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, for comparison with surficial estuarine and subaerial sedimentological samples collected and assessed following Hurricane Sandy (Ellis and others, 2015 (; Smith and others, 2015 (; Bernier and others, 2016 ( The sediment samples ...

Site_Information-met: Archive of sediment physical properties and grain-size data for sediment samples collected offshore of Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia

This data release serves as an archive of sediment physical properties and grain-size data for surficial samples collected offshore of Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, for comparison with surficial estuarine and subaerial sedimentological samples collected and assessed following Hurricane Sandy (Ellis and others, 2015 (; Smith and others, 2015 (; Bernier and others, 2016 ( The sediment samples ...

Detailed grain-size data of estuarine, barrier island, and shoreface environments around Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA

In 2015, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) conducted sediment sampling surveys on and around the barrier islands of Dauphin Island and Little Dauphin Island, Mobile County, Alabama (AL) under USGS Field Activity Number (FAN) 2015-322-FA (sub-FAN 15BIM09). The study investigated surficial sediment surrounding Dauphin Island and surrounding environments to inform sediment transport model scenarios of coastal change. This data release ...

Sedimentologic Data from Vibracores Collected in 2023 from St. Andrew Bay, Florida

In April 2023, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected 11 sediment vibracores within East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, Florida (FL). Sediment vibracore and lithology data in this data release provide assessments on the composition and age of sediments below the seafloor.

Peat Thickness Measurements from Grand Bay, Mississippi and Alabama

Location and elevation data were collected along with peat auger cores during six U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) field activities from 2013-2018 in and around Grand Bay, Mississippi (MS) and Alabama (AL) and used in models described by Smith and others (2024). Peat auger cores were described, photographed, and the thickness of the peat unit was measured with a measuring tape. Following collection, the distance from the core location to various geomorphic boundaries (e.g., upland, marsh shoreline, water edge, ...

Precision Airborne Camera (PAC) System - Field data from periodic and event-response surveys of the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Remote Sensing Coastal Change (RSCC) project collects aerial imagery along coastal swaths with optimized endlap/sidelap and precise position information to create high-resolution orthomosaics, three-dimensional (3D) point clouds, and digital elevation/surface models (DEMs/DSMs) using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry methods. These products are valuable for measuring topographic and landscape change, and for understanding coastal vulnerability and response to ...

SfM Quantitative Underwater Imaging Device with 5 cameras (SQUID-5) – Field data from periodic surveys of the Florida Keys and other select shallow water environments

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Remote Sensing Coastal Change (RSCC) and Processes Impacting Seafloor Change and Ecosystem Services (PISCES) projects collect underwater imagery of coral reefs and other scientifically interesting, submerged environments using the novel SfM (Structure-from-Motion) Quantitative Underwater Imaging Device with 5 cameras (SQUID-5) system. This sensor collects imagery with optimized endlap/sidelap and precise position information to create high-resolution orthomosaics, three ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 17, 2018, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On July 17, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 07, 2018, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On August 07, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 22, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On May 22, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 23, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On May 23, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 27, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On June 27, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 28, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On June 28, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 25, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On July 25, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 26, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On July 26, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 20, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On May 20, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 21, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On May 21, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 24, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On June 24, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 25, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On June 25, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 15, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On July 15, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 16, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On July 16, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 05, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On August 05, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 06, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On August 06, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 26, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On May 26, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 27, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On May 27, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 16, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On June 16, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 17, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On June 17, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 21, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On July 21, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 22, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On July 22, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 20, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 20, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 21, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 21, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 25, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 25, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 26, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 26, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 23, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 23, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 24, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 24, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 27, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On August 27, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 28, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On August 28, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 16, 2020, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 16, 2020, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 17, 2020, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 17, 2020, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 18, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 18, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 19, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 19, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 22, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 22, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 23, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 23, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 13, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 13, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 14, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 14, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 03, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On August 03, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 04, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On August 04, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 24, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 24, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 25, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 25, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 14, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 14, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 15, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 15, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 19, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 19, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 20, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 20, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 09, 2018, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 09, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 13, 2018, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 13, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 18, 2018, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 18, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 08, 2018, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 08, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 30, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 30, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 31, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 31, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 18, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 18, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 19, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 19, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 16, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 16, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 17, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 17, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 20, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 20, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 21, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 21, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 10, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On September 10, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 11, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On September 11, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 25, 2020, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 25, 2020, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 26, 2020, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 26, 2020, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 25, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 25, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 26, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 26, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 15, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 15, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 16, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 16, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 20, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 20, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 21, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 21, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 10, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 10, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 11, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 11, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 08, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On September 08, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 09, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On September 09, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 19, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On May 19, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 20, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On May 20, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 22, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On June 22, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 23, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On June 23, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 24, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On June 24, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 12, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On July 12, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 13, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On July 13, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 02, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On August 02, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 03, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On August 03, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 01, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On September 01, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 08, 2018, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On May 08, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 12, 2018, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On June 12, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Multibeam acoustic-backscatter data collected in 2016 for Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park, Washington

In February 2016 the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in cooperation with North Carolina State University and the National Park Service collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Lake Crescent located in Olympic National Park, Washington. Data were collected using a Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder pole-mounted to the 36-foot USGS R/V Parke Snavely. These metadata describe the multibeam acoustic-backscatter data file that is included in "LakeCrescent ...

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2016 for Lake Crescent in Olympic National Park, Washington

In February 2016 the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in cooperation with North Carolina State University and the National Park Service collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic-backscatter data in Lake Crescent located in Olympic National Park, Washington. Data were collected using a Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder pole-mounted to the 36-foot USGS R/V Parke Snavely. These metadata describe the multibeam bathymetry raster data file that is included in "LakeCrescent_bathy ...

Multibeam acoustic-backscatter data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California

This part of the data release includes 10-m resolution multibeam acoustic-backscatter data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California. The data are presented as a TIFF file. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data were collected ...

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California

This part of the data release includes 10-m resolution multibeam-bathymetry data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California. The data are presented as a TIFF image. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data were collected using a ...

Merged multibeam bathymetry--Catalina Basin and northern Gulf of Santa Catalina, southern California

This part of the data release includes 10-m resolution merged multibeam-bathymetry data of Catalina Basin and northern Gulf of Santa Catalina. The data are presented as a TIFF file. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data were collected using ...

Merged multibeam bathymetry - northern portion of the Southern California Continental Borderland

This part of the data release includes 25-m resolution merged multibeam-bathymetry data of the northern portion of the Southern California Continental Borderland. The data are presented as a TIFF file. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data ...

High-resolution bathymetry data collected in 2004 in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) 2004 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the USGS, PCMSC collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan-sonar system mounded to the USGS R/V Parke Snavely and the USGS R/V Karluk. ...

High-resolution bathymetry data collected in 2005 in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) 2005 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar ...

High-resolution bathymetry data collected in 2007 in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) 2007 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar ...

High-resolution bathymetry data collected in 2010 in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) 2010 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar ...

Merged acoustic-backscactter imagery collected in 2005, 2007, and 2010, Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) merged acoustic-backscatter imagery that was collected in 2005, 2007, and 2010 in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 5-m resolution TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar system ...

Merged 2005, 2007, and 2010 high-resolution bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) merged bathymetry digital terrain model comprised of the 2005, 2007, and 2010 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in ...

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of selected areas on the island of Hawai'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains image mosaics generated using digitized 1:24K natural color photographs collected in June 2000 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). These four image mosaics have 1.0 meter-per-pixel resolution, and intermittently cover approximately 53 km (33 mi) of shallow, coastal waters along the west, Kona coast, of the island of Hawai'i, including (from north to south) the Kawaihae, Waikoloa, Kukio, and Kailua-Kona areas. ...

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of selected areas on the island of Maui generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains an image mosaic generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS) of the Napili-Honokowai area along the northwest coast of Maui. The area is downloadable as a zip file ( and includes a high-resolution (1.0 meter per pixel) digital image mosaic, as well as a lower-resolution 'browse' image and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of selected areas on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains digital image mosaics along the south coast of Moloka'i. Digital mosaics at 1-foot (0.3048-meter) resolution, including the areas of Pala'au, Umipa'a, Kaunakakai, Kamiloloa, Kawela, Kamalo, and Kalaeloa, were generated from 1:10K aerial photography, and are presented in one zip file ( that also contains lower-resolution 'browse' graphics of each image-mosaic area, as well as associated metadata. Digital mosaics at 1-meter resolution, including the ...

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of selected areas on the island of O'ahu generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains digital image mosaics along the southeast coast of O'ahu. Digital mosaics at 1-foot (0.3048-meter) resolution, including the areas of Waikiki, Diamond Head, Wai'alae, Maunalua Bay, and Portlock, were generated from 1:10K aerial photography and are presented in one zip file ( that also contains lower-resolution 'browse' graphics of each image mosaic area, as well as associated metadata. All of the digital image areas (from Waikiki to Portlock) were ...

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Diamond Head on the island of O'ahu generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel (0.3048 meter-per-pixel) resolution of the Diamond Head area on the southeast coast of O'ahu. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Haleolono Point on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1 meter-per-pixel resolution of the Haleolono Point area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of Kailua-Kona on the Island of Hawai'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains an image mosaic with 1.0 meter-per-pixel resolution of the Kailua-Kona area on the west 'Kona' coast of the island of Hawai'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:24K natural color photographs collected in June 2000 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Two versions of the image mosaic are available--one with and one without a lidar bathymetry shaded-relief image digitally combined with the aerial ...

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of Kalaeloa on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel resolution of the Kalaeloa area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected in January 2000 by Air Survey Hawai'i, Inc. for the U.S. Geological Survey. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Kamalo on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel resolution of the Kamalo area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected in January 2000 by Air Survey Hawai'i, Inc. for the U.S. Geological Survey. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Kamalo on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1 meter-per-pixel resolution of the Kamalo area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Kamiloloa on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel resolution of the Kamiloloa area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected in January 2000 by Air Survey Hawai'i, Inc. for the U.S. Geological Survey. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Kamiloloa on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1 meter-per-pixel resolution of the Kamiloloa area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Kaunakakai on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel resolution of the Kaunakakai area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected in January 2000 by Air Survey Hawai'i, Inc. for the U.S. Geological Survey. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Kaunakakai on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1 meter-per-pixel resolution of the Kaunakakai area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of Kawaihae on the Island of Hawai'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains an image mosaic of the Kawaihae area on the west 'Kona' coast of the island of Hawai'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:24K natural color photographs collected in June 2000 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Two versions of the image mosaic are available--one with and one without a lidar bathymetry shaded-relief image digitally combined with the aerial photography mosaic results. The shaded ...

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Kawela on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel resolution of the Kawela area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected in January 2000 by Air Survey Hawai'i, Inc. for the U.S. Geological Survey. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Kawela on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1 meter-per-pixel resolution of the Kawela area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of Kukio on the Island of Hawai'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains an image mosaic of the Kukio area on the west 'Kona' coast of the island of Hawai'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:24K natural color photographs collected in June 2000 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Two versions of the image mosaic are available--one with and one without a lidar bathymetry shaded-relief image digitally combined with the aerial photography mosaic results. The shaded ...

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of La'au Point on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1 meter-per-pixel resolution of the La'au Point area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Maunalua Bay on the island of O'ahu generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel (0.3048 meter-per-pixel) resolution of the Maunalua Bay area on the southeast coast of O'ahu. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of the Napili-Honokowai area on the northwest coast of Maui generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains an image mosaic of the Napili-Honokowai area on the northwest coast of Maui. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). The image mosaic has been geometrically corrected using lidar data. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' image, and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Pala'au on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel resolution of the Pala'au area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected in January 2000 by Air Survey Hawai'i, Inc. for the U.S. Geological Survey. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Pala'au on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1 meter-per-pixel resolution of the Pala'au area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Portlock on the island of O'ahu generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel (0.3048 meter-per-pixel) resolution of the Portlock area on the southeast coast of O'ahu. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Puko'o on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1 meter-per-pixel resolution of the Puko'o area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic and associated metadata.

Digital shaded-relief image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of southcentral Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a shaded-relief image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters along southcentral Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS) and scanned in at 1-meter resolution. Several of the 1-meter-resolution images have been merged together and combined with lidar bathymetry data to create a large shaded-relief ...

Digital shaded-relief image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters southeast Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a shaded-relief image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters along southeast Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS) and scanned in at 1-meter resolution. Several of the 1-meter-resolution images have been merged together and combined with lidar bathymetry data to create a large shaded-relief image. ...

Digital shaded-relief image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters southwest Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a shaded-relief image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters along southwest Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS) and scanned in at 1-meter resolution. Several of the 1-meter-resolution images have been merged together and combined with lidar bathymetry data to create a large shaded-relief image. ...

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Umipa'a on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel resolution of the Umipa'a area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected in January 2000 by Air Survey Hawai'i, Inc. for the U.S. Geological Survey. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Waiakane on the island of Moloka'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1 meter-per-pixel resolution of the Waiakane area on the south coast of Moloka'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters of Wai'alae on the island of O'ahu generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel (0.3048 meter-per-pixel) resolution of the Wai'alae area on the southeast coast of O'ahu. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of Waikiki on the island of O'ahu generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic with 1.0 foot-per-pixel (0.3048 meter-per-pixel) resolution of the Waikiki area on the southeast coast of O'ahu. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:10K natural color photographs collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service. Also available is a lower-resolution 'browse' graphic of the image mosaic area and associated metadata.

Digital image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters from Waikiki to Portlock on the island of O'ahu generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic from Waikiki to Portlock along the southeast coast of O'ahu. Digital mosaics at 1-foot (0.3048-meter) resolution, including the areas of Waikiki, Diamond Head, Wai'alae, Maunalua Bay, and Portlock, were generated from 1:10K aerial photography. These five image mosaics were then combined into one larger mosaic and resampled to 1-meter resolution.

Shaded-relief image mosaic of the nearshore coastal waters from Waikiki to Portlock on the island of O'ahu generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains a digital image mosaic from Waikiki to Portlock along the southeast coast of O'ahu. Digital mosaics at 1-foot (0.3048-meter) resolution, including the areas of Waikiki, Diamond Head, Wai'alae, Maunalua Bay, and Portlock, were generated from 1:10K aerial photography. These five image mosaics were then combined into one larger mosaic, resampled to 1-meter resolution, and merged with lidar bathymetry data to produce the shaded-relief image.

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of Waikoloa on the Island of Hawai'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains an image mosaic of the Waikoloa area on the west 'Kona' coast of the island of Hawai'i. This image mosaic was generated using digitized 1:24K natural color photographs collected in June 2000 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). Two versions of the image mosaic are available--one with and one without a lidar bathymetry shaded-relief image digitally combined with the aerial photography mosaic results. The shaded ...

PAC_CLC: Calculated seabed data for the continental margin of the U.S. Pacific Coast (California, Oregon, Washington) from usSEABED (pac_clc.txt)

This data layer (PAC_CLC.txt) is one of five point coverages of known sediment samples, inspections, and probes from the usSEABED data collection for the U.S Pacific continental margin integrated using the software system dbSEABED. This data layer represents the calculated (CLC) output of the dbSEABED mining software. Data in this file extend variables determined through the data extraction (EXT) and data parsing (PRS) processes of dbSEABED, calculated using empirical relations or known functions. The CLC ...

Seabed component and feature data for the continental margin of the U.S. Pacific Coast (California, Oregon, Washington) from usSEABED (pac_cmp.txt)

This data layer (PAC_CMP.txt) is one of five point coverages of known sediment samples, inspections, and probes from the usSEABED data collection for the U.S. Pacific continental margin integrated using the software system dbSEABED. This data file gives numeric data about selected components (for example, minerals, rock type, microfossils, and benthic biota) and sea floor features (for example, bioturbation, structure, and ripples) at a given site. Values in the attribute fields represent the membership to ...

