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The surveys used as sources for this and subsequent processing steps are documented below using the following format: Data Source: Title of published dataset as listed in metadata. Data URL: Web address to metadata. Download Date: Date data were downloaded. ASPRS Class used:(This only pertains to LiDAR data) LiDAR data are published using point classifications according to standards established in the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). Class number and description used for this grid are described. Output Multipoint File: The name of the multipoint file used as input to the terrain model. The resolution in meters of the GeoTIFF exported from GlobalMapper used to create the multipoint file is in parentheses. Note: File size for historical NOAA singlebeam x,y, z data were small enough that they used simple point feature classes instead of multipoint feature classes. In addition, these historical data are published as x,y,z only (not gridded), so there is no cell resolution associated with them as other input datasets. Data Source:2005-2007 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Topo/Bathy LiDAR: Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island Data URL: Download Date:201604 ASPRS Class Used: class=11 "water". Output Multipoint File:ACOE2007_Wstprt_5m_MP (5 m) Data Source:2010 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Topographic Lidar: Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island Data URL: Download date: 201609 ASPRS Class used: 2=Ground Output Multipoint File:FEMA2010_Wpkt_Pen5m_MP(5 m) Data Source:2011 U.S. Geological Survey Topographic LiDAR: LiDAR for the North East Data URL: Download Date:201611 ASPRS Class Used:2=Ground Output File:USGS2011_BBEast_MP_navd88 (10 M) Data Source: 2013-2014 U.S. Geological Survey CMGP LiDAR: Post Sandy (MA, NH, RI) Data URL: Download date: 201608 ASPRS Class used: 2=Ground Output Multipoint File:USGS1314_BBEast10m_MP_navd88(10 m)-covers East side of Buzzards Bay Output Multipoint File:USGS1314_BBWest10m_MP_navd88(10 m)- covers West side of Buzzards Bay Output Multipoint File:USGS1314_ElizIs10m_MP_navd88(10 m)- covers Elizabeth Islands Note These data were divided into 3 multipoint files to facilitate data management. Data Source:2013 USACE NAE Topobathy LiDAR: Massachusetts. Data URL: Download Date:201608 ASPRS Class Used: 2=Ground, 29=valid bathymetric points. Output Multipoint File:ACOE_2013BmlkBay_MP_navd88 (5 m) Output Multipoint File:ACOE_2013Cthk_MP_navd88 (5 m) Note: Data extent covered portions of Buttermilk Bay, and Cuttyhunk Harbor. Data Source:2015 NOAA NGS Topobathy Lidar: Buzzards Bay Block3 (MA) Data URL: Download Date:201609 ASPRS Class Used: 26=bathymetric point Output Multipoint File:NGS2015_5m_navd88 (5 m) Note: Covers portions of Westport Harbor. Data Source:2015 NOAA NGS Topobathy Lidar: Buzzards Bay Block1 (MA) Data URL: Download Date:201609 ASPRS Class Used: 2=valid ground, 26=bathymetric point Output Multipoint File:NGS15_6253_10m_MP_navd88 (10 m) Note: Covers area around New Bedford. Data Source:2015 NOAA NGS Topobathy Lidar: Buzzards Bay Block2 (MA) Data URL: Download Date:201609 ASPRS Class Used: 2=valid ground, 26=bathymetric point Output Multipoint File:NGS15_6255_10m_navd88 (10 m) Note: Covers area between West Island and Hog Island Channel, Cape Cod Canal.
Data Source:USGS/NOAA 2012-1002:BB_bathy5m: 5 meter ArcRaster grid of bathymetry data collected in Buzzards Bay by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration offshore of Massachusetts in 2004, 2009, 2010, and 2011 (UTM Zone 19N, Esri BINARY GRID) Data URL: Download Date:201609 Output Multipoint File: USGSOFR1002_5m_MP_navd88 (5 m) NOTE: Source grid published by USGS includes data from NOAA survey H11319 as described in metadata (see link above). The data included in this combined grid were collected in 2004 (NOAA), 2009, 2010, and 2011. Data Source:USGS CMGP 2010-1091:rb_bathy_5m: ESRI Binary floating point GRID containing bathymetry from interferometric sonar data collected by the USGS within Red Brook Harbor, MA, 2009 (5-meter cell size) Data URL: Download Date:201609 Output Multipoint File: rb_bath_navd88 (5 m) Data Source:USGS CMGP 2012-1006:VS_BATH5M_V2: Revised 5 meter ArcRaster grid of bathymetry acquired using a SEA Ltd. SWATHplus-M interferometric sonar offshore of Massachusetts within Vineyard Sound by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2009, 2010, and 2011 (Esri BINARY GRID, UTM 19N, WGS84). Data URL: Note: The link to the zip file (below) is provided here because the link to the zip file in metadata (above) is incorrect. The data included in this combined grid were collected in 2009, 2010, and 2011. Data URL (zip) Download Date:201608 Output Multipoint File: USGSOFR1006_5m_MP_navd88 (5 m) Data Source:USGS CMGP 2013-1020allswathi_5m - Composite swath bathymetry gridded data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey surrounding the eastern Elizabeth Islands and northern Martha's Vineyard, MA, 2011 (Esri grid, UTM Zone19 N, WGS 84, 5-m resolution) Data Url: Download Date:201608 Output Multipoint File:USGSOFR1020_5m_MP_navd88 (5 m) Note: The data included in this combined grid were collected in 2007, 2009, and 2011. Data Source:USGS 2011-1184:ei_2hm_fill - interpolated swath bathymetry collected by the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center surrounding the nearshore of the Elizabeth Islands, MA, 2010 (ESRI grd) Data URL: Download Date: 201608 Output Multipoint File: USGSOFR1184_2m_navd88 (2 m)
