MHX_SWASH_Output.nc: Modeled water level time series data simulated for 03 August 2020, to 04 August 2020, at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina (site MHX-2116). The location and elevation data are provided in vector format in a NetCDF file (.nc). The NetCDF file contains the following variables: world coordinates of the model transect (Easting and Northing), horizontal and vertical coordinates of the model transect (x and z), model timestep (timeStep), input tide value for each simulation (tide), start time of each simulation (timeStart) and water level time series for each of the ten simulations (tideEtaT#). The Climate and Forecast (CF)-compliant metadata (version CF-1.6) in the header of the NetCDF file provides spatial information for projecting the data into a geographic information system (GIS). It also provides information about the conventions used for attributes in the dataset.
The entity and attribute information were generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the dataset. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.
SWASH_Input_example.zip: Example of SWASH model input files used for the cross-shore profile at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina for model run initiated at 2300 GMT on 3 August 2020: A) SWASH initialization file (swashinit.txt), B) SWASH command file (PIER_202008_0323.sws), C) Input bathymetry for the PIER profile (PIER_bathy.txt), and D) Input wave spectral energy (T1_0323_2Dspec.txt). The text files contain all information needed to initiate the SWASH model. The SWASH command files for all profiles and times were identical except for the input tide elevation (LEVEL), input bathymetry which, varied slightly between profiles, and spectral wave input, which varied between times.
Delft University of Technology. The entity and attribute information were generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the dataset. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.