PAC_FAC: Seabed facies data (combined components) for the continental margin of the U.S. Pacific Coast (California, Oregon, Washington) from usSEABED (pac_fac.txt)

The facies data layer (PAC_FAC.txt) is one of five point coverages of known sediment samples, inspections, and probes from the usSEABED data collection for the U.S. Pacific margin, integrated using the software system dbSEABED. The facies data layer (PAC_FAC.txt) represents concatenated information about components (minerals and rock type), genesis (igneous, metamorphic, carbonate, terrigenous), and other appropriate groupings of information about the sea floor. These data are parsed from written ...

PAC_PRS - Parsed seabed data for the continental margin of the U.S. Pacific Coast (California, Oregon, Washington) from usSEABED (pac_prs.txt)

This data layer (PAC_PRS.txt) is one of five point coverages of known sediment samples, inspections, and probes from the usSEABED data collection for the U.S. Pacific continental margin integrated using the dbSEABED software system. This data layer represents the parsed (PRS) output of the dbSEABED mining software. It contains the numeric results parsed from text-based descriptions held in the data resource files (DRF). Because it relies on descriptions, the PRS data are less precise than the extracted data ...

BackscatterA [8101]--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Pigeon Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, ...

BackscatterB [7125]--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Pigeon Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, ...

BackscatterC [SWATH]--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Pigeon Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of Offshore Pigeon Point, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W ...

Bathymetry--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore Pigeon Point, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W., Finlayson, D.P ...

BackscatterA [8101]--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. The raster data files are included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., ...

BackscatterB [7125]--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. The raster data files are included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., ...

BackscatterC [SWATH]--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. The raster data files are included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of Offshore Scott Creek, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore Scott Creek, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W., Finlayson, D.P., ...

Contours--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore Scott Creek map area, California. The vector data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., ...

BackscatterA [SWATH]--Offshore Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Aptos map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as two separate grids depending on mapping system and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., ...

BackscatterB [EM300]--Offshore Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Aptos map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as two separate grids depending on mapping system and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., ...

Seafloor character, 2 m resolution--Offshore of Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map Offshore of Aptos, California. Seafloor-character data are provided as two separate grids depending on resolution of the mapping system and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., ...

Seafloor character, 5 m resolution--Offshore of Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map Offshore of Aptos, California. Seafloor-character data are provided as two separate grids depending on resolution of the mapping system and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., ...

Backscatter [SWATH]--Offshore Santa Cruz, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Santa Cruz map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as a raster file included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Dieter, B.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Davenport, ...

Habitat--Monterey Canyon and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Monterey Canyon and Vicinity map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Dartnell, P., Maier, K.L., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Kvitek, R.G., Sliter, R.W., Greene, H.G., Davenport, C.W., ...

hawaii_geo - Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Hawaii, Hawaii

Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Hawaii, Hawaii

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of selected areas on the island of Hawai'i generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains image mosaics generated using digitized 1:24K natural color photographs collected in June 2000 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS). These four image mosaics have 1.0 meter-per-pixel resolution, and intermittently cover approximately 53 km (33 mi) of shallow, coastal waters along the west, Kona coast, of the island of Hawai'i, including (from north to south) the Kawaihae, Waikoloa, Kukio, and Kailua-Kona areas. ...

kauai_geo - Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Kauai, Hawaii

Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Kauai, Hawaii

lanai_geo - Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Lanai, Hawaii

Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Lanai, Hawaii

maui_geo - Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Maui, Hawaii

Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Maui, Hawaii

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of selected areas on the island of Maui generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains an image mosaic generated using digitized 1:35K natural color photographs collected in September 1993 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS) of the Napili-Honokowai area along the northwest coast of Maui. The area is downloadable as a zip file ( and includes a high-resolution (1.0 meter per pixel) digital image mosaic, as well as a lower-resolution 'browse' image and associated metadata.

molo_geo - Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Molokai, Hawaii

Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Molokai, Hawaii

oahu_geo - Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Oahu, Hawaii

Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Oahu, Hawaii

Digital image mosaics of the nearshore coastal waters of selected areas on the island of O'ahu generated using aerial photographs and SHOALS airborne lidar bathymetry data

This portion of the data release contains digital image mosaics along the southeast coast of O'ahu. Digital mosaics at 1-foot (0.3048-meter) resolution, including the areas of Waikiki, Diamond Head, Wai'alae, Maunalua Bay, and Portlock, were generated from 1:10K aerial photography and are presented in one zip file ( that also contains lower-resolution 'browse' graphics of each image mosaic area, as well as associated metadata. All of the digital image areas (from Waikiki to Portlock) were ...

sand_geo - Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Sand Island (Oahu), Hawaii

Geologic attributes of the coastal zone of Sand Island (Oahu), Hawaii

NANP1M.TIF - North Anacapa Passage sidescan sonar backscatter image in nearshore Benthic Habitat mapping Project S. California map Series. (UTM 10N, NAD83)

The sidescan sonar image of the nearshore seafloor (0 to 100 m water depths) of the North Anacapa Passage area was mosaicked from data collected in 2000. A Klein 2000 sidescan system was used for geophysical surveying. A Triton Elics Isis brand side-scan data recording system was used on the cruise. The 1998 survey was navigated with a Leica Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) which provided a ship position with accuracy of 1-5 m in DGPS mode. At times during the cruise differential signal was ...

NANPHAB -- Benthic Habitat polygons for North Anacapa Passage (UTM 10N, NAD83)

Benthic habitat polygon coverages have been created for marine reserve locations surrounding the Santa Barbara Basin. Diver, ROV and submersible video transects, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and sonar mapping, have been integrated to describe the geological, biological, and oceanographic aspects of habitat. Anacapa Reserve, is part of the Marine Ecological Reserves Research Program (MERRP). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in a cooperative project with Sea Grant-MERRP and investigators at ...

SANA1M.TIF - South Anacapa Island sidescan sonar backscatter image in nearshore Benthic Habitat mapping Project S. California map Series. (UTM 10N, NAD83)

The sidescan sonar image of the nearshore seafloor (0 to 100 m water depths) of the South Anacapa area was mosaicked from data collected in 1999 and 2000. A Klein 2000 sidescan system was used for geophysical surveying. A Triton Elics Isis brand side-scan data recording system was used on the cruise. The survey was navigated with a Leica Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) which provided a ship position with accuracy of 1-5 m in DGPS mode. At times during the cruise differential signal was ...

SANAHAB -- Benthic Habitat polygons for South Anacapa Island (UTM 10N, NAD83)

Benthic habitat polygon coverages have been created for marine reserve locations surrounding the Santa Barbara Basin. Diver, ROV and submersible video transects, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and sonar mapping, have been integrated to describe the geological, biological, and oceanographic aspects of habitat. Anacapa Reserve, is part of the Marine Ecological Reserves Research Program (MERRP). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in a cooperative project with Sea Grant-MERRP and investigators at ...

SANP1M.TIF - South Anacapa Passage sidescan sonar backscatter image in nearshore Benthic Habitat mapping Project S. California map Series. (UTM 10N, NAD83)

The sidescan sonar image of the nearshore seafloor (0 to 100 m water depths) of the southern Anacapa Passage area was mosaicked from data collected in 1999 and 2000. A Klein 2000 sidescan system was used for geophysical surveying. A Triton Elics Isis brand side-scan data recording system was used on the cruise. The 2000 survey was navigated with a Leica Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) which provided a ship position with accuracy of 1-5 m in DGPS mode. At times during the cruise differential ...

SANPHAB -- Habitat polygons for South Anacapa Passage (UTM 10N, NAD83)

Benthic habitat polygon coverages have been created for marine reserve locations surrounding the Santa Barbara Basin. Diver, ROV and submersible video transects, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and sonar mapping, have been integrated to describe the geological, biological, and oceanographic aspects of habitat. Anacapa Reserve, is part of the Marine Ecological Reserves Research Program (MERRP). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in a cooperative project with Sea Grant-MERRP and investigators at ...

SCAV2OBS -- Assorted visual observations of benthic habitat from ROV and SCUBA dives in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. (UTM 10N, NAD83)

Point based visual observations of benthic habitat from a variety of SCUBA and ROV dives. Unknown postitional accuracy. Some video data maintained by Russ Vetter, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center.

SECRU1M.TIF - Southeast Santa Cruz sidescan sonar backscatter image in nearshore Benthic Habitat mapping Project S. California map Series. (UTM 10N, NAD83)

The sidescan sonar image of the nearshore seafloor (0 to 100 m water depths) of the Southeast Santa Cruz area was mosaicked from data collected in 1999. A Klein 2000 sidescan system was used for geophysical surveying. A Triton Elics Isis brand side-scan data recording system was used on the cruise. The 1998 survey was navigated with a Leica Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) which provided a ship position with accuracy of 1-5 m in DGPS mode. At times during the cruise differential signal was ...

SECRUHAB -- Habitat polygons for Southeast Santa Cruz Island (UTM 10N, NAD83)

Benthic habitat polygon coverages have been created for marine reserve locations surrounding the Santa Barbara Basin. Diver, ROV and submersible video transects, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and sonar mapping, have been integrated to describe the geological, biological, and oceanographic aspects of habitat. Anacapa Reserve, is part of the Marine Ecological Reserves Research Program (MERRP). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in a cooperative project with Sea Grant-MERRP and investigators at ...

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data Collected in 2008 from the Mississippi River Delta Plain, Louisiana

Data release doi:10.5066/P9RIB5GC associated with this metadata record serves as an archive of single-beam bathymetric (SBB) data collected in July 2004 (Madison Bay) and August 2008 (Bully Camp, Point au Chien, Caminada, Fourchon, and Leeville) at six study areas in the Mississippi River Delta Plain (MRDP), Louisiana. Data were collected from historically formed open-water bodies as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Gulf Coast Subsidence project to provide more extensive spatial coverage than ...

Wetland Paleoecological Study of Coastal Louisiana: Sediment Cores and Diatom Samples Dataset

Wetland sediment data was collected from coastal Louisiana as part of a pilot study to develop a diatom-based proxy for past wetland water chemistry and the identification of sediment deposits for tropical storms. The complete dataset includes forty-six surface sediment samples and nine sediment cores. The surface sediment samples were collected in fresh to brackish marsh throughout the southwest Louisiana Chenier Plain and are located coincident with Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS). Sediment ...

Wetland Paleoecological Study of Coastal Louisiana: X-radiographs

Wetland sediment data was collected from coastal Louisiana as part of a pilot study to develop a diatom-based proxy for past wetland water chemistry and the identification of sediment deposits for tropical storms. The complete dataset includes forty-six surface sediment samples and nine sediment cores. The surface sediment samples were collected in fresh to brackish marsh throughout the southwest Louisiana Chenier plain and are located coincident with Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS). Sediment ...

Wetland Paleoecological Study of Coastal Louisiana: Surface Sediment and Diatom Calibration Dataset

Wetland sediment data was collected from coastal Louisiana as part of a pilot study to develop a diatom-based proxy for past wetland water chemistry and the identification of sediment deposits for tropical storms. The complete dataset includes forty-six surface sediment samples and nine sediment cores. The surface sediment samples were collected in fresh to brackish marsh throughout the southwest Louisiana Chenier plain and are located coincident with Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS). Sediment ...

Cat Island Terrestrial Core Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Data from field activity 10BIM03

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical and sedimentological surveys around Cat Island, the westernmost island in the Mississippi-Alabama barrier island chain. The objectives of the study were to understand the geologic evolution of Cat Island relative to other barrier islands in the northern Gulf of Mexico and to identify relationships between the ...

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Profile Trace Data Collected from Dauphin Island, Alabama in April 2013

From April 13-20, 2013, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) conducted geophysical and sediment sampling surveys on Dauphin Island, Alabama, as part of field activity number 13BIM01. This dataset, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Profile Trace Data Collected from Dauphin Island, Alabama in April 2013, contains the unprocessed, raw profile trace data obtained during this survey.

Sedimentary Data Collected in April 2013 From Dauphin Island and salt marshes of coastal Alabama

From April 13 to 20, 2013, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) collected push cores and vibracores on Dauphin Island, Alabama, along with push and auger cores in salt marshes at several locations in southwestern coastal Alabama. This work, a component of the SPCMSC’s Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, was conducted as part of USGS field activity number (FAN) 13BIM01. The objectives of the study were to evaluate processes ...

Sediment Grain-Size Data from Sediment Samples Collected in July 2013 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 13BIM05)

As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected sediment samples from the northern Chandeleur Islands in July 2013. The overall objective of this project, which integrates geophysical (bathymetric, seismic, and topographic) and sedimentologic data, is to understand better the depositional and erosional processes that drive the morphologic evolution of barrier islands over ...

Sediment data collected in July 2014 from around Breton and Gosier Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Numbers 2014–314–FA and 14BIM04)

Breton Island, located at the southern end of the Chandeleur Islands, supports one of Louisiana’s largest historical brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) nesting colonies. Although the brown pelican was delisted as an endangered species in 2009, nesting areas are threatened by continued land loss and are extremely vulnerable to storm impacts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed to restore Breton Island to pre-Hurricane Katrina conditions through rebuilding the shoreface, dune, and back-barrier ...

Normalized Foraminiferal Data for Chincoteague Bay and the Marshes of Assateague Island and the Adjacent Vicinity, Maryland and Virginia-Spring 2014

Foraminiferal samples were collected from Chincoteague Bay, Newport Bay, and Tom’s Cove as well as the marshes on the back-barrier side of Assateague Island and the Delmarva (Delaware-Maryland-Virginia) mainland by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers from the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in March, April (14CTB01), and October (14CTB02) 2014. Samples were also collected by the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) in July 2014 and shipped to the St. Petersburg ...

Raw Foraminiferal Data for Chincoteague Bay and the Marshes of Assateague Island and the Adjacent Vicinity, Maryland and Virginia- Spring 2014

Foraminiferal samples were collected from Chincoteague Bay, Newport Bay, and Tom’s Cove as well as the marshes on the back-barrier side of Assateague Island and the Delmarva (Delaware-Maryland-Virginia) mainland by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers from the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in March, April (14CTB01), and October (14CTB02) 2014. Samples were also collected by the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) in July 2014 and shipped to the St. Petersburg ...

Normalized Foraminiferal Data for Chincoteague Bay and the Marshes of Assateague Island and the Adjacent Vicinity, Maryland and Virginia- Fall 2014

Foraminiferal samples were collected from Chincoteague Bay, Newport Bay, and Tom’s Cove as well as the marshes on the back-barrier side of Assateague Island and the Delmarva (Delaware-Maryland-Virginia) mainland by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers from the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in March, April (14CTB01), and October (14CTB02) 2014. Samples were also collected by the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) in July 2014 and shipped to the St. Petersburg ...

Raw Foraminiferal Data for Chincoteague Bay and the Marshes of Assateague Island and the Adjacent Vicinity, Maryland and Virginia- Fall 2014

Foraminiferal samples were collected from Chincoteague Bay, Newport Bay, and Tom’s Cove as well as the marshes on the back-barrier side of Assateague Island and the Delmarva (Delaware-Maryland-Virginia) mainland by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers from the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in March, April (14CTB01), and October (14CTB02) 2014. Samples were also collected by the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) in July 2014 and shipped to the St. Petersburg ...

Raw and Normalized Foraminiferal Data for Chincoteague Bay and the Marshes of Assateague Island and the Adjacent Vicinity, Maryland and Virginia- July 2014

Foraminiferal samples were collected from Chincoteague Bay, Newport Bay, and Tom’s Cove as well as the marshes on the back-barrier side of Assateague Island and the Delmarva (Delaware-Maryland-Virginia) mainland by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers from the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in March, April (14CTB01), and October (14CTB02) 2014. Samples were also collected by the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) in July 2014 and shipped to the St. Petersburg ...

The Sedimentological Characteristics and Radiochemistry Data for the Marshes on Dauphin Island, Alabama (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 2015-322-FA)

This project is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the state of Alabama funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to investigate viable, sustainable restoration options that protect and restore the natural resources of Dauphin Island, Alabama. Scientists from the USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center collected push cores and water quality data from the marshes of Dauphin Island, Little Dauphin Island, ...

Sedimentary Data Collected in August 2015 From Old Tampa Bay, Florida (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 2015–329–FA)

The toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense (P. bahamense) produces recurring, persistent summer algal blooms in Old Tampa Bay, Florida, which degrade water quality and are potentially harmful to humans if contaminated shellfish is consumed. As part of its life cycle, P. bahamense produces dormant cysts, which settle to the seafloor, forming seed beds that may initiate future blooms if favorable conditions for germination occur. From August 2015 to September 2016, the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and ...