Data Source:ACOE CCC:CCCanal_SPFtNAD83_MLLW.csv Data URL:Data were accessed by e-mail request to Chief, Navigation Section, USACE, New England District, 696 Virginia Rd., Concord, MA 01742. Collection Date: 2011 Collection Method:Multibeam Download Date:201610 Output file:ACOE2011CCCanal_navd88. NOTE: Although data were collected using multibeam sonar, the x,y,z file was binned by the ACOE based on shallowest depth with a 3 x 3 (foot) filter. Data were further binned using a 40 foot radius to provide a scale dependent plot of the data at 1:200 map scale. In general there are 10-15 meters between adjacent soundings. Data Source:ACOE 15-1369, New Bedford And Fairhaven Harbor, MA, Condition Survey Data URL: Note: The link to the zip file (below) is provided here because the link to the zip file in metadata (above) is incorrect. Data URL: Collection Date: 201510 Collection Method:Multibeam Download Date:201608 Output file:ACOE15_NBHbr_navd88 Although data were collected using multibeam sonar, the x,y,z file was binned by the ACOE based on shallowest depth with a 3 x 3 (foot) filter. Data were further binned using a 40 foot radius to provide a scale dependent plot of the data at 1:200 map scale. In general there are 10-15 meters between adjacent soundings. Data Source:MA_62_FLR_20120502_CS_40, Fall River Harbor, MA, Condition Survey Data URL: Collection Date: 201205 Collection Method:Multibeam Download Date:201710 Output file:MA_62_FLR_20120502_CS_40_navd88 Although data were collected using multibeam sonar, the x,y,z file was binned by the ACOE based on shallowest depth with a 3 x 3 (foot) filter. Data were further binned using a 40 foot radius to provide a scale dependent plot of the data at 1:200 map scale. In general there are 10-15 meters between adjacent soundings.
Data Source H11076 Data URL: Collection Date: 2004 Collection Method:Multibeam Download Date:200912 Output file:H11076_5m_MP_navd88 (5 m) Note: data are published in several bag files using different resolutions for different depths. The five meter resolution combined bag (11076_5m_MLLW_13of13.bag) was downloaded. Data Source: H11077 Data URL: Collection Date:2001 Collection Method:Multibeam Download Date:200912 Output file:H11077_5m_MP_navd88 (5 m) Note: data are published in several bag files using different resolutions for different depths. The one meter resolution combined bag (11077_MB_1m_UTM19NAD83,txt)) was downloaded. Data Source: H12083 Data URL: Collection Date:2009 Collection Method:Multibeam Download Date:201710 Output file:H12083_4m_MP_navd88 (4 m) Note: data are published in several bag files using different resolutions for different depths. The four meter resolution combined bag (12083_MBVB_4m_MLLW_combined.bag) was downloaded. Data Source: H12642 Data URL: Collection Date:2015 Collection Method:Multibeam Download Date:201610 Output file:H12642_4m_MP_navd88 (4m) Note: data are published in several bag files using different resolutions for different depths. The four meter resolution combined bag (12642_MBVB_4m_MLLW_Combined.bag) was downloaded. Data Source: H12643 Data URL: Collection Date:2015 Collection Method:Multibeam Download Date:201610 Output file:H12643_4m_MP_navd88 (4m) Note:bag file downloaded from NOAA (H12643_MB_50cm_MLLW_1of1.bag) was aggregated from 0.5 meter resolution to 4 meter resolution to make file smaller in size and facilitate data management.SINGLEBEAM STARTS HERE
Data Source: H05622 Data URL: Collection Date:1934 Collection Method:Hand lead line Download Date:201608 Output file:H05622_navd88 Data Source: H05630 Data URL: Collection Date:1934 Collection Method:Hand lead line Download Date:201608 Output file:H05630_navd88 Data Source: H07939 Data URL: Collection Date:1951 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date:201710 Output file:H07939_navd88 Data Source: H08170 Data URL: Collection Date:1954 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date:201608 Output file:H08170_navd88 Data Source: H08207 Data URL: Collection Date:1955 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date:201710 Output file:H08207_navd88 Data Source: H08396 Data URL: Collection Date:1957 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date:201710 Output file:H08396_navd88 Data Source: H08903 Data URL: Collection Date:1966 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date:201608 Output file:H08903_navd88 Data Source:H09644 Data URL: Collection Date:1976 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date: 201608 Output file: H09644_navd88 Data Source:H09645 Data URL: Collection Date:1976 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date: 201608 Output file: H09645_navd88 Data Source:H09647 Data URL: Collection Date:1976 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date: 201608 Output file: H096547_navd88 Data Source:H09661 Data URL: Collection Date:1976 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date: 201608 Output file: H09661_navd88 Data Source:H09668 Data URL: Collection Date:1976 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date: 201608 Output file: H09668_navd88 Data Source: H09712 Data URL: Collection Date:1977 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date:201608 Output file:H09712_navd88 Data Source: H09724 Data URL: Collection Date:1977 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date:201608 Output file:H09724_navd88 Data Source:H10511 Data URL: Collection Date:1993 Collection Method:Echosounder Download Date: 201608 Output file: H10511_navd88
Access_Constraints | None. |
Use_Constraints | Not to be used for navigation. Public domain data from the U.S. Government are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as the source of this information. Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations. |
Data format: | This WinZip file contains the 32-bit floating point GeoTIFF, and associated metadata for the terrain model of Buzzard Bay in format GeoTIFF (version ArcGIS (v. 10.3.1)) GeoTIFF image Size: 70.9 |
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