Originator: Chandra A. Dreher
Originator: James G. Flocks
Originator: Nicholas F. Ferina
Originator: Mark A. Kulp
Publication_Date: 2008
Archive of sediment data collected from Sandy Point to Belle Pass, Louisiana, 1983 through 2000 (Vibracore surveys: 00SCC, CR83, P86, and USACE borehole cores)
Vibracore Description Sheets (PDF), Interpreted (Digitized) Core Classification Profiles (PDF / XLS), Grain Size (XLS / PDF), Penetrometer (PDF) and Photographs (JPEG / GIF) sections presented in an interactive HTML format with Study Area Maps and USACE EUSTIS borehole core map as JPEG / GIF images. USACE Eustis borehole core profiles and grain-size data (PDF) are accessible in HTML format. Map shapefiles (digital vector data) are available in the ARC folder of this CD.
Series_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series
Issue_Identification: 344
Publication_Place: St. Petersburg, FL
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
In 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the University of New Orleans (UNO) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical surveys in Barataria Bight from Sandy Point to Belle Pass, LA (Study Area Map). Sediment cores were collected as part of the USGS Subsidence and Coastal Change (SCC) Project, which included the Barataria Sand-Resource Study (bss) vibracore surveys (Kindinger and others, 2001). This report also contains information from other cruise data sets, including the Cheniere Ronquille, LA, data (CR83) and the Plaquemines, LA, data (P86). The sediment data for these cruises were obtained by the Louisiana Geological Survey (LGS), the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR) and Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., as part of the near shore sand resource inventory of "Louisiana Sand Resource Inventory 1985 Vibracore Services" (Suter and others, 1991; Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., 1986). Additionally, this report also includes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers EUSTIS borehole cores (B-#). EUSTIS is the type of drill rig used to obtain the borehole cores and is used as name identifier for the USACE borehole cores presented herein. These cores are presented on a separate map with links to the description profiles and grain-size data that can be found by clicking on the USACE EUSTIS link. This report serves as an archive of vibracore data collected during field activities of Subsidence and Coastal Change (SCC) 00SCC01, 00SCC03, 00SCC05 (collectively noted in the report as 00SCC) by the U.S. Geological Survey, CR83 (Cheniere Ronquille, LA) and P86 (Plaquemines, LA) by the Louisiana Geological Survey and the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, and borehole data collected in 2000 for the U.S. Army Core of Engineers (USACE-EUSTIS). Data presented here include the sections Vibracore Description Sheets, Interpreted Core Classification Profiles, Grain-Size and Penetrometer Data, core location Maps and Core Data Table of all core data analysis files, and vibracore Photographs. Additional data include Field Activity Collection System (FACS) logs and scanned observer's logbooks (Field Logs), as well as formal Federal Geographical Data Committee (FGDC) Metadata.
The sediment data archived here were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the University of New Orleans (UNO) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), as part of the USGS Subsidence and Coastal Change (SCC) study. Other project data sets (Cheniere Ronquille (CR) and the Plaquemines (P) data) were obtained from the Louisiana Geological Survey (LGS) as part of the near shore sand resource inventory (Suter and others, 1991) and the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR) and Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., as a part of "Louisiana Sand Resource Inventory 1985 Vibracore Services" (Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., 1986).
The USGS Florida Integrated Science Center (FISC) - Coastal and Watershed Studies in St. Petersburg, FL, assigns a unique identifier to each cruise or field activity. For example, 00SCC01 tells us the data were collected in 2000 for the Subsidence and Coastal Change (SCC) study and the data were collected during the first field activity for that project in that calendar year. Refer to for a detailed description of the method used to assign the cruise ID. The naming convention used for the 00SCC core ID during each cruise is as follows: yy_abc_###, where yy are the last two digits of the year in which the data were collected, abc is one to three letters of abbreviation for the initial project location (for example, bss for Barataria Sand Study), ### is a two to three digit number representing a specific core (for example, 00bss_025). In the case of the CR83 and P86 core ID, the data file names are slightly different, with abc_yy_### instead. The naming convention is the same (CR for Cheniere Ronquille and P for Plaquemines) as above, only the year and the initial project location have been switched (P86_02, and CR83_23). Additionally, some CR and P cores have run1, run2, run a (and so on) appended. Thus, the vibracore was collected until refusal, another barrel was deployed and jetted down to the depth of refusal, and coring was continued. Therefore, the runs were added to the end of the core ID (for example, CR_83_02_run1 and CR_83_02_run2).
The vibracore is a sediment coring system that consists of a vibrating pneumatic head that shakes the core barrel into the sediment. The vibracore head, manufactured by Bradford, is connected to an aluminum pipe 3.5 inches wide and 20 feet in length. A tripod-like quadratic base supports this system. The whole system is lifted from the boat deck and lowered to the seafloor by a hydraulic crane. At the seafloor, the vibrating head is activated. The vibration propagates through the aluminum barrel to the seafloor. This vibration agitates the sediment around the outside of the core barrel, allowing the barrel to slide into the sediment column. Once resistance is reached, the vibration is shut off and the crane pulls the aluminum pipe out of the sediments column and onto the deck of the boat. The barrel is removed from the rig and cut to the level of sediment that has filled the pipe. Both ends are capped and taped to prevent leakage of the sediment out of the pipe. All cores are labeled and stored until processing. Detailed information can be found on the Methods page.