Sedimentary Data Collected in November 2015 From Old Tampa Bay, Florida (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 2015–341–FA)

The toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense (P. bahamense) produces recurring, persistent summer algal blooms in Old Tampa Bay, Florida, which degrade water quality and are potentially harmful to humans if contaminated shellfish is consumed. As part of its life cycle, P. bahamense produces dormant cysts, which settle to the seafloor, forming seed beds that may initiate future blooms if favorable conditions for germination occur. From August 2015 to September 2016, the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and ...

Benthic Foraminiferal Data from Surface Samples and Sedimentary Cores in the Grand Bay Estuary, Mississippi and Alabama

Microfossil (benthic foraminifera) samples were obtained from surficial grab (denoted with “G”) and push core (denoted with “M”) sediments collected in Grand Bay estuary, Mississippi and Alabama, to aid in the paleoenvironmental understanding of Grand Bay estuary. The data presented here were collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Sea-level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines (SSIEES) project, and Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project. Sampling was ...

Sediment Core Microfossil Data Collected from the Coastal Marsh of Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, USA

To aid in geologic studies of sediment transport and environmental change in coastal marsh, 1-centimeter (cm) foraminiferal subsamples were taken from seven sediment push cores collected in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GNDNERR), Mississippi, in October 2016. The push cores were collected along two, shore-perpendicular transects at 5, 15, 25, and 50 meters (m) from the shoreline, on opposite sides of Middle Bay during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Field Activities Number (FAN) 2016-358 ...

Sedimentary Data From Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi, 2014-2016 (ver. 1.1, April 2020)

This data release is an archive of sedimentary field and laboratory analytical data collected in Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi from 2014-2016 by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC). This work, a component of the SPCMSC’s Sea-level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines (SSIEES) project, provides the necessary data to quantify sedimentation rates and sediment sources for the marsh and estuary. The SSIEES project ...

Sedimentary Data Collected in February 2016 From Old Tampa Bay, Florida (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 2016–312–FA)

The toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense (P. bahamense) produces recurring, persistent summer algal blooms in Old Tampa Bay, Florida, which degrade water quality and are potentially harmful to humans if contaminated shellfish is consumed. As part of its life cycle, P. bahamense produces dormant cysts, which settle to the seafloor, forming seed beds that may initiate future blooms if favorable conditions for germination occur. From August 2015 to September 2016, the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and ...

Sedimentary Data Collected in April 2016 From Old Tampa Bay, Florida (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 2016–327–FA)

The toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense (P. bahamense) produces recurring, persistent summer algal blooms in Old Tampa Bay, Florida, which degrade water quality and are potentially harmful to humans if contaminated shellfish is consumed. As part of its life cycle, P. bahamense produces dormant cysts, which settle to the seafloor, forming seed beds that may initiate future blooms if favorable conditions for germination occur. From August 2015 to September 2016, the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and ...

Sedimentary Data Collected in September 2016 From Old Tampa Bay, Florida (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 2016–350–FA)

The toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense (P. bahamense) produces recurring, persistent summer algal blooms in Old Tampa Bay, Florida, which degrade water quality and are potentially harmful to humans if contaminated shellfish is consumed. As part of its life cycle, P. bahamense produces dormant cysts, which settle to the seafloor, forming seed beds that may initiate future blooms if favorable conditions for germination occur. From August 2015 to September 2016, the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and ...

Sediment and Radiochemical Characteristics from Shore-Perpendicular Estuarine and Marsh Transects in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi

To examine sediment transport and provenance between a marsh and estuary, surface sediments were collected along two transects in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi (GNDNERR). Each shore-perpendicular transect consisted of fifteen surface samples, collected every 2.5 meters (m) from 10-m out into the estuary to 25-m into the marsh from the shoreline. Sediment samples were analyzed for their physical and radiochemical properties or signatures. Sediment samples were collected ...

Surficial and Downcore Sedimentological and Foraminiferal Microfossil Data from St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Florida

In October 2019, five marsh push cores (core names appended with M for marsh push core) and 18 surface sediment samples (top 1 cm of sediment) were collected from the estuary (sample name appended G for PONAR grab) near the mouth of the St. Marks River and some of the surrounding marshes (sample name appended with S for surface), along with elevation transects and peat augers (sample name appended with R or R50, depending on length, for Russian peat auger). The purpose of the study was to 1) evaluate peat ...

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data Collected in 2004 from Madison Bay, Louisiana

Data release doi:10.5066/P9RIB5GC associated with this metadata record serves as an archive of single-beam bathymetric (SBB) data collected in July 2004 (Madison Bay) and August 2008 (Bully Camp, Point au Chien, Caminada, Fourchon, and Leeville) at six study areas in the Mississippi River Delta Plain (MRDP), Louisiana. Data were collected from historically formed open-water bodies as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Gulf Coast Subsidence project to provide more extensive spatial coverage than ...

Beach Topography—Fire Island, New York, Pre-Hurricane Sandy, January 2012: Ground Based Lidar (1-Meter Digital Elevation Model)

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (USACE-FRF) of Duck, North Carolina collaborated to gather alongshore ground-based lidar beach topography at Fire Island, New York. This high-resolution, elevation dataset was collected on January 30, 2012, and was funded by SPCMSC. The USGS data release containing the aforementioned dataset includes the resulting, processed elevation point data (XYZ) and ...

Beach Topography—Fire Island, New York, Pre-Hurricane Sandy, January 2012: Ground Based Lidar (ASCII XYZ Point Data)

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (USACE-FRF) of Duck, North Carolina collaborated to gather alongshore ground-based lidar beach topography at Fire Island, New York. This high-resolution, elevation dataset was collected on January 30, 2012, and was funded by SPCMSC. The USGS data release containing the aforementioned dataset includes the resulting, processed elevation point data (XYZ) and an ...

Sediment data from vibracores collected in January 2015 from around Breton Island, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 2014–336–FA)

Breton Island, located at the southern end of the Chandeleur Islands, supports one of Louisiana’s largest historical brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) nesting colonies. Although the brown pelican was delisted as an endangered species in 2009, nesting areas are threatened by continued land loss and are extremely vulnerable to storm impacts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed to restore Breton Island to pre-Hurricane Katrina conditions through rebuilding the shoreface, dune, and back-barrier ...

Sediment Data for Samples Collected in 2015, 2016, and 2017 from Coastal Louisiana

Data release doi:10.5066/F71G0KKD associated with this metadata record serves as an archive of sediment data for samples collected in 2015, 2016, and 2017 from coastal Louisiana. In 2015 and 2016, sediment grab samples (N=874) were collected coast-wide along shore-perpendicular transects that included back-barrier, emergent (beach and barrier island), shoreface, and nearshore environments. Sample locations were selected to re-occupy locations previously sampled in 2008 (U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] Open ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2015 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

From September 14 to 28, 2015, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical survey to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and medium-term and interannual sediment transport along the sand berm constructed in 2011 (offshore, at the northern end of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana) as mitigation of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This investigation is part of a broader USGS project, which seeks to better understand barrier island evolution over medium time scales ...

Ground-Penetrating Radar Data and Differential Global Positioning System Data Collected from Long Beach Island, New Jersey, April 2015

Scientists from the United States Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, and students from the University of Hawaii at Manoa collected sediment cores, sediment surface grab samples, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) data from within the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge-Holgate Unit located on the southern end of Long Beach Island, New Jersey, in April 2015 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 9, 2016)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 30, 2016)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Archive of Ground Penetrating Radar and Differential Global Positioning System Data Collected in April 2016 from Fire Island, New York

Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a long-term, coastal morphologic-change study at Fire Island, New York, prior to and after Hurricane Sandy impacted the area in October 2012. The Fire Island Coastal Change project ( objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and resolving storm-related impacts, post-storm beach response, and recovery. In April ...

Archive of Sediment Data from Vibracores Collected in 2016 from Fire Island, New York

Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a long-term coastal morphologic-change study at Fire Island, New York, prior to and after Hurricane Sandy impacted the area in October 2012. The Fire Island Coastal Change project objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and resolving storm-related impacts, post-storm beach response, and recovery. In April 2016, scientists from the USGS St. Petersburg ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2016 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

From June 10 to 19, 2016, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical survey to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and medium-term and interannual sediment transport along the sand berm constructed in 2011 (offshore, at the northern end of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana) as mitigation of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This investigation is part of a broader USGS project, which seeks to better understand barrier island evolution over medium time scales (months to ...

Beach Profile Data Collected From Madeira Beach, Florida (February 17, 2017)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (May 9, 2017)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 14, 2017)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November, 9 2017)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2017 From the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

From August 7 to 16, 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical survey to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and medium-term and interannual sediment transport along the sand berm constructed in 2011 (offshore, at the northern end of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana) as mitigation of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This investigation is part of a broader USGS project, which seeks to better understand barrier island evolution over medium time scales (months ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2017 from the Louisiana Chenier Plain

June 2–10 and July 2, 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys offshore of the Louisiana Chenier Plain to document the changing morphology of the coastal environment. Data were collected under the Barrier Island Coastal Monitoring (BICM) program, an ongoing collaboration between the State of Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA), the University of New Orleans (UNO) Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences (PIES), and the USGS. Project ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (January 24, 2018)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (October 15, 2018)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in June 2018 From Fire Island, New York

Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a long-term, coastal morphologic-change study at Fire Island, New York, prior to and after Hurricane Sandy impacted the area in October 2012. The Fire Island Coastal System Change project ( objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and resolving storm-related impacts, post-storm beach response, and recovery. From ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2018 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

From August 16 to 21, 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical survey to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and medium-term and interannual sediment transport along the sand berm constructed in 2011 (offshore, at the northern end of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana) as mitigation of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This investigation is part of a broader USGS project, which seeks to better understand barrier island evolution over medium time scales (months ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 18, 2019)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Sediment Radiochemical Data from Georgia, Massachusetts and Virginia Coastal Marshes

This data release is an archive of sedimentary laboratory analytical data produced by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) for sediment cores and surface samples collected from coastal marshes in Georgia (GA), Virginia (VA), and Massachusetts (MA). Collaborators from USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (PWRC) and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) collected these samples in South Altamaha, GA, Mockhorn Island, VA, Goodwin ...

Ground Control Point Locations and Photographs From North Topsail Beach and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, June 2019

Scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected xyz locations for 53 Ground Control Points (GCP) in North Topsail Beach and within the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base, North Carolina, June 12-14, 2019. During this study, Global Positing System (GPS) data were collected using a single Spectra SP80 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver affixed to a 2-meter (m) survey pole. Additional attributes pertaining to each survey point ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2019 from Cedar Island, Virginia

From August 9 to 14, 2019, researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical survey to investigate shoreface morphology and geology near Cedar Island, Virginia. The Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux project objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and resolving storm-related impacts, post-storm beach response, and recovery. This publication serves as an archive of high-resolution ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile, Imagery, and Geospatial Data Collected in 2019 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York

From September 27 through October 5, 2019, researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical survey to investigate shoreface morphology and geology near the Rockaway Peninsula, New York. The Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux project objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and resolving storm-related impacts, post-storm beach response, and recovery. This publication serves as an ...

2019-333-FA_shots: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Shotpoint Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2019-333-FA Offshore of the Rockaway Peninsula, New York, September–October 2019

From September 27 through October 5, 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of the Rockaway Peninsula, New York. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2019-333-FA chirp subbottom profile 1,000-shot-interval locations.

2019-333-FA_sol: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Start of Line Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2019-333-FA Offshore of the Rockaway Peninsula, New York, September–October 2019

From September 27 through October 5, 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of the Rockaway Peninsula, New York. This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2019-333-FA chirp subbottom profile start of trackline locations.

2019-333-FA_trkln: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Trackline Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2019-333-FA Offshore of the Rockaway Peninsula, New York, September–October 2019

From September 27 through October 5, 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and sediment transport offshore of the Rockaway Peninsula, New York. This shapefile represents a line dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2019-333-FA chirp tracklines.

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (June 10, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (July 10, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 8, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 21, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 6, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 16, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (December 18, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (January 15, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (March 3, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (April 21, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (June 16, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (July 9, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (August 26, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 24, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 10, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (December 8, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile, Imagery, and Geospatial Data Collected in 2021 Near Pensacola Beach, Florida

From June 2 through 9, 2021, researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted an inshore and offshore geophysical survey to map the shoreface and determine Holocene stratigraphy near Pensacola Beach, Florida (FL). The Coastal Resource Evaluation for Management Applications (CREMA) project objective includes the investigation of nearshore geologic controls on surface morphology. This publication serves as an archive of high-resolution chirp subbottom trace data, survey trackline map, navigation ...

2021-322-FA_shots: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Shotpoint Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2021-322-FA Offshore of Pensacola Beach, Florida, June 2021

From June 2 through 9, 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and determine Holocene stratigraphy near Santa Rosa Island, Florida (FL). This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2021-322-FA chirp subbottom profile 1,000-shot-interval locations collected inshore and offshore of Pensacola Beach, FL.

2021-322-FA_sol: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Start of Line Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2021-322-FA Offshore of Pensacola Beach, Florida, June 2021

From June 2 through 9, 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and determine Holocene stratigraphy near Santa Rosa Island, Florida (FL). This shapefile represents a point dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2021-322-FA chirp subbottom profile start of trackline locations collected inshore and offshore of Pensacola Beach, FL.

2021-322-FA_trkln: Digital Chirp Subbottom Profile Trackline Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2021-322-FA Offshore of Pensacola Beach, Florida, June 2021

From June 2 through 9, 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and determine Holocene stratigraphy near Santa Rosa Island, Florida (FL). This shapefile represents a line dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2021-322-FA chirp tracklines collected inshore and offshore of Pensacola Beach, FL.

Attenuation Factor model results for Upper Floridan aquifer vulnerability to Bromacil and Ethylene Dibromide

This dataset includes Attenuation Factor (AF; Rao and others, 1985) model results for Upper Floridan aquifer vulnerability to Bromacil and 1,2-Dibromoethane or Ethylene Dibromide (EDB). The AF value serves as an index for assessing the transport of pesticide mass from the vadose zone. The AF model setup requires the input of raster soil bulk density, soil organic carbon content, soil field capacity, soil air filled porosity, recharge to the aquifer, depth to groundwater, the pesticide sorption coefficient, ...

Hurricane Sandy washover deposit data from southern Long Beach Island, New Jersey: Grain-size data

Sedimentologic and topographic data from Hurricane Sandy washover deposits were collected from Southern Long Beach Island, New Jersey, in order to document changes to the barrier-island beaches, dunes, and coastal wetlands due to Hurricane Sandy and subsequent storm events. These data will provide a baseline dataset for use in future coastal change descriptive and predictive studies and assessments. The data presented here were collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Barrier Island and Estuarine ...

CatIsland 2010 single-beam bathymetry tracklines

In September and October of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical surveys around Cat Island, Miss. to collect bathymetry, acoustical backscatter, and seismic reflection data (seismic-reflection data have been published separately, Forde and others, 2012). The geophysical data along with sediment vibracore data (yet to be published) will be integrated to analyze and produce a report describing the geomorphology and geologic ...


In September and October of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical surveys around Cat Island, Miss. to collect bathymetry, acoustical backscatter, and seismic reflection data (seismic-reflection data have been published separately, Forde and others, 2012). The geophysical data along with sediment vibracore data (yet to be published) will be integrated to analyze and produce a report describing the geomorphology and geologic ...

Grain-Size and Data Analysis Results from Sediment Samples Collected at Crocker Reef, Florida, Between 2017 and 2019

Sediment samples were collected from undisturbed sections of the seafloor around Crocker Reef, Florida. Crocker Reef is a barrier reef located in the northern portion of the Florida Reef Tract that has been classified by Kellogg and others (2015) as a senile or dead reef consisting of areas of sand and rubble with only scattered stony coral colonies. Samples were collected from November 2017 to April 2019 to help ground truth coincident instrumentation deployed during the same time interval, which was used ...

