Metadata: Identification_Information: Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Meagan Eagle Gonneea Originator: Jennifer A. O'Keefe Suttles Originator: Kevin D. Kroeger Publication_Date: 2018 Title: Collection, Analysis, and Age-Dating of Sediment Cores from Salt Marshes on the South Shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, From 2013 Through 2014 Edition: 1.0 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: Tabular digital data Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Reston, VA Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Other_Citation_Details: Suggested citation: Gonneea, M.E., O'Keefe Suttles, J.A., and Kroeger, K.D., 2018, Collection, analysis, and age-dating of sediment cores from salt marshes on the south shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, from 2013 through 2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release, Online_Linkage: Online_Linkage: Description: Abstract: The accretion history of fringing microtidal salt marshes located on the south shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, was reconstructed from sediment cores collected in low and high marsh vegetation zones. The location of these marshes within protected embayments and the absence of large rivers on Cape Cod result in minimal sediment supply and a dominance of organic matter contribution to sediment peat. Age models based on 210-lead and 137-cesium were constructed to evaluate how vertical accretion and carbon burial rates have changed over the past century. The continuous rate of supply age model was used to age date 11 cores (10 low marsh and 1 high marsh) across four salt marshes. Both vertical accretion rates and carbon burial increased from 1900 to the years of collection, 2013 and 2014. Elevation of the marsh surface was measured to evaluate where the marsh falls within the current tidal frame. The historic marsh surface elevation was then reconstructed from the calculated age of each depth interval and its elevation, assuming that elevations within this shallow zone (less than 30 centimeters) have been preserved for the past century. Purpose: These cores were collected, age dated, and their elevation measured to determine what elevation trajectories salt marsh surfaces have followed over the past century as sea level has risen at a rate of 2.8 mm/yr. In addition, carbon burial was evaluated to determine what rates were over the past century. Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Multiple_Dates/Times: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 20131204 Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 20140117 Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 20140604 Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 20140616 Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 20140701 Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 20140805 Currentness_Reference: Ground Condition. These are the dates when the cores were collected. Status: Progress: Complete Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned Spatial_Domain: Bounding_Coordinates: West_Bounding_Coordinate: -70.556945801557 East_Bounding_Coordinate: -70.496520996872 North_Bounding_Coordinate: 41.584306748081 South_Bounding_Coordinate: 41.543205912373 Keywords: Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Metadata Identifier Theme_Keyword: USGS:5a748e35e4b00f54eb19f96c Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Thesaurus Theme_Keyword: soil chemistry Theme_Keyword: radiometric dating Theme_Keyword: piston coring Theme_Keyword: carbon isotope analysis Theme_Keyword: carbon Theme_Keyword: nitrogen Theme_Keyword: sea-level change Theme_Keyword: sedimentation Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category Theme_Keyword: geoscientificInformation Theme_Keyword: location Theme_Keyword: elevation Theme_Keyword: oceans Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None Theme_Keyword: high marsh Theme_Keyword: low marsh Theme_Keyword: 210-lead Theme_Keyword: 137-cesium Theme_Keyword: accretion rate Theme_Keyword: carbon burial Theme_Keyword: salt marsh elevation Place: Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Place_Keyword: Cape Cod Place_Keyword: Barnstable County Place_Keyword: Falmouth Place_Keyword: Sage Lot Pond Place_Keyword: Great Pond Place_Keyword: Hamblin Pond Place_Keyword: Eel Pond Place_Keyword: Waquoit Bay Place_Keyword: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Place_Keyword: United States of America Access_Constraints: none Use_Constraints: none Point_of_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Meagan Eagle Gonneea Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical Address: 384 Woods Hole Rd. City: Woods Hole State_or_Province: MA Postal_Code: 02543 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-457-2280 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Browse_Graphic: Browse_Graphic_File_Name: Browse_Graphic_File_Description: Browse graphic showing a plot of the accretion rates at each of the core locations. Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG Data_Quality_Information: Attribute_Accuracy: Attribute_Accuracy_Report: Radionuclides (210Pb, 226Ra, 137Cs, 7Be) were measured on planar gamma counters that were standardized to an EPA standard pitchblende ore in the same geometry as the samples. Suppression of low energy peaks by self-adsorption was corrected according to Cutshall and others (1983). Weight percent carbon and nitrogen and the isotopic signature of carbon and nitrogen in organic matter was analyzed at the U.C. Davis Stable Isotope Facility with an Elementar Vario EL CUbe or MIcro Cube elemental analyzer interfaced to a PDZ Europa 20-20 isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Long-term standard deviation is 0.2 permil for 13C and 0.3 per mil for 15N. Logical_Consistency_Report: Any value below detection is given the numerical value of 0. Any attribute that wasn't measured for a specific sample is listed as -99999. Each sample was treated in the same manner for each analysis. Completeness_Report: Dataset is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details. All sample measurements are reported. Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Latitude and Longitude was measured with a handheld Garmin 76Cx GPSmap unit in the field at time of collection. The GPS unit indicated accuracy was within 3 meters. No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted. Vertical_Positional_Accuracy: Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Elevation was measured with a Trimble Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS after core collection. Accuracy was 2-3 cm according to instrument corrections. No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted. Lineage: Process_Step: Process_Description: Eleven sediment cores were collected in coastal salt marshes between 12/4/2013 and 8/5/2014. All cores were collected in the low marsh except SLPB, which was collected in the high marsh. A piston coring system was used, where the core liner (diameter 11 cm, 1-2 m in length) was fitted with a gasketed piston that was placed on the sediment surface. The clear, sharpened core liner was pushed down into the marsh subsurface, while the piston was maintained at the marsh surface via tension on the piston. We visually observed the sediment surface to ensure that the soil column did not compact during collection. Once the core reached the underlying coarse sediment interface (except at Hamblin Pond, where the depth to the peat base was >2 m), the core liner and piston were removed from the marsh with a pulley system. The process date reflects the last occurrence of the work. This process step and all subsequent steps were performed by the same people, Meagan E. Gonneea and Jennifer O'Keefe Suttles, unless otherwise noted. Process_Date: 20140805 Process_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Meagan E Gonneea Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical Address: 384 Woods Hole Road City: Woods Hole State_or_Province: MA Postal_Code: 02543 Country: United States Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-457-2280 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Process_Step: Process_Description: After each core collection, the sediment cores were immediately returned to the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center. They were placed in a refrigerator for 1 to 3 days, then split vertically, sectioned at 1 or 2 cm intervals, frozen, and then freeze dried for 7 days, until sediment weights did not change further. Dry bulk density was determined as the dry weight of a known volume of sample. Approximately 5 g of dried sediment sample was blended and homogenized prior to sealing in a jar for a minimum of three weeks and then placed on a planar-type gamma counter for 24 to 48 hours to measure 7Be, 137Cs, 210Pb, and 226Ra at 477, 661.6, 46.5 and 352 kiloelectronvolts (KeV) energies respectively (Canberra Inc., USA). Detector efficiency was determined from EPA standard pitchblende ore in the same geometry as the samples. Activities of 7Be, 137Cs, and 210Pb were decay corrected to time of collection. Suppression of low energy peaks by self-absorption was corrected for according to Cutshall and others, 1983. Detection limit for excess 210Pb was 0.05 dpm/g (disintegrations per minute per gram). Sediment ages and accretion rates were calculated with the continuous rate of supply 210Pb age model, a variant on the advection-decay equation (Appleby and Oldfield, 1978; Goldberg, 1963). This model assumes that 210Pb supply to the sediment surface is constant through time, but allows for changing sedimentation rates, in addition to decay, to control the down-core activity of 210Pb. The common form of the CRS (constant rate of 210Pb supply) model as derived by Appleby and Oldfield (1978) solves for age based on the distribution of 210Pb in the sediment record. Prior to application of the age model, 210Pb profiles were evaluated to ensure they were sufficiently resolved to apply the CRS model without bias towards to ages that are too old or accretion rates that are too low at depth (Binford, 1990). All gamma analyses were ongoing from 2014 and completed in 2016. Appleby, P.G., and Oldfield, Frank, 1978, The calculation of lead-210 dates assuming a constant rate of supply of unsupported 210Pb to the sediment: Catena, v. 5, issue 1, p. 1–8, Binford, M.W., 1990, Calculation and uncertainty analysis of 210 Pb dates for PIRLA project lake sediment cores: Journal of Paleolimnology, v. 3, issue 3, p. 253-267, Cutshall, N.H., Larsen, I.L., and Olsen, C.R., 1983, Direct analysis of 210 Pb in sediment samples—Self-absorption corrections: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, v. 206, issues 1–2 , p. 309–312, Goldberg, E.D, 1963, Geochronology with 210 Pb, in Miller, J.A., convener, Radioactive dating: International Atomic Energy Agency Symposium on Radioactive Dating, Athens, Greece, November 19-23, 1962, [Proceedings], p. 121-131. Process_Date: 2016 Process_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Meagan E Gonneea Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical Address: 384 Woods Hole Road City: Woods Hole State_or_Province: MA Postal_Code: 02543 Country: United States Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-457-2280 Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Process_Step: Process_Description: A subsample of freeze dried sediment was combined from two consecutive depths (for example, 0 to 1 and 1 to 2) to represent the mixed interval for elemental analysis. For this sample, 0.5 g of the sediment was ball-milled to a fine powder and packaged for carbon and nitrogen analysis at the U.C. Davis Stable Isotope Facility. There carbon and nitrogen content and isotopic ratio of the sediment organic matter was measured with an Elementar Vario EL Cube or Micro Cube elemental analyzer interfaced to a PDZ Europa 20-20 isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Carbon isotopic ratios are reported relative to Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) and nitrogen isotopic ratios relative to air. These analyses occurred concurrently with analyses in the previous process step. Process_Date: 2015 Process_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Meagan E Gonneea Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical Address: 384 Woods Hole Road City: Woods Hole State_or_Province: MA Postal_Code: 02543 Country: United States Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-457-2280 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Process_Step: Process_Description: The marsh surface elevation at the core collection sites were surveyed with a Trimble Real-Time Kinematic Geographic Positioning System (RTK GPS) shortly after collection. All data were projected in NAD 1983 Massachusetts State Plane FIPS 2001 and elevations are given relative to NAVD88. The elevation accuracy is 2-3 cm relative to NAVD88. This process step took place over time, with the last measurement in 2014. Process_Date: 2014 Process_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Meagan E Gonneea Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical Address: 384 Woods Hole Road City: Woods Hole State_or_Province: MA Postal_Code: 02543 Country: United States Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-457-2280 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Process_Step: Process_Description: The Excel spreadsheet was exported as a CSV file from Excel for Mac version 15.33. Process_Date: 2018 Process_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Meagan E Gonneea Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical Address: 384 Woods Hole Rd. City: Woods Hole State_or_Province: MA Postal_Code: 02543 Country: United States Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-457-2280 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Process_Step: Process_Description: Added keywords section with USGS persistent identifier as theme keyword. Process_Date: 20200807 Process_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Person: VeeAnn A. Cross Contact_Position: Marine Geologist Contact_Address: Address_Type: Mailing and Physical Address: 384 Woods Hole Road City: Woods Hole State_or_Province: MA Postal_Code: 02543-1598 Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2251 Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Spatial_Data_Organization_Information: Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Point Point_and_Vector_Object_Information: SDTS_Terms_Description: SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Point Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 549 Spatial_Reference_Information: Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition: Geographic: Latitude_Resolution: 1.0E-5 Longitude_Resolution: 1.0E-5 Geographic_Coordinate_Units: Decimal degrees Geodetic_Model: Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80 Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.0 Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222101 Vertical_Coordinate_System_Definition: Depth_System_Definition: Depth_Datum_Name: NAVD88 Depth_Resolution: 1.0 Depth_Distance_Units: centimeters Depth_Encoding_Method: Explicit depth coordinate included with horizontal coordinates Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_Label: South Shore Cape Cod Salt Marsh Core Data Entity_Type_Definition: Core location, elevation, radiochemistry results, age model, and carbon and nitrogen results Entity_Type_Definition_Source: Meagan E. Gonneea Attribute: Attribute_Label: Core ID Attribute_Definition: ID: Each core is assigned an alphabetical ID to indicate which marsh it was collected at (defined below) and a secondary qualifier of A, B or C, indicating the order of core collection over time. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: SLP Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Sage Lot Pond Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: Meagan E. Gonneea Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: EP Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Eel Pond Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: Meagan E. Gonneea Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: HB Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Hamblin Pond Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: Meagan E. Gonneea Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: GP Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Great Pond Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: Meagan E. Gonneea Attribute: Attribute_Label: Collection Date Attribute_Definition: Date: A numeric identifier of the date the core was collected in the format of month/day/year. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 12/4/2013 Range_Domain_Maximum: 8/5/2014 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Latitude Attribute_Definition: Lat: Latitude decimal degrees north, NAD83. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 41.55445 Range_Domain_Maximum: 41.47671 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Longitude Attribute_Definition: Lon: Longitude decimal degrees west, NAD83. Attribute_Definition_Source: USGS Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 70.50044 Range_Domain_Maximum: 70.58044 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Depth from sediment surface, interval mean (cm) Attribute_Definition: Depth: A numeric identifier of the interval mid-point depth below the sediment interface in centimeters. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0 Range_Domain_Maximum: 159 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Elevation relative to NAVD88, interval mean (cm) Attribute_Definition: Elevation: A numeric identifier of interval mid-point elevation relative to NAVD88 datum in centimeters. Calculated by subtracting the mid-interval depth from the NAVD88 elevation of the core location (depth = 0). Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: -144 Range_Domain_Maximum: 24 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Dry bulk density (g/cm3) Attribute_Definition: DBD: A numeric identifier of the sediment dry bulk density in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.02 Range_Domain_Maximum: 1.87 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 210-Lead total (dpm/g) Attribute_Definition: 210Pb: A numeric identifier of the sediment total 210-lead activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Measured at 46.6 kiloelectronvolt (KeV) on a planar gamma counter. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.21 Range_Domain_Maximum: 36.94 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 210-Lead total error (dpm/g) Attribute_Definition: 210Pb_e: A numeric identifier of the measurement error in sediment total 210-lead activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.06 Range_Domain_Maximum: 3.73 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 226-Radium (dpm/g) Attribute_Definition: 226Ra: A numeric identifier of the sediment total 226-radium activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Measured at 352 kiloelectronvolt (KeV) on a planar gamma counter. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.14 Range_Domain_Maximum: 3.32 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 226-Radium error Attribute_Definition: 226Ra_e: A numeric identifier of the measurement error in sediment total 226-radium activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.01 Range_Domain_Maximum: 0.79 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 210-Lead excess (dpm/g) Attribute_Definition: 210Pbex: A numeric identifier of the sediment excess 210-Lead activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Calculated as the difference between total 210-Lead and total 226-Radium activities. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: -0.13 Range_Domain_Maximum: 36.30 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 210-Lead excess error (dpm/g) Attribute_Definition: 210Pbex_e: A numeric identifier of the propagated measurement error in sediment excess 210-Lead activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.07 Range_Domain_Maximum: 3.81 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 137-Cesium (dpm/g) Attribute_Definition: 137Cs: A numeric identifier of the sediment total 137-Cesium activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Measured at 662 kiloelectronvolt (KeV) on a planar gamma counter. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed, zero values are below detection limit. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.00 Range_Domain_Maximum: 2.96 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 137-Cesium error (dpm/g) Attribute_Definition: 137Cs_e: A numeric identifier of the measurement error in sediment total 137-Cesium activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed, zero values are below detection limit. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.00 Range_Domain_Maximum: 0.33 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 7-Beryllium (dpm/g) Attribute_Definition: 7Be: A numeric identifier of the measurement error in sediment total 7-Beryllium activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Measured at 447 kiloelectronvolt (KeV) on a planar gamma counter. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed, zero value are below detection limit. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.00 Range_Domain_Maximum: 12.54 Attribute: Attribute_Label: 7-Beryllium error (dpm/g) Attribute_Definition: 7Be_e: A numeric identifier of the measurement error in sediment total 7-Beryllium activity in decays per minute per gram (dpm/g). Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed, zero values are below detection limit. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.00 Range_Domain_Maximum: 2.00 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Weight percent carbon Attribute_Definition: wtC: Total amount of carbon by weight percent in soil as measured with an Elementar Vario EL Cube or Micro Cube elemental analyzer at University of California at Davis Stable Isotope Facility. This value was measured on combined consecutive samples, for example 0 to 1 cm and 1 to 2 cm, were combined for a sample from 0 to 2 cm. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.4 Range_Domain_Maximum: 42.5 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Weight percent nitrogen Attribute_Definition: wtN: Total amount of nitrogen by weight percent in soil as measured with an Elementar Vario EL Cube or Micro Cube elemental analyzer at University of California at Davis Stable Isotope Facility. This value was measured on combined consecutive samples, for example 0 to 1 cm and 1 to 2 cm, were combined for a sample from 0 to 2 cm. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.02 Range_Domain_Maximum: 2.66 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Carbon 13/12 ratio Attribute_Definition: 13C: The carbon isotopic signature of the soil sample relative to Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) standard as measured with an Elementar Vario EL Cube or Micro Cube elemental analyzer interfaced to a PDZ Europa 20-20 isotope ratio mass spectrometer at University of California at Davis Stable Isotope Facility. This value was measured on combined consecutive samples, for example 0 to 1 cm and 1 to 2 cm, were combined for a sample from 0 to 2 cm. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: -27.75 Range_Domain_Maximum: -12.54 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Nitrogen 15/14 ratio Attribute_Definition: 15N: The nitrogen isotopic signature of the soil sample relative to air as measured with an Elementar Vario EL Cube or Micro Cube elemental analyzer interfaced to a PDZ Europa 20-20 isotope ratio mass spectrometer at University of California at Davis Stable Isotope Facility. This value was measured on combined consecutive samples, for example 0 to 1 cm and 1 to 2 cm, were combined for a sample from 0 to 2 cm. