
Branch of earth sciences concerned with the study of the origin, composition, transport, and changes of materials deposited by water, wind, or ice.

29 results listed alphabetically [list by similarity]
Bulk organic matter and carbonate content of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Bulk organics and carbonate content of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

Collection locations of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

Core descriptions and sedimentologic data from vibracores and sand augers collected in 2021 and 2022 from Fire Island, New York

In 2021 and 2022, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and the USGS New York Water Science Center (NYWSC), on behalf of SPCMSC, conducted sediment sampling and ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys at Point O' Woods and Ho-Hum Beach (NYWSC, 2021) and Watch Hill, Long Cove, and Smith Point (SPCMSC, 2022), Fire Island, New York. These data complement previous SPCMSC GPR and sediment sampling surveys conducted at Fire Island in 2016 ...

Core descriptions and sedimentologic data from vibracores collected in 2021 from Central Florida Gulf Coast Barrier Islands

In 2021, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) conducted ground penetrating radar (GPR) and sediment sampling surveys on barrier islands located along the central Florida Gulf Coast (CFGC), Pinellas County, Florida (FL). This study investigated the past evolution of the CFGC from field sites at Anclote Keys, Caladesi and Honeymoon Islands, and Fort DeSoto to quantify changes that occurred along these barrier systems prior to the 20th ...

Foraminifera biostratigraphy of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

Grain-size analyses of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Grain size analyses of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

High-resolution magnetic susceptibility of sediment cores from the New England collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

Location and analysis of sediment samples collected in 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY (Esri point shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical and sampling survey in October 2014 that focused on a series of shoreface-attached ridges offshore of western Fire Island, NY. Seismic-reflection data, surficial grab samples and bottom photographs and video were collected along the lower shoreface and inner continental shelf. The purpose of this survey was to assess the impact of Hurricane Sandy on this coastal region. These data were compared to seismic-reflection and surficial sediment data ...

Locations of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Monthly bedload estimates, Elwha River, Washington, October 2015 to September 2016

Bedload sediment transport was calculated on the Elwha River, Washington to measure the amount of sediment transported along the riverbed during the 2016 water year. Bedload was measured using the Elwha bedload impact plate system (Hilldale and others, 2015). Physical bedload sampling by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for system calibration took place during November, 2012; March, May, and June 2013; and April 2014 at the Diversion Weir gauge (Magirl and others, 2015). Early in water year 2016 (year 5) the ...

Multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) data of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Physical Properties of Sediment Collected during India's National Gas Hydrate Program NGHP-02 Expedition in the Krishna-Godavari Basin Offshore Eastern India, 2015

During the spring and summer of 2015, the U.S. Geological Survey participated in India’s National Gas Hydrate Program NGHP-02 expedition in the Krishna-Godavari Basin offshore eastern India. The expedition included conventional and pressure coring of sediment, samples of which were transferred to the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, MA for post-cruise testing. This data release contains measurement results for physical properties measured on recovered core material, including measurements on gas ...

Physiographic Zones of the Sea Floor offshore of western and southern Martha's Vineyard and north of Nantucket, Massachusetts

Geologic, sediment texture, and physiographic zone maps characterize the sea floor south and west of Martha's Vineyard and north of Nantucket, Massachusetts. These maps were derived from interpretations of seismic-reflection profiles, high-resolution bathymetry, acoustic-backscatter intensity, bottom photographs, and surficial sediment samples. The interpretation of the seismic stratigraphy and mapping of glacial and Holocene marine units provided a foundation on which the surficial maps were created. This ...

Raw X-ray diffraction data of cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

Sedimentologic Data from Vibracores Collected in 2023 from St. Andrew Bay, Florida

In April 2023, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected 11 sediment vibracores within East Bay, St. Andrew Bay, Florida (FL). Sediment vibracore and lithology data in this data release provide assessments on the composition and age of sediments below the seafloor.

Sediment Texture of the Sea Floor offshore of western and southern Martha's Vineyard and north of Nantucket, Massachusetts

Geologic, sediment texture, and physiographic zone maps characterize the sea floor south and west of Martha's Vineyard and north of Nantucket, Massachusetts. These maps were derived from interpretations of seismic-reflection profiles, high-resolution bathymetry, acoustic-backscatter intensity, bottom photographs, and surficial sediment samples. The interpretation of the seismic stratigraphy and mapping of glacial and Holocene marine units provided a foundation on which the surficial maps were created. This ...

Summary of analytical data for sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

Suspended-sediment concentration and grain size in the San Lorenzo River, coastal California

Water samples were collected from the San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz, California, and analyzed for suspended-sediment concentration and sand break (proportion of sand vs. silt-plus-clay) at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) laboratory in Santa Cruz, California. The samples were all single-vertical samples collected from the thalweg of the river, using a D-95 sampler deployed from a bridge box at a pedestrian bridge across the river in downtown Santa Cruz. All samples were collected from that location: 36 ...

Undrained shear strength of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Undrained shear strength of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

Upstream sediment contributions to Lake Mills on the Elwha River, Washington, 1926 to 2016

Sediment inputs to Lake Mills, on the Elwha River, Washington, were measured from 1927 to 2016. These measurements represent the annual total sediment load, in tonnes per year, that were input into Lake Mills and partially trapped by Glines Canyon dam. The sediment was allowed to erode and be transported down-river by the removal of the Glines Canyon and Elwha dams during 2011 to 2014. The measurements were taken as part of a study investigating the river channel's morphological responses to the removal of ...

U.S. Geological Survey Oceanographic Time Series Data Collection

The oceanographic time series data collected by U.S. Geological Survey scientists and collaborators are served in an online database at These data were collected as part of research experiments investigating circulation and sediment transport in the coastal ocean. The experiments (projects, research programs) are typically one month to several years long and have been carried out since 1975. New experiments will be conducted, and the data from them will be added to ...

Visual description sheets of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Visual description sheets of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

Water content analyses of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...

Water content and grain density analyses of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to ...

X-radiographs of sediment cores from the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon collected on USGS Field Activity 2012-007-FA

Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the ...