DRASTIC model results for Upper Floridan aquifer vulnerability to Bromacil and Ethylene Dibromide

This dataset includes DRASTIC (Aller and others, 1987) model results for Upper Floridan aquifer vulnerability to contamination. The DRASTIC value serves as an intrinsic vulnerability index for assessing the transport of contaminants from the surface. The DRASTIC model setup requires the input of raster data for depth to groundwater, aquifer recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, vadose zone media, and aquifer hydraulic conductivity. These variables were entered into the DRASTIC equation using the ...

Sediment Grain-Size Data from Sediment Cores Collected in March 2012 Along the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Numbers 12BIM01)

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center collected a set of sediment cores from the back-barrier environments along the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in March 2012. The sampling efforts were part of a larger USGS study to evaluate effects on the geomorphology of the Chandeleur Islands following the construction of an artificial sand berm to reduce oil transport onto federally managed lands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response ...

Sediment Physical Properties Data from Sediment Cores Collected in March 2012 Along the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Numbers 12BIM01)

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center collected a set of sediment cores from the back-barrier environments along the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in March 2012. The sampling efforts were part of a larger USGS study to evaluate effects on the geomorphology of the Chandeleur Islands following the construction of an artificial sand berm to reduce oil transport onto federally managed lands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response ...

Radiochemistry Data from Sediment Cores Collected in March 2012 Along the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Numbers 12BIM01)

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center collected a set of sediment cores from the back-barrier environments along the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in March 2012. The sampling efforts were part of a larger USGS study to evaluate effects on the geomorphology of the Chandeleur Islands following the construction of an artificial sand berm to reduce oil transport onto federally managed lands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response ...

Sediment Core Locations Collected in March 2012 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Number 12BIM01)

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center collected a set of sediment cores from the back-barrier environments along the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in March 2012. The sampling efforts were part of a larger USGS study to evaluate effects on the geomorphology of the Chandeleur Islands following the construction of an artificial sand berm to reduce oil transport onto federally managed lands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response ...

Textural description of surface sediment samples collected in August 2015 from Dauphin Island and the surrounding areas

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center collected 303 surface sediment samples from Dauphin Island, Alabama, and the surrounding water bodies in August 2015. These sediments were processed to determine physical characteristics such as organic content, bulk density, and grain-size. The environments where the sediments were collected include high and low salt marshes, over-wash deposits, dunes, beaches, sheltered bays, and open water. Sampling by the USGS ...

Surface sediment physical parameters data collected in August 2015 from Dauphin Island and the surrounding areas

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center collected 303 surface sediment samples from Dauphin Island, Alabama, and the surrounding water bodies in August 2015. These sediments were processed to determine physical characteristics such as organic content, bulk density, and grain-size. The environments where the sediments were collected include high and low salt marshes, over-wash deposits, dunes, beaches, sheltered bays, and open water. Sampling by the USGS ...

Sediment Sample Locations Collected in August 2015 from Dauphin Island and the surrounding areas

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center collected 303 surface sediment samples from Dauphin Island, Alabama, and the surrounding water bodies in August 2015. These sediments were processed to determine physical characteristics such as organic content, bulk density, and grain-size. The environments where the sediments were collected include high and low salt marshes, over-wash deposits, dunes, beaches, sheltered bays, and open water. Sampling by the USGS ...

YSI water quality data from August 2015 from Dauphin Island and the surrounding areas.

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center collected 303 surface sediment samples from Dauphin Island, Alabama, and the surrounding water bodies in August 2015. These sediments were processed to determine physical characteristics such as organic content, bulk density, and grain-size. The environments where the sediments were collected include high and low salt marshes, over-wash deposits, dunes, beaches, sheltered bays, and open water. Sampling by the USGS ...

Archive of sediment data collected from Sandy Point to Belle Pass, Louisiana, 1983 through 2000 (Vibracore surveys: 00SCC, CR83, P86, and USACE borehole cores)

In 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the University of New Orleans (UNO) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical surveys in Barataria Bight from Sandy Point to Belle Pass, LA (Study Area Map). Sediment cores were collected as part of the USGS Subsidence and Coastal Change (SCC) Project, which included the Barataria Sand-Resource Study (bss) vibracore surveys (Kindinger and others, 2001). This report also contains information from other cruise data sets, ...

Archive of Sediment Data Collected around the Chandeleur Islands and Breton Island in 2007 and 1987 (Vibracore Surveys: 07SCC04, 07SCC05, and 87039)

In 2006 and 2007, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and collaborators at the University of New Orleans (UNO) collected high-resolution seismic profiles and subsurface cores around the Chandeleur and Breton Islands, Louisiana. To ground-truth the acoustic seismic surveys conducted in 2006, 124 vibracores were acquired during the 07SCC04 and 07SCC05 cruises in 2007. These cores were collected within the back-barrier, nearshore, and offshore environments. The surveys were conducted as part of a post-hurricane ...

10cct01_v2rbf_50m.tif: 50-Meter Resolution Grid of Swath Bathymetry Data Collected Offshore of Cat Island, Mississippi in March 2010

In March of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys east of Cat Island, Mississippi. The efforts were part of the USGS Gulf of Mexico Science Coordination partnership with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to assist the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program (MsCIP) and the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) Ecosystem Change and Hazards Susceptibility Project by mapping the shallow geological stratigraphic framework of the Mississippi Barrier Island Complex. The data ...


In September and October of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical surveys around Cat Island, Miss. to collect bathymetry, acoustical backscatter, and seismic reflection data (seismic-reflection data have been published separately, Forde and others, 2012). The geophysical data along with sediment vibracore data (yet to be published) will be integrated to analyze and produce a report describing the geomorphology and geologic ...

Sediment Grain-Size Data from Sediment Samples Collected in March and September 2012 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Numbers 12BIM01 and 12LGC02)

As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected sediment samples from the northern Chandeleur Islands in March and September 2012. The overall objective of this project, which integrates geophysical (bathymetric, seismic, and topographic) and sedimentologic data, is to better understand the depositional and erosional processes that drive the morphologic evolution of barrier ...

Offshore baselines for Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia (projected, UTM Zone 18 (NAD83))

Assessing the physical change to shorelines and wetlands is critical in determining the resiliency of wetland systems that protect adjacent habitat and communities. The wetland and back-barrier shorelines of Assateague Island, located in Maryland and Virginia, changed as a result of wave action and storm surge that occurred during Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall on October 29, 2012. The impact of Hurricane Sandy will be assessed and placed in its historical context to understand the future ...

Transect Lines for Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia

Assessing the physical change to shorelines and wetlands is critical in determining the resiliency of wetland systems that protect adjacent habitat and communities. The wetland and back-barrier shorelines of Assateague Island, located in Maryland and Virginia, changed as a result of wave action and storm surge that occurred during Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall on October 29, 2012. The impact of Hurricane Sandy will be assessed and placed in its historical context to understand the future ...

Offshore Baselines for the Undeveloped Areas of New Jersey's Barrier Islands (projected, UTM Zone 18N (NAD83))

Assessing the physical change to shorelines and wetlands is critical in determining the resiliency of wetland systems that protect adjacent habitat and communities. The wetland and back-barrier shorelines of New Jersey changed as a result of wave action and storm surge that occurred during Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall on October 29, 2012. The impact of Hurricane Sandy will be assessed and placed in its historical context to understand the future vulnerability of wetland systems. Making these ...

Transect Lines for the Undeveloped Areas of New Jersey's Barrier Islands (projected, UTM Zone 18N (NAD83))

Assessing the physical change to shorelines and wetlands is critical in determining the resiliency of wetland systems that protect adjacent habitat and communities. The wetland and back-barrier shorelines of New Jersey changed as a result of wave action and storm surge that occurred during Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall on October 29, 2012. The impact of Hurricane Sandy will be assessed and placed in its historical context to understand the future vulnerability of wetland systems. Making these ...

Vibracore locations collected in 2014 from Barnegat Bay, New Jersey

In response to the 2010 Governor’s Action Plan to clean up the Barnegat Bay–Little Egg Harbor (BBLEH) estuary in New Jersey, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) partnered with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in 2011 to begin a multidisciplinary research project to understand the physical controls on water quality in the bay. Between 2011 and 2013, USGS scientists mapped the geological and morphological characteristics of the seafloor of the BBLEH estuary using a suite of geophysical ...

Grain-size data from vibracores collected in 2014 from Barnegat Bay, New Jersey

In response to the 2010 Governor’s Action Plan to clean up the Barnegat Bay–Little Egg Harbor (BBLEH) estuary in New Jersey, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) partnered with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in 2011 to begin a multidisciplinary research project to understand the physical controls on water quality in the bay. Between 2011 and 2013, USGS scientists mapped the geological and morphological characteristics of the seafloor of the BBLEH estuary using a suite of geophysical ...

Sediment grain-size data from sand augers collected in March/April and October 2014 from Assateague Island, Maryland (U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity Numbers [FAN] 2014-301-FA and 2014-322-FA)

The U.S. Geological Survey has a long history of responding to and documenting the impacts of storms along the Nation’s coasts and incorporating these data into storm impact and coastal change vulnerability assessments. Although physical changes caused by tropical and extratropical storms to the sandy beaches and dunes fronting barrier islands are generally well documented, the interaction between sandy shoreline erosion and overwash with the back-barrier wetland and estuarine environments is poorly ...

Archive of Digitized Analog Boomer Seismic-Reflection Data Collected During U.S. Geological Survey Cruises Erda 92-2 and Erda 92-4 in Mississippi Sound, June and August 1992

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program has actively collected geophysical and sedimentological data in the northern Gulf of Mexico for several decades, including shallow subsurface data in the form of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles (HRSP). Prior to the mid-1990s most HRSP data were collected in analog format as paper rolls of continuous profiles up to 25 meters long. As part of the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) (https:/ ...

FIIS_Breach_Shorelines.shp - Fire Island National Seashore Wilderness Breach Shoreline Data Collected from Fire Island, New York, October 2014 to October 2017

Hurricane Sandy made U.S. landfall, coincident with astronomically high tides, near Atlantic City, New Jersey, on October 29, 2012. The storm, the largest on historical record in the Atlantic basin, affected an extensive area of the east coast of the United States. The highest waves and storm surge were focused along the heavily populated New York and New Jersey coasts. At the height of the storm, a record significant wave height of 9.6 meters (m) was recorded at the wave buoy offshore of Fire Island, New ...

FIIS_Breach_Shorelines.shp - Fire Island National Seashore Wilderness Breach Shoreline Data Collected from Fire Island, New York, October 2014 to September 2016

Hurricane Sandy made U.S. landfall, coincident with astronomical high tides, near Atlantic City, New Jersey, on October 29, 2012. The storm, the largest on historical record in the Atlantic basin, affected an extensive area of the east coast of the United States. The highest waves and storm surge were focused along the heavily populated New York and New Jersey coasts. At the height of the storm, a record significant wave height of 9.6 meters (m) was recorded at the wave buoy offshore of Fire Island, New ...

FIIS_Shorelines_Oct2012_Oct2017.shp: Fire Island, NY pre- and post-storm shoreline data from October 2012 to October 2017

Hurricane Sandy made U.S. landfall, coincident with astronomically high tides, near Atlantic City, New Jersey, on October 29, 2012. The storm, the largest on historical record in the Atlantic basin, affected an extensive area of the east coast of the United States. The highest waves and storm surge were focused along the heavily populated New York and New Jersey coasts. At the height of the storm, a record significant wave height of 9.6 meters (m) was recorded at the wave buoy offshore of Fire Island, New ...

Shorelines_Oct2012_Sep2016.shp: Fire Island, NY pre and post storm shoreline data from October 2012 to September 2016

Hurricane Sandy made U.S. landfall, coincident with astronomical high tides, near Atlantic City, New Jersey, on October 29, 2012. The storm, the largest on historical record in the Atlantic basin, affected an extensive area of the east coast of the United States. The highest waves and storm surge were focused along the heavily populated New York and New Jersey coasts. At the height of the storm, a record significant wave height of 9.6 meters (m) was recorded at the wave buoy offshore of Fire Island, New ...

Foraminiferal Mg/Ca data from IODP sediment core U1446

In 2019, the magnesium-to-calcium (Mg/Ca) ratios were measured in the tests of planktic foraminiferal species, Globigerinoides ruber (white variety), in a subset of samples from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) sediment core U1146 from the Bay of Bengal drilled November 2014 to January 2015. For further information regarding data collection and/or processing methods, refer to the associated journal article (Clemens and others, 2021).

Archive of Digitized Analog Boomer and Minisparker Seismic Reflection Data Collected from the Northern Gulf of Mexico: 1981, 1990 and 1991

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program has actively collected geophysical and sedimentological data in the northern Gulf of Mexico for several decades, including shallow subsurface data in the form of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles (HRSP). Prior to the mid-1990s most HRSP data were collected in analog format as paper rolls of continuous profiles up to 25 meters long. As part of the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (https:/ ...

Subbottom and Sidescan Sonar Data Acquired in 2015 From Grand Bay, Mississippi and Alabama

From May 28 to June 3, 2015, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical survey to investigate the geologic evolution and estuarine sediment thickness in Grand Bay, Alabama and Mississippi. Specific objectives were to document the age and accumulation patterns of estuarine sediment to advance our understanding of sediment exchange with the adjacent marsh and sources of sediment to the coastal ocean. This investigation is part of the USGS Sea-level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments ...

Elevation data for four sites in the coastal marsh at Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, from July 2018 through January 2020

To better understand sediment deposition in marsh environments, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) selected four study sites (Sites 5, 6, 7, and 8) along the Point Aux Chenes Bay shoreline of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GNDNERR), Mississippi. These datasets were collected to serve as baseline data prior to the installation of a living shoreline (a subtidal sill). Each site consisted of five plots located along a ...

Shore proximal sediment deposition in coastal marsh at the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi: net sedimentation tile datasets from July 2018 to January 2020

To better understand sediment deposition in marsh environments, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) selected four study sites (Sites 5, 6, 7, and 8) along the Point Aux Chenes Bay shoreline of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GNDNERR), Mississippi. These datasets were collected to serve as baseline data prior to the installation of a living shoreline (a subtidal sill). Each site consisted of five plots located along a ...

Shore proximal sediment deposition in coastal marsh at the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi: net sedimentation tile datasets from October 2016 to October 2017

To understand sediment deposition in marsh environments, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) selected four study sites in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi (GNDNERR). Each site consisted of four plots located along a transect perpendicular to the marsh-estuary shoreline at 5-meter (m) increments (5, 10, 15, and 20 m from the shoreline). Each plot contained four net sedimentation tiles (NST) that were secured ...

Water level data for four sites in the coastal marsh at Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, from October 2018 through January 2020

To better understand sediment deposition in marsh environments, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) selected four study sites (Sites 5, 6, 7, and 8) along the Point Aux Chenes Bay shoreline of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GNDNERR), Mississippi. These datasets were collected to serve as baseline data prior to the installation of a living shoreline (a subtidal sill). Each site consisted of five plots located along a ...

Water level and salinity data for four sites in the coastal marsh at Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, from October 2016 through October 2017

To understand sediment deposition in marsh environments, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) selected four study sites in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi (GNDNERR). Each site consisted of four plots located along a transect perpendicular to the marsh-estuary shoreline at 5-meter (m) increments (5, 10, 15, and 20 m from the shoreline). Each plot contained four net sedimentation tiles (NST) that were secured ...

Archive of Digitized Analog Boomer Seismic Reflection Data Collected from the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Intersea 1980

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program (CMHRP) has actively collected geophysical and sedimentological data in the northern Gulf of Mexico for several decades, including shallow subsurface data in the form of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles (HRSP). Prior to the mid-1990s most HRSP data were collected in analog format as paper rolls of continuous profiles up to 25 meters (m) long. As part of the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation ...

Continuous Resistivity Profiling, Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Hydrologic Data Collected in 2017 from Indian River Lagoon, Florida

Extending 200 kilometers (km) along the Atlantic Coast of Central Florida, Indian River Lagoon (IRL) is one of the most biologically diverse estuarine systems in the continental United States. The lagoon is characterized by shallow, brackish waters and a width that varies between 0.5 and 9.0 km; there is significant human development along both shores. Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center used continuous resistivity profiling (CRP, a towed ...