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: -0.82 Range_Domain_Maximum: 5.33 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Sediment age (years) Attribute_Definition: Age: A numeric identifier for the age in years from the collection date of the core interval based on the Continuous Rate of Supply 210-Lead age model. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 1.1 Range_Domain_Maximum: 103.8 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Sediment Age Error (years) Attribute_Definition: Age_e: A numeric identifier for the age model uncertainty in years of the core interval based on the Continuous Rate of Supply 210-Lead age model. Error is propagated through the model. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.1 Range_Domain_Maximum: 18.2 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Vertical Accretion Rate (mm/y) Attribute_Definition: VAR: A numeric identifier for the vertical accretion rate of the sediment in millimeters per year (mm/y). Calculated as the difference in interval midpoint divided by the difference in ages of those adjacent sediment intervals. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 1.0 Range_Domain_Maximum: 9.7 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Mass Accumulation Rate (g/m2/y) Attribute_Definition: MAR: A numeric identifier for the mass accumulation rate of the sediment in grams per square meter per year (g/m2/y). Calculated by multiplying dry bulk density times vertical accretion rate. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 104 Range_Domain_Maximum: 1285 Attribute: Attribute_Label: Carbon accumulation rate (gC/m2/y) Attribute_Definition: CAR: A numeric identifier for the carbon mass accumulation rate of the sediment in grams of carbon per square meter per year (gC/m2/y). Calculated by multiplying the average mass accumulations rate for the combined depth interval of the elemental sample times weight percent carbon. Values of -99999 indicate this measurement was not performed. Attribute_Definition_Source: Producer defined. Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 19 Range_Domain_Maximum: 380 Overview_Description: Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: Any value below detection is given the numerical value of 0, with the exception of surface elevation, which is 0. Any attribute that wasn't measured for a specific sample is listed as -99999. The data are available in both XLSX and CSV formats. The attribute label in the detailed description above is the first row of the Excel spreadsheet. The first part of the attribute definition (before the colon) indicates the abbreviated label for that column and is on the second row of the Excel spreadsheet. The abbreviated column heading is provided as a convenience for using the data in other software packages that might have difficulty with the longer label. Entity_and_Attribute_Detail_Citation: U.S. Geological Survey - Meagan E. Gonneea Distribution_Information: Distributor: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: ScienceBase Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical Address: Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302 City: Denver State_or_Province: CO Postal_Code: 80225 Country: United States Contact_Voice_Telephone: 1-888-275-8747 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Resource_Description: This data release contains the core location, elevation, radiochemistry results, age model, and carbon and nitrogen results in an Excel spreadsheet (Waquoit_Core_data_release.xlsx), CSV file (Waquoit_Core_data_release.csv) and browse graphic (Saltmarsh_AR.jpg). FGDC CSDGM metadata (Waquoit_Core_data_release_meta.xml) accompanies the data. Distribution_Liability: Neither the U.S. Government, the Department of the Interior, nor the USGS, nor any of their employees, contractors, or subcontractors, make any warranty, express or implied, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, nor represent that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of these data or related materials. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Standard_Order_Process: Digital_Form: Digital_Transfer_Information: Format_Name: XLSX Format_Version_Number: Excel for Mac 15.33 Format_Information_Content: The dataset contains the Excel spreadsheet, the CSV file, the browse graphic, and the CSDGM metadata in XML format. Transfer_Size: 1 Digital_Transfer_Option: Online_Option: Computer_Contact_Information: Network_Address: Network_Resource_Name: Network_Resource_Name: Network_Resource_Name: Access_Instructions: The first link downloads all the files on the landing page to a zip file, the second link downloads the Excel spreadsheet only, and the third link takes you to the landing page of the data. Digital_Form: Digital_Transfer_Information: Format_Name: CSV Format_Version_Number: Excel for Mac 15.33 Format_Information_Content: The dataset contains the Excel spreadsheet, the CSV file, the browse graphic, and the CSDGM metadata in XML format. Transfer_Size: 1 Digital_Transfer_Option: Online_Option: Computer_Contact_Information: Network_Address: Network_Resource_Name: Network_Resource_Name: Network_Resource_Name: Access_Instructions: The first link downloads all the files on the landing page to a zip file, the second link downloads the CSV version of the data only, and the third link takes you to the landing page of the data. Fees: none Metadata_Reference_Information: Metadata_Date: 20240319 Metadata_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Meagan E Gonneea Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing and physical Address: 384 Woods Hole Rd. City: Woods Hole State_or_Province: MA Postal_Code: 02543 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-457-2280 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Contact_Instructions: The metadata contact email address is a generic address in the event the person is no longer with USGS. (updated on 20240319) Metadata_Standard_Name: Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998