RAW IMAGERY: The SkyDio images (thermal images are radiometric JPEGs (RJPEG) and RGB images are regular JPEGs) were processed to add additional information required by the USGS to the EXIF headers using ExifTools (
https://exiftool.org/, version: 12.06), and the files were renamed to a unique identifier using Namexif (
http://www.digicamsoft.com/softnamexif.html, version 2.1) to avoid any possibility of duplicate names. These steps are described here.
1. ExifTools was used to tag each photo headers following the Imagery Data System EXIF Guidance. Attributes (e.g. Credit, Copyright, UsageTerms, ImageDescription, Artist, etc) were stored in a csv file and written to each image with the command:' exiftool -csv="C:\directory\name\EXIF.csv" C:\directory\name\of\photos *.JPG '
To read out the photo information to a csv when in the directory with the photos the command is: exiftool -csv *.JPG > .\allheaders_out.csv
2. All the images were renamed with Namexif (
https://us.digicamsoft.com/softnamexif.html v 2.1 accessed April 2020) to ensure unique filenames and compliance with the USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program's best practices for image naming convention. Images were renamed with the field survey ID prefix; flight number, and ID that distinguishes USGS cameras by make/camera number, the image acquisition date, coordinated universal time (UTC) in ISO8601 format, and a suffix with the original image name. For example, image name '2024004FA_f01SX10r_20240702T165822Z_S#######', 2024004FA is the field activity ID, f01 is the flight number, SX10r is a Skydio X10 radiometric image, 20240702 is the UTC date in the format YYYYMMDD, and a 'T' is used to separate UTC date from UTC time in format HHMMSS followed by a Z. The S######## is the original raw photo name appended to the end of the new filename.