Archive of digitized analog boomer seismic reflection data collected along the Louisiana Shelf, 1982–1984

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program has actively collected geophysical and sedimentological data in the northern Gulf of Mexico for several decades, including shallow subsurface data in the form of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles (HRSP). Prior to the mid-1990s most HRSP data were collected in analog format as paper rolls of continuous profiles up to 25 meters long. As part of the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (https:/ ...

Wetland-Change Data Derived from Landsat Imagery, Assateague Island to Metompkin Island, Maryland and Virginia, 1984 to 2015: Land-cover Change Analysis

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release includes geospatial datasets that were created for the analysis of Virginia and Maryland Atlantic coastal wetland changes over time. Wetland change was determined by assessing two metrics: wetland persistence and land-cover switching. Because seasonal water levels, beach width, and vegetation differences can affect change analyses, only images acquired during the spring (March, April, and May) were included in the wetland-change metrics (N=10). Land-cover ...

Land-Cover Data Derived from Landsat Satellite Imagery, Assateague Island to Metompkin Island, Maryland and Virginia, 1985 and 2015

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release includes geospatial datasets that were created to analyze wetland changes along the Virginia and Maryland Atlantic coasts between 1984 and 2015. Wetland change was determined by assessing two metrics: wetland persistence and land-cover switching. Because seasonal water levels, beach width, and vegetation differences can affect change analyses, only images acquired during the spring (March, April, and May) were included in the wetland-change metrics (N=10). ...

Archive of digitized analog boomer seismic reflection data collected during U.S. Geological S cruises Erda 90-1_HC, Erda 90-1_PBP, and Erda 91-3 in Mississippi Sound, June 1990 and September 1991

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program has actively collected geophysical and sedimentological data in the northern Gulf of Mexico for several decades, including shallow subsurface data in the form of high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles (HRSP). Prior to the mid-1990s most HRSP data were collected in analog format as paper rolls of continuous profiles up to 25 meters long. A large portion of this data resides in a single repository with minimal metadata. As part of the ...

Hydrological Data Concerning Submarine Groundwater Discharge Along the Western Margin of Indian River Lagoon, East-Central Florida-December 2016 and January 2017

Stretching along approximately 200 kilometers (km) of the Atlantic Coast of central Florida, Indian River Lagoon is one of the most biologically diverse estuarine systems in the continental United States. This shallow, brackish lagoon varies in width from about 0.5–9.0 km, with substantial human infrastructure lining both shores. Scientists from the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center used continuous resistivity profiling (CRP), a towed electronic array, to ...

Archive of digitized analog boomer seismic reflection data collected during USGS Cruise Kit Jones 92-1 along the Florida Shelf, July 1992

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program has actively collected geophysical and sedimentological data in the northern Gulf of Mexico for several decades, including shallow subsurface data in the form of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles (HRSP). Prior to the mid-1990s most HRSP data were collected in analog format as paper rolls of continuous profiles up to 25 meters long. As part of the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP; https:/ ...

Sedimentary Data from the Coastal Marshes Fringing the Lower Waccasassa River, Northwest Florida

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center extracted sediment and surface samples along transects at three saltmarsh sites situated on the lower end of the Waccasassa River in north-west Florida in order to increase understanding of the region’s environmental history and the ongoing soil chemical processes. To this end, they obtained 17 (ten long and seven short) sediment cores and seven surface samples from saltmarshes along the margins of the river ...

HATTERAS_INDEX - Hatteras Island, North Carolina (geographic, WGS84)

The shoreline of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, is experiencing long-term coastal erosion. In order to better understand and monitor the changing coastline, historical aerial imagery is used to map shoreline change. For the area of Hatteras Island from Cape Point to Oregon Inlet, fourteen aerial datasets from 1978-2002 were scanned and georeferenced for use in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Shoreline positions (high water line) were digitized from georeferenced imagery. The shoreline vectors were ...

Estuarine Back-barrier Shoreline and Beach Sandline Change Model Skill and Predicted Probabilities: Event-driven backshore shoreline change

The Barrier Island and Estuarine Wetland Physical Change Assessment was created to calibrate and test probability models of barrier island estuarine shoreline (backshore) and beach sandline change for study areas in Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey. The models examined the influence of hydrologic and physical variables related to long-term and storm-derived overwash and back-barrier shoreline change. Input variables were constructed into a Bayesian Network (BN) using Netica, a computer program created by ...

Estuarine Back-barrier Shoreline and Beach Sandline Change Model Skill and Predicted Probabilities: Event-driven beach sandline change

The Barrier Island and Estuarine Wetland Physical Change Assessment was created to calibrate and test probability models of barrier island estuarine shoreline (backshore) and beach sandline change for study areas in Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey. The models examined the influence of hydrologic and physical variables related to long-term and storm-derived overwash and back-barrier shoreline change. Input variables were constructed into a Bayesian Network (BN) using Netica, a computer program created by ...

Estuarine Back-barrier Shoreline and Sandline Change Model Skill and Predicted Probabilities: Long-term back-barrier shoreline change

The Barrier Island and Estuarine Wetland Physical Change Assessment was created to calibrate and test probability models of barrier island estuarine shoreline (backshore) and beach sandline change for study areas in Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey. The models examined the influence of hydrologic and physical variables related to long-term and storm-derived overwash and back-barrier shoreline change. Input variables were constructed into a Bayesian Network (BN) using Netica, a computer program created by ...

Estuarine Back-barrier Shoreline and Beach Sandline Change Model Skill and Predicted Probabilities: Long-term sandline change

The Barrier Island and Estuarine Wetland Physical Change Assessment was created to calibrate and test probability models of barrier island estuarine shoreline (backshore) and beach sandline change for study areas in Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey. The models examined the influence of hydrologic and physical variables related to long-term and storm-derived overwash and back-barrier shoreline change. Input variables were constructed into a Bayesian Network (BN) using Netica, a computer program created by ...

Holocene evolution of sea-surface temperature and salinity in the Gulf of Mexico

Stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition (δ18O and δ13C) and magnesium-to-calcium (Mg/Ca) ratios were measured in the tests of planktic foraminiferal species, Globigerinoides ruber (white variety), in a northwestern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) sediment core 2010-GB2-GC1 collected from the Garrison Basin (26.67°N, 93.92°W) at a water depth of 1776 meters (m), aboard the R/V Cape Hatteras in April 2010. These measurements are used to generate sub-centennial-scale reconstructions of sea surface temperature ...

Elevation Data Collected in 2010 from Sabine National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana

Data release doi:10.5066/F7BR8QBH associated with this metadata record serves as an archive of elevation data collected in August 2010 from Sabine National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR), Louisiana (U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] Field Activity Number [FAN] 10SWL01). Point (xyz) elevations were collected from historically formed open-water bodies and the surrounding emergent marsh using a combination of stop-and-go (semi-kinematic) and kinematic differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) surveying techniques. ...

Transects_BackBarrier.shp - Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Linear Regression Rate Calculations for the Back-Barrier (North-Facing) coast of Dauphin Island, Alabama.

Rates of shoreline change for Dauphin Island, Alabama were generated for three analysis periods, using two different shoreline proxy datasets. Mean High Water line (MHW) shorelines were generated from 14 lidar datasets (1998-2014) and Wet Dry Line (WDL) shorelines were digitized from ten sets of georeferenced aerial images (1940-2015). Rates of change were generated for three groups of shorelines: MHW (lidar), WDL (aerial) and MHW and WDL shorelines combined. These data will aid in developing an ...

Transects_OpenOcean.shp - Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Linear Regression Rate Calculations for the Open Ocean coast of Dauphin Island, Alabama.

Rates of shoreline change for Dauphin Island, Alabama were generated for three analysis periods, using two different shoreline proxy datasets. Mean High Water line (MHW) shorelines were generated from 14 lidar datasets (1998-2014) and Wet Dry Line (WDL) shorelines were digitized from ten sets of georeferenced aerial images (1940-2015). Rates of change were generated for three groups of shorelines: MHW (lidar), WDL (aerial) and MHW and WDL shorelines combined. These data will aid in developing an ...

Archive of Digitized Analog Boomer Seismic Reflection Data Collected from the Northern Gulf of Mexico: 1982, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1991, and 1992

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program (CMHRP) has actively collected geophysical and sedimentological data in the northern Gulf of Mexico for several decades, including shallow subsurface data in the form of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles (HRSP). Prior to the mid-1990s most HRSP data were collected in analog format as paper rolls of continuous profiles up to 25 meters long. As part of the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program ...

Archive of digitized analog boomer seismic reflection data collected during USGS Cruise USFHC in Mississippi Sound and Bay St. Louis, September 1989

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program has actively collected geophysical and sedimentological data in the northern Gulf of Mexico for several decades, including shallow subsurface data in the form of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles (HRSP). Prior to the mid-1990s most HRSP data were collected in analog format as paper rolls of continuous profiles up to 25 meters long. As part of the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP, https:/ ...

Wetland-Change Data Derived from Landsat Imagery, Assateague Island to Metompkin Island, Maryland and Virginia, 1984 to 2015: Wetland Persistence Analysis

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release includes geospatial datasets that were created for the analysis of Virginia and Maryland Atlantic coastal wetland changes over time. Wetland change was determined by assessing two metrics: wetland persistence and land-cover switching. Because seasonal water levels, beach width, and vegetation differences can affect change analyses, only images acquired during the spring (March, April, and May) were included in the wetland-change metrics (N=10). To assess ...

Globorotalia truncatulinoides Trace Element Geochemistry (Barium, Magnesium, Strontium, Manganese, and Calcium) from the Gulf of Mexico Sediment Trap

Observations of elevated barium-to-calcium ratio (Ba/Ca) in Globorotalia truncatulinoides have been attributed to contaminant phases, deep calcification depth and diagenetic processes. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists and their collaborators investigated intra- and inter-test Ba/Ca variability in the non-spinose planktic foraminifer, G. truncatulinoides, from a sediment trap time series (2009-2017) in the northern Gulf of Mexico (generally 27.5°N and 90.3°W) to gain insights into the environmental ...

2010-2022 New Jersey and New York Beach Volumes

This dataset defines the volume of sand along a 10-meter (m) wide profile between the seaward-most dune toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from light detection and ranging (lidar) digital elevation models (DEMs). Refer to Doran and others (2017) for more information about the source lidar data. These data support the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)-funded project entitled “Monitoring Hurricane Sandy Beach and Marsh Resilience in New York and New Jersey” (NFWF project ID 2300.16 ...

2010-2022 New Jersey and New York Beach Shoreline Change

This dataset defines shoreline change rates for each 10-meter (m)-wide profile calculated via endpoint rate and linear regression from Himmelstoss and others (2018). Shoreline change rates were calculated for two time periods: pre-Sandy (2010-2012) and post-Sandy (2012-2022). The profiles were derived from light detection and ranging (lidar) digital elevation models (DEMs). Refer to Doran and others (2017) for more information about the source lidar data. These data support the National Fish and Wildlife ...

2000 USACE Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2000 U.S. Army Corps of ...

Fall 2000 USGS Mid-Atlantic Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2000 Atlantic Coast U.S. ...

2001 USACE Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2001 U.S. Army Corps of ...

2002 USGS Virgina and Maryland Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2001 Gulf Coast USGS ...

2003 NOAA Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2003 NOAA Oahu lidar ...

2004 Pre-Hurricane Ivan Eastern Gulf Coast United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 Pre-Ivan Eastern ...

2004 USACE Post-Ivan Florida Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 U.S. Army Corps of ...

2004 Maine NOAA Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 NOAA Maine lidar ...

2004 Post-Hurricane Frances USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 Post-Hurricane ...

2004 Post-Hurricane Jeanne USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 Post-Hurricane ...

2005-2006 Atlantic Coast USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2005-2006 Atlantic Coast ...

2005 EAARL Fire Island Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2005 Fire Island USGS ...

2005 Padre Island USGS EAARL Lidar-derived dune crest, toe and shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2005 Experimental ...

2006 FEMA Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2006 Federal Emergency ...

2007 Northeast Barrier Islands USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2007 Northeast Barrier ...

2007 South Florida FDEM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2007 Florida Division of ...

2007 USACE Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2007 U.S. Army Corps of ...

September 2007 Northern Gulf of Mexico USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2007 Northern Gulf of ...

2008 USGS Post-Hurricane Ike Texas Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2008 USGS Post-Hurricane ...

2008 North Carolina and Virginia NOAA/NGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2008 Atlantic Coast ...

2008 Assateague Island USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2008 Assateague Island ...

2009 Cape Canaveral USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2009 Cape Canaveral ...

Coral cores collected in Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, U.S.A.: Photographs and X-rays

Cores from living coral colonies were collected from Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, to obtain skeletal records of past coral growth and allow geochemical reconstruction of environmental variables during the corals’ centuries-long lifespans. The samples were collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies project ( that provides science to assist resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. Three colonies ...

Data for evaluating the Sr/Ca temperature proxy with in-situ temperature in the western Atlantic coral Siderastrea siderea

Massive corals are used as environmental recorders throughout the tropics and subtropics to study environmental variability during time periods preceding ocean-observing instrumentation. However, careful testing of paleoproxies is necessary to validate the environmental-proxy record throughout a range of conditions experienced by the recording organisms. As part of the USGS Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies project (, we tested the hypothesis that the coral Siderastrea siderea ...

2009 North Carolina USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2009 U.S. Army Corps of ...

2009 Florida USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2009 Florida U.S. Army ...

2009 Post-Nor’Ida USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2009 Post-Nor’Ida USGS ...

2010 Northeast Atlantic USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Northeast Atlantic ...

2010 Southeast Atlantic USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Southeast Atlantic ...

2010 Virginia USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Virginia U.S. Army ...

2010 New York USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 New York U.S. Army ...

2010 New Jersey USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 New Jersey U.S. ...

2010 Delaware USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Delaware U.S. Army ...

2010 Maryland USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Maryland U.S. Army ...

Core logger data from vibracores collected offshore Oceanside to San Diego, southern California, during field activity 2018-638-FA from 2018-05-22 to 2018-05-26

This section of the data release contains core logger tabular data of 41 vibracores that were collected aboard the R/V Bold Horizon in 2018 on U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2018-638-FA offshore Oceanside to San Diego, southern California. The cores were analyzed for sound velocity (P-wave) and gamma ray density. The logging was performed at 1-cm intervals from the top of each core section. In addition to the core logger data, the location of the cores are available as either a comma-delimited file ...

Photographs of vibracores collected offshore Oceanside to San Diego, southern California, during field activity 2018-638-FA from 2018-05-22 to 2018-05-26

This section of the data release contains photographs of 41 vibracores that were collected aboard the R/V Bold Horizon in 2018 on U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2018-638-FA offshore Oceanside to San Diego, southern California.

Sediment grain size data from vibracore samples collected offshore Oceanside to San Diego, southern California, during field activity 2018-638-FA from 2018-05-22 to 2018-05-26

This section of the data release contains grain-size and total organic carbon (TOC) analyses of 174 samples taken from vibracores that were collected aboard the R/V Bold Horizon in 2018 on U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2018-638-FA offshore Oceanside to San Diego, southern California. The samples were analyzed for percent weight of grain size and total organic carbon. The samples were taken at approx. 50 cm intervals from (and including) the core-catcher, which represents the bottom of the core.

Faults--Offshore of Bodega Head Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., ...

Folds--Offshore of Bodega Head Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., ...

2010 Assateague Island National Seashore USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Assateague Island ...

July 2010 Dauphin Island USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Dauphin Island U.S. ...

2011 USGS New York Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2011 Atlantic Coast ...

2011 East Coast New York/New Jersey NOAA/NGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2011 East Coast New York ...

2012 Post-Hurricane Sandy Fire Island, New York Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post-Hurricane ...

2012 Post-Hurricane Sandy Northeast Atlantic Coast USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post ...

2012 Post-Sandy New York and New Jersey USACE NCMP Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post-Sandy New York ...

2012 Pre-Hurricane Sandy Fire Island National Seashore, USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post-Hurricane ...

