1. Create a blank 8 bit map file:
Command line: make_blank mosaic_file> This command commences a dialog to enable an 8 bit image and input the map boundaries and resolution. The program also prompts for the projection type and parameters to be used creating the binary map file (custom Mercator projection, central longitude of -75 degrees, latitude of true scale 40 degrees north). Then the "blank" file is copied to two files required by the mosaic program:
Command line: cp mosaic_file.blank mosaic_file.mos
Command line: cp mosaic_file.blank mosaic_file.ran
2. Create backscatter files that can be then mosaicked from the backscatter time series:
Command line: getBeamPattern filename (prefix only)
Command line: makess -pixel 1.0 -beam_patt beampatt filename (prefix only) output.ss
Command line: glfill output.ss output.ss_fill (fills in data dropouts).
3. Mosaic all the backscatter files created in the last step (for each output.ss_fill), and then use a two-point linear contrast stretch (0-254; 255 is no data) to enhance the backscatter image.
Command line: mos2 -autoseam -maxazi 10 -maxdist 10 mosaic_file output.ss_fill
Command line: stretchacres -low 170 -high 210 -in mosaic_file -out mosaic_file.stretch
4. Create a shaded-relief image of the bathymetry using SwathEd routine addSUN (sun elevation of 45 degrees from 60, vertically exaggerating 4 times). The shaded relief file created from the grid is mapped into the same projection as the grid (Mercator, central longitude of -75 degrees, latitude of true scale 40 degrees north), and carries over the projection information used to create the grid.
Command line: addSUN -elev 45 -azi 60 -vert_exag 4.0 gridFile.r4 filename.shade
5. Use a two-point linear contrast stretch (0-254; 255 is no data) to enhance the shaded-relief image:
Command line: stretchacres -low 150 -high 200 -in filename.shade -out filename_shade.stretch
6. Create an image of shaded-relief bathymetry, colored by backscatter intensity:
Command line: mix_ci -c mosaic_file.stretch -i filename_shade.stretch -m mosaic_file.pseudo
Command line: rawtopgm -headerskip 1024 image_width image_height mosaic_file.pseudo | pnmtoTIFF -none - > mosaic_pseudo.tif