In the lab, vibracores were cut lengthwise, and in some cases a sonicating knife was used to obtain a clean, undisturbed surface on one-half length of the vibracore. This section was used to describe the core's contents on a Vibracore Description Sheet. Description includes, but is not limited to, sediment grain-size content, color, and characteristics such as bedding types, bioturbation, shells and shell fragments, and any other qualitative descriptions. Most of the cores were photographed. The description sheets are available as PDF files accessible in the directory for vibracore description sheets or through vibraprofiles.html in this archive. The other half length of the vibracore was used for sampling for various sediment analysis, most commonly sampled for grain-size. Detailed information can be found on the Methods page.
Grain-size data for 00SCC cruise and 00bss cores were obtained by using the Beckman Coulter LS 32 Laser counter variable-speed fluid module plus. A small amount (less than a teaspoon) of sample was used for analysis of grain size. Laser diffraction is correlated to the standard mesh size of each of the sediment sample grains, the distribution, and the volume of each grain mesh size. The data can be extracted in phi, mesh size, and in statistical formats of mean, standard deviation, kurtosis, cumulative size fractions, and percent. Although other extraction methods of data information are available using this machine, those previously mentioned were the most frequently used for this archive. The grain sizes presented for the P86 cruise were found in Suter and others (1991). The sand percents reported were both observed and analyzed. Grain-size analyses for these cores were conducted randomly. Overall, the percent sand, silt, and clay variations for the cores are presented in the folder Grain_Size and on the grain.html page of this archive. Detailed information can be found on the Methods and Grain-Size and Penetrometer Data pages.
The Photograph section includes core photographs for a few CR83 and most P86 and 00SCC cores.
The Study Area Map and the EUSTIS map were created by GIS software, modified by Adobe Illustrator software, and made available as JPEG or GIF files.
The printable profiles, digitized data, grain-size data, maps, and photographs are provided here as PDF, XLS, and JPEG or GIF images. The Study Area Map and the EUSTIS map are interactive maps that allow the user to obtain information about a core from its geographic location. The user navigates through the "sub-maps" to a core, which is linked to a table that contains Vibracore Description Sheets, Interpreted Core Classification Profiles, Grain-Size and Penetrometer Data, and vibracore Photographs.
Note: All sediment core data are linked to the cores on the Study Area Map for all vibracores (00SCC, CR83, and P86) and the cores on the USACE EUSTIS map for all borehole cores. Clicking on a core or core ID on the Study Area Map pages will bring forth a Core Data Table that contains all sediment core data and displays the specific core's information. The back button returns the user to the Study Area Map section. The Core Data Table (includes data from all cruises: USACE EUSTIS borehole cores (B-#), 00SCC (bss cores), CR83, and P86) contains core ID and five other columns containing previews and downloadable files for vibracore description sheets, interpreted core classification profiles, grain-size data, penetrometer data, and photographs.
A list of missing data for each cruise is as follows.
Cruise CR83 missing cores: CR83_01, CR83_03, CR83_04, CR83_07, CR83_10, CR83_13, CR83_18, CR83_20, CR83_21, CR83_22, CR83_24, CR83_25, CR83_29, CR83_30, CR83_32, CR83_34, and CR83_36.
Cruise P86 missing cores: P86_15 and P86_17.
Cruise 00SCC missing cores: bss00_001 - bss00_008, bss00_031, bss00_107, bss00_126 - bss00_127, bss00_149 - bss00_154, bss00_157 - bss00_159, and bss00_162.
The digitizing process: A digitizing tablet by Wacom Co., Ltd., and Golden Software's Didger_3 digitizing programs were used for the physical digitizing process of the vibracore description sheets. A macro program created by James G. Flocks (USGS) was used to process the digitized description sheet profile information into interpreted core classification profiles or spreadsheets of information, accessible as Excel files (XLS). These interpreted core classification profiles are provided in this report and available for individual interpretation of the data. More information about the macro programs created by James G. Flocks (this volume) can be found in the Software folder and on the page software.html within this archive.
Beginning_Date: 19832907
Ending_Date: 20002507
Currentness_Reference: Data collection interval
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -90.211600
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -89.475880
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 29.471700
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 29.189000
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Metadata Identifier
Theme_Keyword: USGS:adfebe7e-6588-417d-975f-00414e2c1dbb
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme_Keyword: geoscientificInformation
Theme_Keyword: location
Theme_Keyword: oceans
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Thesaurus
Theme_Keyword: geology
Theme_Keyword: geomorphology
Theme_Keyword: unconsolidated deposits
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: Vibracoring Survey
Theme_Keyword: R/V G.K. Gilbert
Theme_Keyword: Subsidence and Coastal Change (SCC)
Theme_Keyword: Vibracore
Theme_Keyword: G-2-00-LA
Theme_Keyword: 00SCC01
Theme_Keyword: G-3-00-LA
Theme_Keyword: 00SCC03
Theme_Keyword: G-4-00-LA
Theme_Keyword: 00SCC05
Theme_Keyword: Borehole Cores
Theme_Keyword: USACE EUSTIS
Theme_Keyword: Cheniere Ronquille, LA (CR)
Theme_Keyword: Plaquemines, LA (P)
Theme_Keyword: Sediment Data Archive
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: Geographic Names Information System
Place_Keyword: Louisiana
Place_Keyword: Gulf of Mexico
Place_Keyword: Barataria Bay
Place_Keyword: Sandy Point
Place_Keyword: Belle Pass
Place_Keyword: Grand Isle
Access_Constraints: None. These data are held in the public domain.