2012 Pre-Sandy New York and New Jersey USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Pre Hurricane Sandy ...

2012 Post-Hurricane Sandy New Jersey USGS EAARL-B Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post-Hurricane ...

2013-2014 Northeast USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2013-2014 Post� ...

2013 NOAA Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2013 National Oceanic ...

2013 USACE Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2013 U.S. Army Corps of ...

2013 USACE NAE Topobathy Lidar: Maine Point Cloud files with Orthometric Vertical Datum North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) using GEOID12B

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2001 Gulf Coast USGS ...

2013 Maine USACE/NAE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2013 Maine United States ...

2014 East Coast Rhode Island NOAA/NGS ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline, post-Hurricane Sandy

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2014 East Coast Rhode ...

2014 East Coast Maine USACE/NAE ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline, post-Hurricane Sandy

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2014 East Coast Maine ...

2015 USACE Florida Gulf Coast Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2015 U.S. Army Corps of ...

2017 USGS Lidar: Chenier Plain, LA Point Cloud files with Orthometric Vertical Datum North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) using GEOID12B

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2001 Gulf Coast USGS ...

2016 Florida East Coast USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2016 U.S. Army Corps of ...

2016 USACE Gulf Coast Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2016 U.S. Army Corps of ...

2017 East Coast USACE/FEMA ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline, post-Hurricane Irma

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2017 Atlantic Coast ...

2018 USGS Florida Panhandle Post-Michael Lidar-derived Dune Crest, Toe, and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2018 United States Army ...

1998 East Coast NASA/NOAA/USGS Winter ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 1998 Atlantic Coast ...

1998 Atlantic coast NASA/NOAA/USGS Spring ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 1998 Atlantic Coast ...

1998 Southeast ATM Lidar-derived dune crest, toe and shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 1998 Southeast USGS/NASA ...

1999 Atlantic Coast NASA/NOAA/USGS ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline, post-Hurricane Floyd

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 1999 Atlantic Coast ...

2018 South Texas USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline derived from the 2018 United States ...

2018 Puerto Rico USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in May 2023 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore, seaward side of Rockaway Peninsula, New York (NY), from May 6-16, 2023. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid and the dataset Rockaway_2023_MBES ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in May 2023 From Seven Mile Island, New Jersey

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore extent of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey (NJ), from May 18-27, 2023. The download file,, includes processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid. The download file, 7Mile_2023_MBES ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in May 2021 From Seven Mile Island, New Jersey

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore extent of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, from May 19-23, 2021. The download file,, includes processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid. The download file, 7Mile_2021_MBES ...

MONT95C - Bathymetry contours of the southern Monterey Bay area between Moss Landing and Monterey, California

Derived contours at 10-m intervals are from data collected by the USGS with a multibeam (Simrad EM1000) sidescan sonar system in the southern Monterey Bay between Moss Landing and Monterey, California in 1995 (USGS Field Activity P1-95-MB). This is one of a collection of digital files of a geographic information system of spatially referenced data related to the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Project (see this and other older Monterey Bay USGS works archived ...

Marine mineral geochemical data - Part One: Pacific Ocean USGS-affiliated historical data

This data release compiles element composition data for more than 600 deep-ocean mineral samples from more than 25 research cruises in the Pacific Ocean since 1979 that involved USGS researchers. Deep-ocean mineral sample types encompassed in this data release include ferromanganese crusts, manganese nodules, phosphorites, and hydrothermal minerals. This data release is comprised of both unpublished as well as previously published data and reports and includes analytical methods and instrument detection ...

Post-Expedition Report for USGS T-3 Ice Island Heat Flow Measurements in the High Arctic Ocean, 1963-1973

In February 1963, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began a study of heat flow in the Arctic Ocean Basin and acquired data at 356 sites in Canada Basin and Nautilus Basin and on Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge by the end of the project in 1973. The USGS heat flow and associated piston coring operations were conducted from a scientific station on the freely drifting T-3 Ice island (also known as Fletcher's Ice Island). The Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) had established T-3 as a drifting research station in ...

Underwater temperature on off-shore coral reefs of the Florida Keys, U.S.A. (Version 8)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies (CREST) project ( provides science that helps resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. Coral reef organisms are very sensitive to high and low water-temperature extremes. It is critical to precisely know water temperatures experienced by corals and associated plants and animals that live in the dynamic nearshore environment to document thresholds in temperature tolerance. This ...

Faults--Offshore of Bolinas Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., ...

Acquisition log maintained during field activity 2011-015-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management offshore of Massachusetts around Cape Cod and the Islands in September 2011 (PDFs of Excel spreadsheets)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The project is focused on the inshore waters (5–30 meters deep) of Massachusetts. This dataset is from U ...

Text files of the navigation logged during field activity 2011-015-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management offshore of Massachusetts around Cape Cod and the Islands in September 2011 (ASCII text and CSV files)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The project is focused on the inshore waters (5–30 meters deep) of Massachusetts. This dataset is from U ...

Location of bottom still imagery along with images collected during field activity 2011-015-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management offshore of Massachusetts around Cape Cod and the Islands in September 2011 (JPEG images, point shapefile, and CSV file)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The project is focused on the inshore waters (5–30 meters deep) of Massachusetts. This dataset is from U ...

Location and analysis of sediment samples collected during field activity 2011-015-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management offshore of Massachusetts around Cape Cod and the Islands in September 2011 (point shapefile and CSV file)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The project is focused on the inshore waters (5–30 meters deep) of Massachusetts. This dataset is from U ...

Location of bottom video tracklines collected during field activity 2011-015-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management offshore of Massachusetts around Cape Cod and the Islands in September 2011 (polyline shapefile)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The project is focused on the inshore waters (5–30 meters deep) of Massachusetts. This dataset is from U ...

1-meter backscatter imagery collected in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River during field activity 2012-024-FA (GeoTIFF image)

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

Folds--Offshore of Bolinas Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, ...

2-meter bathymetric data collected in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River during field activity 2012-024-FA (bathymetry and depth-colored hillshade relief GeoTIFFs)

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

Folds--Offshore of Fort Ross Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E ...

Text files of the navigation logged with HYPACK Software during field activity 2012-024-FA in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

Acquisition log maintained in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River during field activity 2012-024-FA (PDF of scanned spreadsheet)

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

Location and analysis of sediment samples collected in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River during field activity 2012-024-FA (point shapefile)

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

Faults--Offshore of Half Moon Bay Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L. ...

Folds--Offshore of Half Moon Bay Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., ...

Faults--Offshore of Pacifica map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, ...

Folds--Offshore of Pacifica map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R ...

Faults--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter ...

Folds--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, ...

Faults--Offshore of San Francisco Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore San Francisco map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W ...

Faults--Offshore of San Gregorio Map Area, California

This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., ...

Folds--Offshore of San Gregorio Map Area, California

This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, ...

Text files of the navigation logged with during the sampling survey of field activity 2012-024-FA in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

Chirp seismic reflection data- shotpoints, tracklines, profile images, and SEG-Y traces for EdgeTech 3400 chirp data collected during USGS field activity 2022-001-FA (point and polyline shapefiles, CSV text, PNG Images, and SEGY data, GCS WGS 84)

In June 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, collected high-resolution geophysical data, in Nantucket Sound to understand the regional geology in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal. This effort is part of a long-term collaboration between the USGS and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to map the State’s waters, support research on the Quaternary evolution of coastal Massachusetts, resolve the influence of sea-level change and sediment ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in Nantucket Sound Massachusetts in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal, during USGS Field Activity 2022-001-FA using a Teledyne SeaBat Integrated Dual-Head (IDH) T20-P multibeam echosounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, NAD 83, MLLW Datum, 2-m resolution)

In June 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, collected high-resolution geophysical data, in Nantucket Sound to understand the regional geology in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal. This effort is part of a long-term collaboration between the USGS and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to map the State’s waters, support research on the Quaternary evolution of coastal Massachusetts, resolve the influence of sea-level change and sediment ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected in Nantucket Sound Massachusetts in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal, during USGS Field Activity 2022-001-FA using a Teledyne SeaBat Integrated Dual-Head (IDH) T20-P multibeam echosounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, 1-m resolution)

In June 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, collected high-resolution geophysical data, in Nantucket Sound to understand the regional geology in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal. This effort is part of a long-term collaboration between the USGS and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to map the State’s waters, support research on the Quaternary evolution of coastal Massachusetts, resolve the influence of sea-level change and sediment ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Initial_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Location of bottom photographs along with images collected in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River during field activity 2012-024-FA (point shapefile and JPEG images)

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

Acquisition log maintained during field activity 2012-035-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management in Ipswich Bay and Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, in August 2012 (Excel spreadsheet)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The program is focused on the inshore waters (primarily 5-30 meters deep, although the region surveyed in ...

Text files of the navigation logged during field activity 2012-035-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management in Ipswich Bay and Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, in August 2012 (ASCII text and CSV files)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The program is focused on the inshore waters (primarily 5-30 meters deep, although the region surveyed in ...

Location of bottom still imagery along with images collected during field activity 2012-035-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management in Ipswich Bay and Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, in August 2012 (JPEG images, point shapefile, and CSV file)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The program is focused on the inshore waters (primarily 5-30 meters deep, although the region surveyed in ...

Location and analysis of sediment samples collected during field activity 2012-035-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management in Ipswich Bay and Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, in August 2012 (point shapefile and CSV file)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The program is focused on the inshore waters (primarily 5-30 meters deep, although the region surveyed in ...

Location of bottom video tracklines collected during field activity 2012-035-FA by the U.S. Geological Survey and Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management in Ipswich Bay and Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, in August 2012 (polyline shapefile)

Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human effects. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of the Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Sea Floor program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. The program is focused on the inshore waters (primarily 5-30 meters deep, although the region surveyed in ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2013-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 5, 15, and 21, 2013

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2013-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 5, 15, and 21, 2013

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format and image locations collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2013-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 5, 15, and 21, 2013

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2013-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 5, 15, and 21, 2013

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2013-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 5, 15, and 21, 2013

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Faults--Offshore of Fort Ross Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., ...

Faults--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C ...

Folds--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A ...

Folds--Offshore Refugio Beach, California

This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H.G ...

Folds--Offshore of San Francisco Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Francisco map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R ...

Folds--Offshore of Tomales Point Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W. ...

Station and data summary for data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey on Stellwagen Bank during three surveys aboard the R/V Auk, September 2020 to August 2021

These data are a part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species ...

Still images in JPEG format of the sediment surface in the grab sampler, collected by the U.S. Geological Survey on Stellwagen Bank during three surveys aboard the R/V Auk, September 2020 to August 2021

These data are a part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format with EXIF location information collected by the U.S. Geological Survey on Stellwagen Bank during three surveys aboard the R/V Auk, September 2020 to August 2021

These data are a part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during three surveys by the U.S. Geological Survey aboard the R/V Auk, September 2020 to August 2021

These data are a part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species ...

Navigation data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey on Stellwagen Bank during three surveys aboard the R/V Auk, September 2020 to August 2021

These data are a part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species ...

Location and analyses of sediment samples collected on Stellwagen Bank off Boston, Massachusetts from September 2020 to August 2021 during three U.S. Geological Survey field activities

These data are a part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species ...

Video transects of the sea floor collected by the U.S. Geological Survey on Stellwagen Bank during three surveys aboard the R/V Auk, September 2020 to August 2021

These data are a part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species ...

Faults--Offshore of Carpinteria, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for fault data for the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Sliter, R.W., Erdey, M.D., ...

Folds--Offshore of Carpinteria, California

This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Sliter, R.W., Erdey, M.D., Wong, F.L., ...

Faults--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., Krigsman, L.M., Greene, H.G., ...

Folds--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from https :// These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., Krigsman, L.M., Greene, H.G., ...

Faults--Offshore Refugio Beach, California

This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H ...

Faults--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California

This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., ...

Folds--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California

This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., ...

Faults--Offshore of Tomales Point Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M ...

Faults--Offshore of Ventura, California

This part of SA 781 presents fault data for the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I., Sliter, R.W., Erdey, M ...

Folds--Offshore of Ventura, California

This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I., Sliter, R.W., Erdey, M.D ...

Location and analysis of sediment samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2014 along the Delmarva Peninsula, MD and VA (Esri point shapefile and CSV file, Geographic, WGS 84)

The Delmarva Peninsula is a 220-kilometer-long headland, spit, and barrier island complex that was significantly affected by Hurricane Sandy. A U.S. Geological Survey cruise was conducted in the summer of 2014 to map the inner continental shelf of the Delmarva Peninsula using geophysical and sampling techniques to define the geologic framework that governs coastal system evolution at storm-event and longer timescales. Data collected during the 2014 cruise include swath bathymetry, sidescan sonar, chirp and ...

Shot point navigation at even 500 shot intervals for EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY (Esri point shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical and sampling survey in October 2014 that focused on a series of shoreface-attached ridges offshore of western Fire Island, NY. Seismic-reflection data, surficial grab samples and bottom photographs and video were collected along the lower shoreface and inner continental shelf. The purpose of this survey was to assess the impact of Hurricane Sandy on this coastal region. These data were compared to seismic-reflection and surficial sediment data ...

PNG images of Edgetech SB-512i seismic-reflection data collected in 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY (PNG Format)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical and sampling survey in October 2014 that focused on a series of shoreface-attached ridges offshore of western Fire Island, NY. Seismic-reflection data, surficial grab samples and bottom photographs and video were collected along the lower shoreface and inner continental shelf. The purpose of this survey was to assess the impact of Hurricane Sandy on this coastal region. These data were compared to seismic-reflection and surficial sediment data ...

Trackline navigation for EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical and sampling survey in October 2014 that focused on a series of shoreface-attached ridges offshore of western Fire Island, NY. Seismic-reflection data, surficial grab samples and bottom photographs and video were collected along the lower shoreface and inner continental shelf. The purpose of this survey was to assess the impact of Hurricane Sandy on this coastal region. These data were compared to seismic-reflection and surficial sediment data ...

Text files of the navigation logged by HYPACK during the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY in 2014 (Geographic, WGS 84, HYPACK ASCII Text Files)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical and sampling survey in October 2014 that focused on a series of shoreface-attached ridges offshore of western Fire Island, NY. Seismic-reflection data, surficial grab samples and bottom photographs and video were collected along the lower shoreface and inner continental shelf. The purpose of this survey was to assess the impact of Hurricane Sandy on this coastal region. These data were compared to seismic-reflection and surficial sediment data ...

Location of bottom photographs along with images collected in 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY (JPEG images and Esri point shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical and sampling survey in October 2014 that focused on a series of shoreface-attached ridges offshore of western Fire Island, NY. Seismic-reflection data, surficial grab samples and bottom photographs and video were collected along the lower shoreface and inner continental shelf. The purpose of this survey was to assess the impact of Hurricane Sandy on this coastal region. These data were compared to seismic-reflection and surficial sediment data ...

Location and analysis of sediment samples collected in 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY (Esri point shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical and sampling survey in October 2014 that focused on a series of shoreface-attached ridges offshore of western Fire Island, NY. Seismic-reflection data, surficial grab samples and bottom photographs and video were collected along the lower shoreface and inner continental shelf. The purpose of this survey was to assess the impact of Hurricane Sandy on this coastal region. These data were compared to seismic-reflection and surficial sediment data ...

Depth to Transition--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the depth-to-transition map of the Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, region. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 20-m grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the last glacial maximum was generated for the areas within the 3-nautical mile ...

Isopachs--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the isopachs for the Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, region. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Program, a 20-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters between Salt Point and Drakes Bay was ...

Sediment Thickness--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the sediment-thickness map of the Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, region. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 20-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Salt Point and Drakes Bay was generated ...

Transgressive Contours--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the transgressive contours for the Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, region. The vector file is included in "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 20-m grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the last glacial maximum was generated for the areas within the 3-nautical mile ...

Location of sea floor video tracklines along with videos collected in 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY (MP4 videos files and Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical and sampling survey in October 2014 that focused on a series of shoreface-attached ridges offshore of western Fire Island, NY. Seismic-reflection data, surficial grab samples and bottom photographs and video were collected along the lower shoreface and inner continental shelf. The purpose of this survey was to assess the impact of Hurricane Sandy on this coastal region. These data were compared to seismic-reflection and surficial sediment data ...

