Processing steps 1 and 2 produced a preliminary bathymetry dataset. Processing was carried out to further edit and correct the data and to produce final grids and images of the data. Processing and editing steps included:
1. Correct errors in soundings due to sound refraction, caused by variations in sound velocity profile, using the SwathEd refraction tool. These artifacts can be recognized in a cross-swath profile of a relatively flat patch of sea floor. When viewing the swath data across a profile, the sea floor will appear to have a "frown" or "smile" when in fact the data should be flat across the profile. Insufficient and/or erroneous sound velocity information, which is usually due to widely spaced or non-existent velocity profiles within an area, results in an under or over-estimate of water depth which increases with distance from the center of the swath. For a discussion of how this effect can be recognized in a swath bathymetric data file, see
2. Remove erroneous soundings that were not edited in the field using the SwathEd program.
3. Create a new 100 meter grid of the bathymetric soundings using the SwathEd routine weigh_grid, using different cutoff parameters based on water depth.
Grid these files using a cutoff radius of 300 meters, lambda of 75 meters.
Times: 08/30-31/2002 all, 09/01-06/2002 all, 09/07/2002 0000-0833
Times: 09/13/2002 0345-2219
Command line: weigh_grid -omg -tide -coeffs -beam_mask -beam_weight -custom_weight RonBrownGrid_weights -butter -power 2 -cutoff 300 -lambda 75 gridFile filename.merged
Grid these files using a cutoff radius of 200 meters.
Times: 09/07/2002 0921-2359, 09/08/2002 0000-1117
Times: 09/14/2002 0813-2359, 09/15/2002 all
Command line: weigh_grid -omg -tide -coeffs -beam_mask -beam_weight -custom_weight RonBrownGrid_weights -butter -power 2 -cutoff 200 -lambda 75 gridFile filename.merged
Grid these files using a cutoff radius of 100 meters.
Times: 09/08/2002 1152-2359, 09/09/2002 all, 09/10/2002 0000-1854
Times: 09/14/2002 0543-0743Command line: weigh_grid -omg -tide -coeffs -beam_mask -beam_weight -custom_weight RonBrownGrid_weights -butter -power 2 -cutoff 100 -lambda 75 gridFile filename.merged
4. Convert binary bathymetric grid to Esri ASCII raster format:
Command line: r4toASCII gridFile.r4
This creates a file called gridFile.asc.
Note: Errors in the UNB gridding software were identified in 2003 and 2007. These data were processed with corrected software.