Dataset is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract.
Originator: Cynthia C. Becker
Originator: Marilyn Brandt
Originator: Carolyn A. Miller
Originator: Amy Apprill
Publication_Date: 20210825
Microbial bioindicators of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease identified in corals and overlying waters using a rapid field-based sequencing approach
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: tabular digital data
Series_Name: Environmental Microbiology
Issue_Identification: Volume 24(3)
Type_of_Source_Media: SCTLD bioindicator ASVs
Calendar_Date: 20210825
Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: (Becker and others, 2021)
Compare SCTLD bioindicator ASVs to identify 100% sequence identity matches between Becker and others (2021) and this data release.
Healthy coral collection: Healthy corals used to create these samples were collected from various reefs and nurseries throughout Florida between April 2018 and September 2020 and were maintained in indoor temperature-controlled water tables containing UV-treated and 0.22 µm-filtered seawater at the SMS.
Process_Date: 20200901
SCTLD coral collection: Immediately prior to each of the three experimental runs (Run 1 was conducted in October 2019, Run 2 was conducted in November 2020, and Run 3 was conducted in March 2021), fragments of SCTLD-symptomatic corals were collected by divers from Florida reefs, transported to SMS, and transferred directly into individual mesocosm buckets containing ~18 L of the UV-treated FSW and a weighted air line for water circulation and oxygenation.
Process_Date: 20210322
Initial sample preparation: For all three experimental runs, as the diseased corals were transferred into their mesocosms, healthy corals of the same or similar species were transferred from their indoor water tables, into identical individual mesocosms. All mesocosms were housed within outdoor water tables containing recirculating freshwater maintained at ~28°C and located under a mesh canopy to allow some sunlight attenuation. Separate “healthy” and “diseased” water tables were maintained to prevent cross-contamination between the different mesocosm types. All corals were incubated within these mesocosms for 2-5 days to enrich the water with microbes.
Process_Date: 20210326
Sample preparation: Following the 2-5 day incubation period, each coral colony was removed from its mesocosm, and the remaining seawater was filtered through an ethanol-sterilized 200 µm (Run 1) or 106 µm (Runs 2 & 3) mesh screen to remove particulates. Using a peristaltic pump, the water from each mesocosm was then pumped through a TFF manifold containing five Centramate 100 kiloDalton (kDa) filter cassettes, as described by Evans and others (2022). Anything larger than 100 kDa (including microorganisms) was retained within the sample, while anything smaller than 100 kDa was filtered out (Paul and others, 1991). For all three runs, healthy corals were processed first, then the TFF system was flushed with bleach solution for one hour and held overnight permeated with bleach solution. Once the TFF system was disinfected, the diseased corals were processed in the same manner as the healthy.
Process_Date: 20210328
Size fractionation: TFF-concentrated water, along with the FSW control, was sequentially passed through a sterile filter unit containing a 50 millimeter (mm) 0.8 µm pore size cellulose nitrate membrane filter (Runs 2 & 3) and a sterile filter unit containing a ~47 mm 0.22 µm pore size nitrocellulose membrane filter (Runs 1, 2, & 3). The 0.22 µm filters were cut from the filter units using an ethanol-sterilized razor blade, with a portion of each filter frozen at -20°C for later processing.
Process_Date: 20210328
DNA extraction: Between February and May 2021, at the Coral Microbial Ecology Laboratory in St. Petersburg, FL, USA, DNA was extracted from the frozen portions of all 0.22 µm pore size filters using Qiagen DNeasy Power Biofilm kits (Qiagen, 2020). The Quickstart protocol (v. November 2016) was followed, except bead beating was performed on a BioSpec Products Mini Beadbeater at 2500 revolutions per minute (rpm) instead of on a PowerLyzer 24 Homogenizer at 3200 rpm. Blanks using kit reagents were also extracted, and positive controls (MSA-3001 ABRF-MGRG 10 Strain Even Mix Genomic Material, ATCC) were incorporated for downstream processing.
Process_Date: 20210506
Sequencing: Library preparation and DNA sequencing were conducted in July, 2021 by the Michigan State University RTSF Genomics Core (East Lansing, MI) for amplicon library preparation and sequencing. The universal 16S (V4 region) primers 515F: GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA and 806R: GGACTACHVGGGTWTCTAAT were used to target the V4 variable region of the 16S rRNA gene on a MiSeq sequencing system with v2 chemistry to obtain paired-end 250-bp reads. Bases were called via Illumina Real Time Analysis (v1.18.54), with all output demultiplexed and converted to fastq files via Illumina Bcl2fastq (v2.20.0).
Process_Date: 20210728
Contact_Organization: Michigan State University RTSF Genomics Core
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 612 Wilson Road, S-18B
City: East Lansing
State_or_Province: MI
Postal_Code: 48824
Country: United States
Contact_Voice_Telephone: N/A
Data analysis: Demultiplexed sequences were imported into QIIME2 (v. 2022.2) and denoised with DADA2 under default parameters, with truncation set to position 200. Taxonomy was assigned using a pre-trained naïve Bayes classifier SILVA-138-99-515-806 (Bokulich and others, 2018; Robeson and others, 2021) and sequences matching chloroplasts or mitochondria were removed from the final table. A phylogenetic tree was generated using MAFFT (v. 7.0) and FastTree 2. An unrarefied amplicon sequence variant (ASV) table was generated.
Process_Date: 20220506
Data analysis: BLASTn comparisons were run through the NCBI website to identify ASVs detected in this study that represent 100% sequence identity matches for the overlapping region of SCTLD bioindicator ASVs (Becker and others, 2021) from the U.S. Virgin Islands and disease-associated ASVs from Florida SCTLD studies.
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: (Becker and others, 2021)
Process_Date: 20230407
Data analysis: Differential abundance analyses were performed using the analysis of composition of microbiomes, or 'ANCOM' (Mandal and others, 2015) analysis plugin (QIIME2 version 2022.2) of the ASV table "SCTLD_FullFilterSet_ASV_Table" was used to produce differential abundance analysis. Sequence IDs, W values, and whether the null hypothesis is rejected are indicated, along with percent abundance of each sequence ID for each percentile (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) for diseased and healthy mesocosms.
Process_Date: 20230407