The U.S. Geological Survey and the University of New Orleans request to be acknowledged as originators of this product in future products or in derivative research.
Contact_Person: James Flocks
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 600 4th Street South
City: St. Petersburg
State_or_Province: FL
Postal_Code: 33701
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: (727) 803-8747, ext. 3012
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_Outlined_CORES_SAM.jpg
A Study Area Map showing the location of CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. Overview of area divided into sections. Map sections are accessible through the links that were then divided into enlarged areas to pinpoint vibracore locations. Click on the core location or core ID to view the Core Data Table containing previews and printable Vibracore Description Sheets, Interpreted Core Classification Profiles, Grain-Size and Penetrometer Data, and vibracore Photographs for most cores on the map.
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionA.jpg
Location map's Western Section of the location map includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section A, divided further into two areas (refer to Section A map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionA_area1.jpg
Location map's Western Section A-Area 1 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section A, divided further into Area 1 (refer to Section A-Area 1 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionA_area2.jpg
Location map's Western Section A-Area 2 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section A, divided further into Area 2 (refer to Section A-Area 2 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionB.jpg
Location map's West-central Section B includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section B, divided further into two areas (refer to Section B map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionB_area1.jpg
Location map's West-central Section B-Area 1 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section B, divided further into Area 1 (refer to Section B-Area 1 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionB_area2.jpg
Location map's West-central Section B-Area 2 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section B, divided further into Area 2 (refer to Section B-Area 2 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionC.jpg
Location map's Central Section C includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section C, divided further into six different areas (refer to Section C map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionC_area1.jpg
Location map's Central Section C-Area 1 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section C, divided further into Area 1 (refer to Section C-Area 1 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionC_area2.jpg
Location map's Central Section C-Area 2 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section C, divided further into Area 2 (refer to Section C-Area 2 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionC_area3.jpg
Location map's Central Section C-Area 3 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section C, divided further into Area 3 and Area 3A (refer to Section C-Area 3 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionC_area3A.jpg
Location map's Central Section C-Area 3A includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section C and Section C-Area 3, divided further into Area 3A (refer to Section C-Area 3A map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionC_area4.jpg
Location map's Central Section C-Area 4 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section C, divided further into Area 4 (refer to Section C-Area 4 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionC_area5.jpg
Location map's Central Section C-Area 5 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section C, divided further into Area 5 (refer to Section C-Area 5 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionC_area6.jpg
Location map's Central Section C-Area 6 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section C, divided further into Area 6 (refer to Section C-Area 6 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionD.jpg
Location map's Eastern Section D includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section D, divided further into three different areas (refer to Section D map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionD_area1.jpg
Location map's Eastern Section D-Area 1 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section D, divided further into Area 1 (refer to Section D-Area 1 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionD_area2.jpg
Location map's Eastern Section D-Area 2 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section D, divided further into Area 2 (refer to Section D-Area 2 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Maps/SEDS_SectionD_area3.jpg
Location map's Eastern Section D-Area 3 includes CR83, P86, and 00SCC vibracore data. This graphic is for vibracore data collected in Section D, divided further into Area 3 (refer to Section D-Area 3 map on the Study Area Maps page).
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/EUSTIS/BoreHoleCoreMAP/LASEDS_Eustis_boringsmaplg.jpg
A study area map showing the location of USACE EUSTIS borehole core data. Clicking on the core location or core ID brings forth the Core Data Table containing previews of printable Core Description Sheets and Grain-Size Data for most borehole cores on the map.
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: CD/SEDS/Software/ARC/
The volume contains digital vector files for the study area maps included in this archive. These shapefiles and accompanying ESRI ArcView files are denoted as 00SCC (file name: bss-vcores.shp), CR83 and P86 cores (file name: CR-P-86cores.shp), and USACE EUSTIS (file name: Eustis_borings.shp) in the zip file.
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: digital vector files; shapefiles (.shp)
The USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program and the University of New Orleans provided funding and (or) support for this study. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Louisiana Geological Survey (LGS), the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR), and Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., for conducted geophysical surveys, sediment data, and publication of these cruises archived in this report. We thank R/V G.K. Gilbert captains Dave Bennett of Eckerd College and Rich Young of the USGS in St. Petersburg, FL, for their assistance in data collection. This document was improved by the reviews of Shawn Dadisman (USGS) and Arnell Harrison (Jacobs) at the FISC in St. Petersburg, FL.