Navigation Data (k-1-94-hw.053 [SINS]) YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST 199405100008530 199405100015310 199405100027010 199405100028030 199405100040430 199405100103290 199405100110330 199405100110430 199405100119550 199405100153050 199405100159240 199405101913320 199405101919010 199405130405490 199405130414260 199405130629090 199405130635568 199405131314590 199405131328320 199405160018490 199405160030490 199405160151090 199405160159490 199405161209490 YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST Bathymetry Data (k-1-94-hw.305_053) YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST 199405100119550 199405100130450 199405100159240 199405101913320 199405101919410 199405101949590 199405101959490 199405121317500 199405121325100 199405130405090 199405130415060 199405130629090 199405130635568 199405131314590 199405131328320 199405131348460 199405131408360 199405131438160 199405131501270 199405140644190 199405140657256 199405140930000 199405140954210 199405141003510 199405141034220 199405141505590 199405141511090 199405142125510 199405142333190 199405150312110 199405150419208 199405160018490 199405160057180 199405160151090 199405160204100 199405160332160 199405160400296 199405160838400 199405160844160 199405161209390 YYYYMMDDHHMMSST YYYYMMDDHHMMSST
Converted to time format with year at start. 07/11/94 CAROLYN PMG$PROC:[K194HW.NAV]K194HW.053;1 Integrated navigation (SINS) data Input was... 07/11/94 CAROLYN PMG$PROC:[K194HW.NAV]K194HW.052;2 Integrated navigation (SINS) data 05/31/94 CAROLYN PMG$PROC:[K194HW.NAV]K194HW.050;4 Integrated navigation (SINS) data
10/31/1998 /tiger/k/k194hw/bath/k-1-94-hw.305_053 /bear/programs/edit/automerge/automerge Input was... Converted to time format with year at start. 09/13/94 CLINT ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROCESSING.K194HW.BATHY]K194HW.305;2 Raw depth (bathymetry) data Manually edited with John Barber. 08/19/94 CLINT ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROCESSING.K194HW.BATHY]K194HW.304;2 ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROGRAMS.BAT]NOSAMEBATHY.EXE; Raw depth (bathymetry) data Removed 2772 records when depth did not change by 0.1 meter for 3 or more consecutive records. 08/19/94 CLINT ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROCESSING.K194HW.BATHY]K194HW.303;2 Raw depth (bathymetry) data 08/18/94 CLINT ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROCESSING.K194HW.BATHY]K194HW.302;1 ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROGRAMS.BAT]CHECKBATHYFMT.EXE; Raw depth (bathymetry) data 30 format problems detected and corrected in editor. Also deleted several records with depths of 9999. Needs 1st graphed-ing -- especially looking for major spikes and constant values. Needs 2nd checking for goodness of "*" flags. Needs 3rd graphed-ing -- ? 08/17/94 CLINT ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROCESSING.K194HW.BATHY]K194HW.301;2 ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROGRAMS.BAT]NOZEROBATHY.EXE; Raw depth (bathymetry) data Removed 760 records containing 0.0 as a depth. Retained 53441 records with non-zero depths. 08/17/94 CLINT ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROCESSING.K194HW.BATHY]K194HW.300;2 ISDMNL$DUA12:[PROGRAMS.EDIT]REFORMAT.EXE; Raw depth (bathymetry) data Extracted from k194hw.053 by Clint Steele, 8/17/94. Needs removal of 0.0 values. Needs correction of some formatting inconsistancies with bathy field. Needs checking for goodness of "*" flags. Needs graphed-ing -- especially looking for spikes and constant values. Input was... Converted to time format with year at start. 07/11/94 CAROLYN PMG$PROC:[K194HW.NAV]K194HW.053;1 Integrated navigation (SINS) data 07/11/94 CAROLYN PMG$PROC:[K194HW.NAV]K194HW.052;2 Integrated navigation (SINS) data 05/31/94 CAROLYN PMG$PROC:[K194HW.NAV]K194HW.050;4 Integrated navigation (SINS) data time, lat, long, time(sec) to nearest nav fix, data values