Depth to transition--Santa Barbara Channel, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the depth-to-transition (the depth to the bedrock at the Last Glacial Maximum) map of the Santa Barbara Channel, California, region. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Project, a 50-m-resolution grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the Last Glacial ...

Isopachs--Santa Barbara Channel, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the isopachs for the Santa Barbara Channel, California, region. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Program, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters from the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area to the ...

Sediment thickness--Santa Barbara Channel, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the sediment-thickness map of the Santa Barbara Channel, California, region. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Program, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness atop the bedrock at the Last Glacial Maximum horizon for the seafloor within the 3-nautical-mile limit of ...

Transgressive contours--Santa Barbara Channel, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the transgressive contours for the Santa Barbara Channel, California, region. The vector file is included in "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Project, a 50-m-resolution grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the Last Glacial Maximum within California State Waters between Refugio Beach ...

Depth to Transition--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the depth-to-transition map of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The raster data file is included in the "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Punta Gorda and Point Arena was generated from seismic-reflection data collected between ...

Faults--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the faults of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The vector data file is included in the "," which is accessible from Faults in the Punta Gorda and Point Arena region are identified on seismic-reflection data based on abrupt truncation or warping of reflections and (or) juxtaposition of reflection panels with different seismic parameters such as reflection presence, amplitude, frequency, ...

Isopachs--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the isopachs of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The vector data file is included in the "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Punta Gorda and Point Arena was generated from seismic-reflection data collected between 2010 and 2012, and ...

Sediment Thickness--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the sediment-thickness map of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The raster data file is included in the "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Point Sur and Point Arguello was generated from seismic-reflection data collected between ...

Transgressive Contours--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the transgressive contours of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The vector data file is included in the "," which is accessible from As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Punta Gorda and Point Arena was generated from seismic-reflection data collected ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-015-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 22-23 and 29-30, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-015-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 22-23 and 29-30, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format and image locations collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-015-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 22-23 and 29-30, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-015-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 22-23 and 29-30, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-015-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 22-23 and 29-30, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-055-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 23 and 24, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-055-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 23 and 24, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-055-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 23 and 24, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-055-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 23 and 24, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-055-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 23 and 24, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Digital vector bathymetric/topographic contours of the sea floor in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (bathy.shp)

This data set contains the sea floor topographic contours generated from a multibeam sonar survey of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts, an area of approximately 1100 square nautical miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environments and habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization maps of a significant region of the shallow EEZ. Data were ...

Backscatter intensity and sun-illuminated topographic imagery of the seafloor in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (bcksctter.tif)

This data set contains the sun-illuminated topographic imagery and backscatter intensity generated from a multibeam sonar survey of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts, an area of approximately 1100 square nautical miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environments and habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization maps of a significant region of the ...

Boulder ridges less than 1 m high on the sea floor of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (ridges0.shp)

This data set contains the locations of boulder ridges that are less than 1 meter in height in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts, an area of approximately 1100 nautical square miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environments and habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization maps of a significant region of the shallow EEZ. The boulder ridges ...

Boulder ridges greater than or equal to 1 m high on the sea floor of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine region (ridges1.shp)

This data set contains the locations of boulder ridges greater than or equal to 1 meter in height in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region off Boston, Massachusetts, an area of approximately 1100 nautical square miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environmental habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization maps of a significant region of the shallow EEZ. The boulder ridges ...

Sea floor ruggedness analysis for the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (rugged)

The Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) calculates the average difference in elevation between a small area (a center pixel of 13 x 13 m) and its surrounding area (neighboring pixels). The TRI was applied to the digital bathymetric grids of the seafloor of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts to create an analysis of sea floor ruggedness.

Sample and video stations located in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (sbnmsallsta.shp)

This data set contains point locations for data stations in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region off Boston, Massachusetts, an area of approximately 1100 nautical square miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environments and habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization maps of a significant region of the shallow EEZ. Stations represent the location of a sediment sample and ...

Video transects of the sea floor in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (sbnmsallvid.shp)

This data set contains polylines showing extents of video transects documenting seabed characteristics in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region off Boston, Massachusetts, an area of approximately 1100 nautical square miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environments and habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization maps of a significant region of the shallow EEZ.

Sea floor slope analysis for the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (slope)

The slope analysis of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts was performed using the slope tool in the Spatial Analyst extension in ArcGIS 8.3. The slope tool calculates the maximum rate of change in elevation over a pixel and its eight neighbors for a surface. The slope calculations were carried out for the bathymetric grids of the seafloor of this region.

Sun-illuminated topographic imagery of the seafloor in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (sunillum.tif)

The sun-illuminated topographic imagery of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts covers an area of approximately 1100 square nautical miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environments and habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization maps of a significant region of the shallow EEZ. Data were collected on four cruises over a two year period from the ...

CRLS97007 sidescan-sonar track lines on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast from U.S. Geological Survey field activity 1997-007-FA

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan-sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

CRLS98014 sidescan-sonar track lines on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast from U.S. Geological Survey field activity 1998-014-FA

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan-sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-066-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 10, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-066-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 10, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format and image locations collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-066-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 10, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-066-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 10, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-066-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, November 10, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-070-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 12, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-070-FA-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 12, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Neritic sediments of the Merrimack Embayment (ANAN71 shapefile)

The coastal dunes, beaches, and inner neritic zone of the Merrimack Embayment constitute a petrologic province. In addition to heavy mineral analyses, grain size statistics were generated on most of the samples. Neritic and beach sediments can be differentiated using scatter plots of statistics, but statistical parameters are ineffective in differentiating between river and neritic sediments.

Seabed still images in JPEG format and image locations collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-070-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 12, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-070-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 12, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2014-070-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 12, 2014

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Sediment grain-size data from vibracore samples collected offshore San Francisco, California, during field activity 2019-649-FA from 2019-10-11 to 2019-10-18

This section of the data release contains grain-size and total organic carbon (TOC) analyses of 132 samples taken from vibracores that were collected aboard the R/V Bold Horizon in 2019 on U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2019-649-FA offshore San Francisco, California. The samples were analyzed for percent weight of grain size and total organic carbon. The samples were taken at approx. 50 cm intervals from (and including) the core-catcher, which represents the bottom of the core.

Depth to Quaternary regional unconformities offshore of the Delmarva Peninsula, including Maryland and Virginia state waters

Geologic structure and isopach maps were constructed by interpreting over 19,890 trackline kilometers of co-located multichannel boomer, sparker and chirp seismic reflection profiles from the continental shelf of the Delmarva Peninsula, including Maryland and Virginia state waters. In this region, Brothers and others (2020) interpret 12 seismic units and 11 regional unconformities. They interpret the infilled channels as Late Tertiary and Quaternary courses of the Susquehanna, Potomac, Rappahannock, York ...

Thickness of Quaternary seismic stratigraphic units offshore of the Delmarva Peninsula, including Maryland and Virginia state waters

Geologic structure and isopach maps were constructed by interpreting over 19.890 trackline kilometers of co-located multichannel boomer, sparker and chirp seismic reflection profiles from the continental shelf of the Delmarva Peninsula, including Maryland and Virginia state waters. In this region, Brothers and others (2020) interpret 12 seismic units and 11 regional unconformities. They interpret the infilled channels as Late Tertiary and Quaternary courses of the Susquehanna, Potomac, Rappahannock, York ...

Trackline navigation for EdgeTech SB-512i chirp and multichannel sparker seismic-reflection data collected in 2013 by Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. for the Maryland Energy Administration offshore of the Delmarva Peninsula (polyline shapefiles)

Geologic structure and isopach maps were constructed by interpreting over 19,890 trackline kilometers of co-located multichannel boomer, sparker and chirp seismic reflection profiles from the continental shelf of the Delmarva Peninsula, including Maryland and Virginia state waters. In this region, Brothers and others (2020) interpret 12 seismic units and 11 regional unconformities. They interpret the infilled channels as Late Tertiary and Quaternary courses of the Susquehanna, Potomac, Rappahannock, York ...

Trackline navigation for EG&G Uniboom seismic-reflection data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey during field activities 1974-004-FA and 1975-003-FA offshore of the Delmarva Peninsula (polyline shapefiles)

Geologic structure and isopach maps were constructed by interpreting over 19,890 trackline kilometers of co-located multichannel boomer, sparker and chirp seismic reflection profiles from the continental shelf of the Delmarva Peninsula, Maryland and Virginia. In this region, Brothers and others (2020) interpret 12 seismic units and 11 regional unconformities. They interpret the infilled channels as Late Tertiary and Quaternary courses of the Susquehanna, Potomac, Rappahannock, York and James Rivers and ...

Location and analyses of sediment samples collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2019-008-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, July 30, 31, and August 1, 2019 (ver. 1.1, May 2023)

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-017-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-19, 29, and June 3, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-017-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-19, 29, and June 3, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format and image locations collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-017-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-19, 29, and June 3, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Experimental coral-growth data and time-series imagery for Acropora palmata and Pseudodiploria strigosa in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies (CREST) project ( provides science that helps Department of Interior and other resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. This data release contains data on coral-growth rates and time-series photographs taken of colonies of the elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, and the symmetrical brain coral, Pseudodiploria strigosa, grown at three sites at Buck Island Reef National Monument in St. ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-017-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-19, 29, and June 3, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-017-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-19, 29, and June 3, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank on U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-062-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Oct. 21 and 22 and Nov. 3 and 4 2015 (PDF files)

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format collected on Stellwagen Bank on U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-062-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Oct. 21 and 22 and Nov. 3 and 4 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Locations and analyses of sediment samples collected on Stellwagen Bank on U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-062-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Oct. 21 and 22 and Nov. 3 and 4 2015 (geographic, WGS84)

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank on U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-062-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Oct. 21 and 22 and Nov. 3 and 4 2015 (geographic, WGS84)

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-074-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 1, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-074-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 1, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format and image locations collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-074-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 1, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-074-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 1, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2015-074-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, December 1, 2015

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-004-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, January 28, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-004-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, January 28, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format and image locations collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-004-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, January 28, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-004-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, January 28, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-004-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, January 28, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

ECSTDB2005 - U.S. Geological Survey East Coast Sediment Texture Database (2005)

This sediment database contains location, description, and texture of samples taken by numerous marine sampling programs. Most of the samples are from the Atlantic Continental Margin of the United States, but some are from as diverse locations as Lake Baikal, Russia, the Hawaiian Islands region, Puerto Rico, the Gulf of Mexico, and Lake Michigan. The database presently contains data for over 23,000 samples, which includes texture data for approximately 3800 samples taken or analyzed by the Atlantic ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-038-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Sept. 16 and 19, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-038-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Sept. 16 and 19, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Still images in JPEG format of the sediment surface in the grab sampler, collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-038-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Sept. 16 and 19, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Experimental coral-physiology data for Acropora palmata in Florida, U.S.A.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies (CREST) project ( provides science that helps Department of Interior and other resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. This data release contains data on coral physiology of the elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, grown at five sites along the Florida outer reef tract including in Biscayne National Park, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, and Dry Tortugas National Park, ...

High-resolution multichannel seismic reflection data collected along the New England outer continental shelf, slope, and rise south of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, Massachusetts, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2016-018-FA

High resolution multichannel seismic-reflection data were collected along the New England outer continental shelf, slope, and rise south of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, Massachusetts, aboard the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) research vessel Neil Armstrong on June 11 - 12, 2016 in order to characterize the stratigraphy of a portion of the New England continental margin incised by submarine canyons and showing evidence of mass transport processes. The activity was conducted as a part of the ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format with EXIF location information collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-038-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Sept. 16 and 19, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-038-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Sept. 16 and 19, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2016-038-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Sept. 16 and 19, 2016

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank on U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-009-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Jan. 30, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-009-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Jan 30, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Grain-size data from core S3-15G, Monterey Fan, Central California

This data release presents sediment grain-size data from samples collected from core S3-15G, a 4.72-m long gravity core collected at a depth of 3,491 meters on the western levy of the Monterey Fan on May 31, 1978 (USGS Field Activity S-3-78-SC).

Uranium-Thorium Ages for Late Holocene Corals from the Southeast Florida Nearshore Ridge Complex

This data release (Modys and others, 2023a) compiles Uranium-Thorium (U-Th) dating data for late Holocene coral samples collected from the Nearshore Ridge Complex (NRC) off Pompano Beach, Southeast Florida (SEFL). The samples were collected under Scientific Activity Licenses (SAL) from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (SAL-18-1659A-SRP) and with permission from Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management.

Sample still images in JPEG format of the sediment surface in the grab sampler, collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-009-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Jan. 30, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-009-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Jan. 30, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Locations and analyses of sediment samples collected on Stellwagen Bank on U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-009-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Jan. 30, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank on U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-009-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Jan. 30, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-009-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Jan. 30, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-030-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-23, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-030-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-23, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Still images in JPEG format of the sediment surface in the grab sampler, collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-030-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-23, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format and image locations collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-030-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-23, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Location and analyses of sediment samples collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-030-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-23, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-030-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-23, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-030-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, May 18-23, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank on U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-043-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Aug. 22 and 23, 2017 (PDF file)

This field activity is part of an effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000-scale) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The data collected in this study will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species that inhabit the region. On August 22 and 23, 2017, the U.S. Geological ...

Still images in JPEG format of the sediment surface in the grab sampler, collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-043-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Aug. 22 and 23, 2017

This field activity is part of an effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000-scale) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The data collected in this study will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species that inhabit the region. On August 22 and 23, 2017, the U.S. Geological ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-043-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Aug. 22 and 23, 2017

This field activity is part of an effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000-scale) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The data collected in this study will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species that inhabit the region. On August 22 and 23, 2017, the U.S. Geological ...

Locations and analyses of sediment samples collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-043-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Aug 22 and 23, 2017 (geographic, WGS84)

This field activity is part of an effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000-scale) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The data collected in this study will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species that inhabit the region. On August 22 and 23, 2017, the U.S. Geological ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-043-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, Aug. 22 and 23, 2017 (geographic, WGS84)

This field activity is part of an effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000-scale) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. The data collected in this study will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate species that inhabit the region. On August 22 and 23, 2017, the U.S. Geological ...

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 12-14, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 12-14, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Still images in JPEG format of the sediment surface in the grab sampler, collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 12-14, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 12-14, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Location and analyses of sediment samples collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 12-14, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 12-14, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2017-044-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, September 12-14, 2017

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Landslide debris aprons offshore of southern California, 2023

Landslide debris aprons have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES), single-beam echosounder data, and seismic reflection data.

Landslide evacuation zones offshore of Southern California, 2023

Landslide evacuation zones, which represent the areas from which material is removed by landslide processes, have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES) and single-beam echosounder data.

Landslides offshore of southern California, 2023

Landslides have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES), single-beam echosounder data, and seismic reflection data.

Landslide mass-wasting zones offshore of Southern California, 2023

Landslide mass-wasting zones have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES) and single-beam echosounder data.

Landslide scarps offshore of Southern California, 2023

Landslide scarp features have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES) and single-beam echosounder data.

Acquisition and observation logs for seabed video and sediment samples from Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2019-008-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, July 30, 31, and August 1, 2019

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Navigation data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2019-008-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, July 30, 31, and August 1, 2019

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Still images in JPEG format of the sediment surface in the grab sampler, collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2019-008-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, July 30, 31, and August 1, 2019

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Seabed still images in JPEG format and image locations collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2019-008-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, July 30, 31, and August 1, 2019

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Station and data summary for data collected on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2019-008-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, July 30, 31, and August 1, 2019

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Video transects of the sea floor on Stellwagen Bank during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2019-008-FA, aboard the R/V Auk, July 30, 31, and August 1, 2019

This field activity is part of the effort to map geologic substrates of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts. The overall goal is to develop high-resolution (1:25,000) interpretive maps, based on multibeam sonar data and seabed sampling, showing surficial geology and seabed sediment dynamics. This cruise was conducted in collaboration with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, and the data collected will aid research on the ecology of fish and invertebrate ...

