Online Links:
Online Links:
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 19770427 |
Maximum: | 19770522 |
Units: | YYYYMMDD, (four digit year, two digit month, two digit day) |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 100 |
Maximum: | 2310.1167 |
Units: | hours and decimal minutes |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 59.36168 |
Maximum: | 60.08285 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | -143.84149 |
Maximum: | -139.49023 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Value | Definition |
1 | Observed fix |
3 | Interpolated fix |
nil | unspecified |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0.01 |
Maximum: | 0.6 |
Units: | seconds |
Value | Definition |
nil | Unspecified |
1 | Surface Ship |
2 | Submersible Ship |
3 | Aircraft |
4 | Buoy |
5 | Mobile land |
6 | Fixed land |
7 | Deep tow |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 19770427 |
Maximum: | 20000629 |
Units: | YYYYMMDD (four digit year, two digit month, two digit day) |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 19770427 |
Maximum: | 20000629 |
Units: | YYYYMMDD (four digit year, two digit month, two digit day) |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 16.38240 |
Maximum: | 89.98766 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 16.38240 |
Maximum: | 89.98766 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 10.30551 |
Maximum: | -117.13802 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 10.30551 |
Maximum: | -117.13802 |
Units: | decimal degrees |
Jim Gardner (Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region);
These data and information are intended for science researchers,students, policy makers, and general public. These data are not to be used for navigation purposes. The data are reformatted into MGD77T standard format for inclusion into NOAA's NGDC geophysical database. From there the data will be made available to GeoMapApp ( and Virtual Ocean ( Earth-browsing software. Access to the data is also provided via the USGS Coastal and Marine Geoscience Data System (
Converted to time format with year at start. 01/23/86 KAYE DUA0:[DATA.G177EG.N]G177EG.010; DRB0:[DRS.REFMT]REFORMAT.EXE;5Person who carried out this activity:
10/31/1998 /tiger/g/g177eg/bath/g-1-77-eg.335_010 /bear/programs/edit/automerge/automerge Input was... Converted to time format with year at start. 02/06/86 BECKIE DISK$USERDISK:[BECKIE.TEMP]G177EG.335; DRB0:[DRS.BAT]BATRED.EXE;1 This file was hand-digetized in 2-way traveltime(secs). It was reduced with no Matthews correction and velocity of sound assumed was 1500m/sec. Input was... Converted to time format with year at start. 01/23/86 KAYE DUA0:[DATA.G177EG.N]G177EG.010; DRB0:[DRS.REFMT]REFORMAT.EXE;5 time, lat, long, time(sec) to nearest nav fix, data valuesPerson who carried out this activity:
Online Links:
Navigation Data (g-1-77-eg.010 [DRS]) YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST 197704271839010 197705051759070 197705081425070 197705082305070 197705091320070 197705092115070 197705101110070 197705101900070 197705110800070 197705110920070 197705111135140 197705111547140 197705131324070 197705131750070 197705131814000 197705131850000 197705131955070 197705132125070 197705141758070 197705141930070 197705151554070 197705152108070 197705161959070 197705162310070 197705170100070 197705170545070 197705181237010 197705181315010 197705181541070 197705181618070 197705182128070 197705182240070 197705191325070 197705191450070 197705191639070 197705191810070 197705191915070 197705192035070 197705201415070 197705201740070 197705220825080 197705220918080 197705221012080 197705221345080 197705221407080 197705221945080 197705222007080 197705222200080 YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST Bathymetry Data (g-1-77-eg.335_010) YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST 197704291130300 197704291137000 197704291143000 197704291150000 197704291157000 197704291202000 197704291225000 197704291237000 197704291245000 197704291342000 197704291348000 197704291350000 197704291356000 197704291356000 197704291402000 197704291410300 197704291418000 197704291432180 197704291438000 197704291438000 197704291445000 197704291445000 197704291453000 197704291527000 197704291533000 197704291533000 197704291543000 197704291543000 197704291558000 197704291600000 197704291614000 197704291614000 197704291633000 197704291633000 197704291640000 197704291640000 197704291652000 197704291711060 197704291717120 197704291717120 197704291724180 197704291731540 197704291738000 197704291738000 197704291745000 197704291803000 197704291816000 197704291840000 197704291845360 197704291850300 197704291901000 197704291901000 197704291909000 197704291909000 197704291919000 197704291931000 197704291937300 197704291937300 197704291945000 197704291947120 197704291955000 197704292011000 197704292021000 197704292022000 197704292028180 197704292054000 197705011034000 197705011038300 197705011045000 197705011107300 197705011114000 197705011114000 197705011120000 197705011217000 197705011226000 197705011250000 197705011256300 197705011312000 197705020952000 197705020952000 197705021000000 197705021026000 197705021037000 197705021043000 197705021054000 197705021110000 197705021116000 197705021129000 197705021137000 197705021144000 197705021150000 197705021156000 197705021203000 197705021216000 197705021222000 197705021227300 197705021236000 197705021300000 197705021305120 197705021313300 197705021319300 197705021324000 197705021331000 197705021331000 197705021337000 197705021344000 197705021431000 197705021439000 197705021445000 197705021452000 197705021512000 197705021604000 197705021612000 197705021638300 197705021646000 197705021652000 197705021657420 197705021657420 197705021704000 197705021704000 197705021709300 197705021721000 197705021727000 197705021755300 197705021804000 197705021816000 197705021821300 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197705222200000 YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None. These data are held in the public domain.
Use_Constraints:This information is not intended for navigational purposes.
Read and fully comprehend the metadata prior to data use. Uses of these data should not violate the spatial resolution of the data. Where these data are used in combination with other data of different resolution, the resolution of the combined output will be limited by the lowest resolution of all the data.
Acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey in products derived from these data. Share data products developed using these data with the U.S. Geological Survey.