Gulf of Mexico Sediment Trap Foraminifera Data

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) deployed a sediment trap (McLane PARFLUX 78H) mooring in the northern Gulf of Mexico (27.5 °N and 90.3°W, water depth 1150 meters [m]) in January 2008 to collect seasonal time-series data on the flux and assemblage composition of planktic foraminifers. The trap was positioned in the water column at a depth of 700 m on the mooring cable to enable the collection of deeper dwelling species of planktic foraminifera. The trap contains 21 collection cups that were programmed to ...

Collections inventory for the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center Samples Repository (ver. 2.0, September 2023)

Since 2002, the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center’s Samples Repository supports research by providing secure storage for geological, biological, and geochemical samples; maintaining organization and an active inventory of these sample collections; and providing access to these collections for study and reuse. This collections inventory has been compiled, organized, and released as a searchable database to provide researchers and the general public with means to discover and request scientific ...

Globorotalia truncatulinoides Sediment Trap Data in the Gulf of Mexico

Modern observations of planktic foraminifera from sediment trap studies help to constrain the regional ecology of paleoceanographically valuable species. Results from a weekly-resolved sediment trap time series (2008–2014) in the northern Gulf of Mexico demonstrate that 92% of Globorotalia truncatulinoides flux occurs in winter (January, February, and March), and that encrusted and non-encrusted individuals represent calcification in distinct depth habitats. Individual foraminiferal analysis (IFA) of G. ...

Coastal Single-beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2022 off Seven Mile Island, New Jersey

To determine continued change to the shoreface morphology and evolution at Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a single-beam bathymetric survey of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, from April 29 - May 2, 2022. During this study, single-beam bathymetry data were collected using a personal watercraft (PWC) and a floating-towed-seismic sled. Both the PWC and the seismic sled ...

Chirp seismic reflection - shotpoints, tracklines, profile images, and SEG-Y traces for EdgeTech SB-424 chirp data collected during USGS field activity 2021-004-FA (point and polyline shapefiles, CSV text, PNG Images, and SEGY data, GCS WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) completed a bathymetric and shallow seismic-reflection survey during the period of June 9, 2021 to June 24, 2021 in water depths from 2 m to 30 m for a portion of the outer Cape Cod nearshore environment between Marconi and Nauset Beaches. The products from this survey will help to support white shark research on their shallow-water behavior in the dynamic nearshore environment at Cape Cod National Seashore (CACO). CACO ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected during USGS Field Activity 2021-004-FA, using a dual-head Teledyne SeaBat T20-P multibeam echo sounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, WGS84, 1-m resolution)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) completed a bathymetric and shallow seismic-reflection survey during the period of June 9, 2021 to June 24, 2021 in water depths from 2 m to 30 m for a portion of the outer Cape Cod nearshore environment between Marconi and Nauset Beaches. The products from this survey will help to support white shark research on their shallow-water behavior in the dynamic nearshore environment at Cape Cod National Seashore (CACO). CACO ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected during USGS field activity 2021-004-FA, using a dual-head Teledyne SeaBat T20-P multibeam echo sounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, NAD 83, NAVD88 Vertical Datum, 2-m resolution)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) completed a bathymetric and shallow seismic-reflection survey during the period of June 9, 2021 to June 24, 2021 in water depths from 2 m to 30 m for a portion of the outer Cape Cod nearshore environment between Marconi and Nauset Beaches. The products from this survey will help to support white shark research on their shallow-water behavior in the dynamic nearshore environment at Cape Cod National Seashore (CACO). CACO ...

Multibeam sonar tracklines collected during USGS field activity 2021-004-FA, using a dual-head Teledyne SeaBat T20-P multibeam echo sounder (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) completed a bathymetric and shallow seismic-reflection survey during the period of June 9, 2021 to June 24, 2021 in water depths from 2 m to 30 m for a portion of the outer Cape Cod nearshore environment between Marconi and Nauset Beaches. The products from this survey will help to support white shark research on their shallow-water behavior in the dynamic nearshore environment at Cape Cod National Seashore (CACO). CACO ...

2022-334-FA_BocaChica_Polecam_Imagery: High-resolution Geophysical and Imagery Data Collected in November 2022 Offshore of Boca Chica Key, FL

Underwater images totaling 23,948 in number were collected offshore of Boca Chica Key, the Florida Keys , during November 2022, using the Polecam system developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The Polecam system is a single downward-looking underwater Teledyne FLIR camera with a Computar V1228-MPY lens and with a rigidly-attached Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) antenna mounted directly above the camera's central axis. The pole camera was attached to the gunwale of the USGS research vessel ...

BocaChica_2022_MBES: High-resolution Geophysical and Imagery Data Collected in November 2022 Offshore of Boca Chica Key, FL

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Boca Chica Key, the Florida Keys, from November 8-13, 2022. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid, and the dataset ...

Tyndall_2022_MBES: High-resolution Geophysical Data Collected in June 2022 Near Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Florida

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Florida, from June 20-30, 2022. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid, and the dataset ...

Location and analyses of sediment samples collected at Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro during field activity 2020-015-FA on March 4, 2020 (ver. 2.0, December 2023)

The data in this release map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA and provide environmental context for the camera calibration information for the 2019 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. This is related to the field activity 2020-015-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of the CoastCam, which are ...

Location and analyses of sediment samples collected at Marconi Beach, Wellfleet during field activity 2021-022-FA on March 10, 2021 (ver. 2.0, December 2023)

The data in this publication map the beach and nearshore environment at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet, MA and provide regional context for the 2021 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. These data were collected as part of field activity 2021-022-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of CoastCam CACO-02, which are two video cameras aimed at the ...

Nearshore Single-Beam Bathymetry Data: Madeira Beach, Florida, February 2017

In February 2017, the United States Geological Survey Saint Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) conducted multibeam and single-beam bathymetric surveys of the nearshore waters off Madeira Beach, Florida. These data were collected as part of a regional study designed to better understand coastal processes on barrier islands and sandy beaches. Results from this study will be incorporated with observations from other regional studies in order to validate operational water level and ...

Computed tomography (CT) scans of push cores from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, Mohns Ridge

This portion of the data release presents computed tomography (CT) images from push cores collected from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, on the Mohns Ridge, in the Norwegian Sea. These data were collected in 2018 and 2019 (USGS Field Activity 2018-691-DD and 2019-624-FA). A Geotek Rotating X-Ray CT (RXCT) system was used to acquire x-ray images and perform CT reconstructions of unsplit core segments. The full three-dimensional data set consists of individual axial slices which are reconstructed images ...

Photographs of push cores from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, Mohns Ridge

This portion of the data release presents linescan images (photographs) from push cores collected from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, on the Mohns Ridge, in the Norwegian Sea. These data were Rcollected in 2018 and 2019 (USGS Field Activity 2018-691-DD and 2019-624-FA). Images were obtained from seventeen push cores at 50-micron (200 pixel per cm) resolution. Color images in 16-bit TIFF format are provided for each core segment, along with proprietary metadata files containing image scaling ...

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scans of push cores from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, Mohns Ridge, geochem mode

This portion of the data release presents X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data from push cores collected from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, on the Mohns Ridge, in the Norwegian Sea. These data were collected in 2018 and 2019 (USGS Field Activity 2018-691-DD and 2019-624-FA). The XRF data were collected with the sensor in "geochem" mode and are provided in comma-delimited files (.csv).

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scans of push cores from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, Mohns Ridge, soil mode

This portion of the data release presents X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data from push cores collected from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, on the Mohns Ridge, in the Norwegian Sea. These data were collected in 2018 and 2019 (USGS Field Activity 2018-691-DD and 2019-624-FA). The XRF data were collected with the sensor in “soil” mode and are provided in comma-delimited files (.csv).

X-ray diffraction data (XRD) for sediment subsamples from push cores from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, Mohns Ridge

This portion of the data release presents X-ray diffractograms of sediment subsamples from push cores collected from Loki's Castle and Favne vent fields, on the Mohns Ridge, in the Norwegian Sea. These data were collected in 2018 and 2019 (USGS Field Activity 2018-691-DD and 2019-624-FA). Location information for the sample is included in each Attribute Definition of this metadata file, as well as in the geochemical data table (LokisMohns_marine_mineral_geochemistry.csv) of this multi-table data release.

Geochemistry of sediment subsamples from Loki's Castle and Favne Vent Fields, Mohns Ridge

This data release contains geochemical data of sediment subsamples collected in 2018 and 2019 from Loki’s Ridge and Favne Vent Fields, Mohns Ridge, part of the Arctic Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Data include major, minor and trace element concentrations, location information (latitude, longitude, depth), analytical methods, and instrument detection limits where available.

Prospective regions for marine minerals on the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf

This shapefile is of prospective regional outlines of where marine minerals may occur on the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Polygons were hand digitized based on a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data review that considers the state of knowledge regarding marine mineral occurrences within the Alaska OCS. This data release is a companion to the USGS Professional Paper, Gartman and others, 2022.

Nearshore Multibeam Bathymetry Data: Madeira Beach, Florida, February 2017

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Madeira Beach, Florida February 13-17, 2017. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

2001 Gulf Coast USGS/NASA ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2005 East Coast (DE, MD, NJ, NY, NC, and VA) USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2012 Post-Hurricane Sandy Long Island, New York USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2016 USACE Post-Hurricane Matthew Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2016 Massachusetts NOAA Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2017 Georgia through New York USACE NCMP Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline ...

2017 Florida West Coast NOAA Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches.Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2018 Alabama and Florida USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2018 Florida USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2018 East Coast (VA, NC, SC) USACE NCMP Post-Florence Topobathy Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe, and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2018 East Coast (NC) USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2018 Mississippi and Alabama USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2019 North Carolina and Virginia USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (L=lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2019 North Carolina and Virginia Post-Dorian USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2020 New Jersey and New York USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2021 New York State Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline ...

2022 New Jersey and New York USACE USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline ...

2020 New Jersey USACE USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

1998 MA, NY, MD, and VA USGS/NASA ATM2 Lidar-derived dune crest, toe and shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

2023-310-FA_Oahu_Polecam_Imagery: High-resolution Geophysical and Imagery Data Collected in May 2023 Near Fort Hase, Marine Corps Base Hawaii

Underwater images totaling 78,924 in number were collected offshore Fort Hase, Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) and Coconut Island, Oahu, Hawaii, during May 2023, using the Polecam system developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The Polecam system is a single downward-looking underwater Teledyne FLIR camera with a Computar V1228-MPY lens and with a rigidly-attached Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) antenna mounted above and forward of the camera's central axis. The Polecam system captured ...

CoconutIsland_2023_MBES: High-resolution Geophysical and Imagery Data Collected in May 2023 Near Fort Hase, Marine Corps Base Hawaii

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using a Norbit Winghead multibeam echosounder, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Coconut Island, on the island of Oahu, May 7, 2023. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 0.25 meter (m) bathymetric grid and the dataset includes the acoustic backscatter intensity ...

FtHase_2023_MBES: High-resolution Geophysical and Imagery Data Collected in May 2023 Near Fort Hase, Marine Corps Base Hawaii

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using a Norbit Winghead multibeam echosounder, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Fort Hase Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH), on the island of Oahu, May 4-12, 2023. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid and the dataset includes the acoustic backscatter ...

2014 Post-Hurricane Sandy SC to NY NOAA NGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline

The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ...

Sediment sample locations and grain size results from samples collected in Barnegat Bay, NJ by the U.S. Geological Survey during 3 surveys in 2012 and 2013 (Esri point shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84)

Water quality in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary along the New Jersey coast is the focus of a multidisciplinary research project begun in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This narrow estuary is the drainage for the Barnegat Watershed and flushed by just three inlets connecting it to the Atlantic Ocean, is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen -depletion events ...

Sediment Grab Samples from the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast from U.S. Geological Survey field activity 1998-014-FA

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan-sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Distribution of sand dollars on the sea floor on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan-sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Grid Representing the Last Lowstand of Sealevel off the Coast of Washington and Oregon

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Grid Representing the Holocene Ravinement Surface off the Coast of Washington and Oregon

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Grids Representing the Holocene Evolution off the Coast of Washington and Oregon at 1,000 Year Time Increments - Shifted and with Landward DEM

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Grids Representing the Holocene Evolution off the Coast of Washington and Oregon at 1,000 Year Time Increments

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Deep-Towed Chirp Profiles of the Blake Ridge Collapse Structure Collected on USGS cruises 92023 and 95023 Aboard the R/V Cape Hatteras in 1992 and 1995

This CD-ROM contains copies of the navigation and deep-towed chirp subbottom data collected aboard the R/V Cape Hatteras,on cruises 92023 and 95023 in 1992 and 1995 respectively. This CD-ROM is (Compact Disc-Read Only Memory UDF (Universal Disc Format) CD-ROM Standard (ISO 9660 equivalent). The HTML documentation is written utilizing some HTML 4.0 enhancements. The disk should be viewable by all WWW browsers but may not properly format on some older WWW browsers. Also, some links to USGS collaborators and ...

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Data Collected During USGS Cruise ORGN00005, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, 15 February - 2 March, 2000

This DVD-ROM contains digital high-resolution seismic-reflection data collected during the USGS ORGN00005 cruise. The seismic-reflection data are stored as SEG-Y standard format which can be read and manipulated by most seismic-processing software. Much of the information specific to the data are contained in the headers of the SEG-Y format files. Software is available on this DVD-ROM for viewing and processing the individual swaths using computer systems running a UNIX operating system.

Interpretation of the elevation of the coastal-plain unconformity derived from seismic data collected within the New York Bight by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1995 - 1998 (Grid, UTM Zone 18N, WGS84 and Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)

Mapping the elevation of the coastal-plain unconformity is useful for delineating the geologic framework of the New York Bight inner-continental shelf. This in turn aids in understanding the stratigraphic evolution of the inner-continental shelf, the regional sediment transport system, and the influence of the inner-shelf framework on coastal processes. The grid showing structure of the coastal-plain unconformity is an important factor in the framework of the coastal region.

Interpretation of the distribution of Cretaceious/Early Tertiary deposits on the inner-continental shelf within the New York Bight, derived from seismic data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1995 - 1999 (Esri polygon shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)

These data orginate from interpretations of seismic reflection and sidescan-sonar data. The derivative data are in an ESRI shapefile, polygon vector format and are intended to represent the distribution of early Tertiray/late Cretaceous deposits throughout the inner-continental shelf within the New York Bight. These data are helpful in understanding the stratigraphic evolution of the inner-continental shelf, the regional sediment transport system, and the influence of the inner-shelf framework on coastal ...

Interpretation of the New York Bight Fault Zone on the inner-continental shelf within the New York Bight, derived from seismic data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1995 - 1999 (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)

The New York Bight fault (Hutchinson, 1984) was clearly evident within the high-resolution seismic records acquired with a CHIRP, boomer, and 15 cubic inch water gun systems. This fault was mapped from these data. Thus, yeilding a more complete picture of the inner-shelf geologic framework of the area.

Interpretation of the distribution of Holocene fine sand deposits on the inner-continental shelf within the New York Bight, derived from seismic data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1995 - 1999 (Esri polygon shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)

These data orginate from interpretations of seismic reflection and sidescan-sonar data. The derivative data are in an ESRI shapefile, polygon vector format and are intended to represent the distribution of Holocene fine sand deposits throughout the inner-continental shelf within the New York Bight. These data are helpful in understanding the stratigraphic evolution of the inner-continental shelf, the regional sediment transport system, and the influence of the inner-shelf framework on coastal processes.

Interpretation of the distribution of Holocene sand waves (bedforms) on the inner-continental shelf within the New York Bight, derived from seismic data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1995 - 1999 (Esri polygon shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)

These data orginate from interpretations of seismic reflection and sidescan-sonar data. The derivative data are in an ESRI shapefile, polygon vector format and are intended to represent the distribution of Holocene bedforms (large sand waves) throughout the inner-continental shelf within the New York Bight. These data are helpful in understanding the stratigraphic evolution of the inner-continental shelf, the regional sediment transport system, and the influence of the inner-shelf framework on coastal ...
