Attribute values at each point (rock12_pts.csv) represent a 5 x 5 m square centered at the point. The values are compiled from multiple sources. Transect-averaged values, such as beach width, may represent 25 m on either side of the indicated transect. The following methods were used to validate attribute accuracy: symbolized display of transect and point attribute values overlaid on input datasets including elevation, island extent, geomorphic feature (ArcGIS Pro version 2.0); spot-checking of values at individual points and comparison with input datasets and topology (ArcGIS Pro version 2.0); and for random transects, plotting the cross-shore profile using elevation values from each point along the transect, distance values and the cross-shore position of the features they were calculated from (Matlab R2015b). These checks were performed by at least two operators.
Metrics related to the geomorphic feature points (i.e. dune toe, dune crest, shoreline) do not necessarily provide accurate measurements for bay-side areas. For example, in rare situations a transect might intersect multiple ocean-facing shorelines, possibly due to the orientation of an inlet (e.g. transect 1024 at Fire Island, fiis_trans.shp in larger work), but the single dune crest point associated with the transect is simply the closest point, whether it be on the seaward portion of land or not. Thus, the distance to dune crest values may not be realistic for a portion of the points along the transect.
rock12_ubw.tif: Accuracy of the beach width value is dependent on the accuracy of the lineage data. Beach widths are calculated to the tenths of meters in precision. However, the values are only calculated every 50 m alongshore. Thus, a given cell value may represent the width of the beach at a transect as far as 25 m removed from the cell. Refer to the process steps for details. Beach width values were spot-checked while verifying the reliability of the transect values. Spot checks were performed by plotting the beach width on a cross-shore elevation profile with the available dune positions positioned on the plot as well. These values were always found to be in agreement unless reported elsewhere.
More detail is provided elsewhere below (Process Steps and Entity and Attribute Information), in the associated Open-File Report (Zeigler and others, 2019), and in the source code (Sturdivant, 2019).
These datasets consist of data compiled from multiple sources and aggregated spatially. The data were reviewed using standard USGS review procedures. No checks for topological consistency in addition to those described in the Attribute Accuracy Report were performed on these data. The primary vertical datum used is NAVD88, consistent with the source datasets lidar and geomorph points. Some fields (those with a 'mhw' suffix and explained in the Entity and Attribute section) include the elevation adjusted to the mean high water (MHW) datum calculated by Weber and others (2005) for the area.
rock12_pts.csv: With increasing distance of a point from the seaward face of the island, there is less likely to be a direct orthogonal relationship between the value and the shoreline. Prior to segmenting transects into 5-m points, some transects were shortened to eliminate overlap (see Completeness Report and first Process Step). Thus transect-based values at points near the bayside of the island may pertain to a more distant shoreline.
rock_trans.shp: This shapefile consists of line data compiled from NASC transects and manually added. No checks for topological consistency were performed on these data. Transect extent is based on the study area, rather than the shoreline, so that transect positions encompass the land in years with different shoreline positions. As a result, some transects may not intersect land in certain years.
rock12_ubw.tif: With increasing distance of a cell from the seaward face of the island, there is less likely to be a direct orthogonal relationship between the cell value and the beach because transects were shortened to eliminate overlap prior to assigning the line values to the raster grid. Cells may not have the same value as neighboring cells directly seaward because of the same overlap-elimination process applied to the transects.
rock_trans.shp: Transects (rock_trans.shp and base feature for rock12_pts.csv and rock12_ubw.tif) are spaced alongshore every 50 m within the study area. They cover the entire island width. Some transects may not intersect land in certain years. Curves in the generalized shoreline may cause transects to be spaced more or less densely than the standard 50 m alongshore, especially along the inland side of the study area. Transects may overlap. In such cases, the full extended transect length was preserved allowing overlap so that each transect could represent the full width of the island. Original NASC transects include ID values that match them to the original transect, but the supplemental transects have NoData for NASC fields.
rock12_pts.csv: Points were confined to the area within the shoreline polygon included in the larger work and located only along the transects. These exclude areas below mean high water (MHW) elevation on the seaward side and areas below mean tidal level (MTL) on the inland side. Those MHW and MTL contours were generalized to approximately 25 m so in some cases the points may represent submerged areas.
The points sample every 5 m along shore-normal transects. Curves in the generalized shoreline may cause transects and the resulting points to be spaced more or less densely than the standard 50 m alongshore, especially along the inland side of the study site.
Before creating the 5-m points, transect lines were manually edited to prevent overlapping transects. Where two transects overlapped, one was shortened to the first point of intersection with the other. When a National Assessment of Shoreline Change (NASC) transect overlapped with a supplementary transect, the supplementary transect was shortened to the intersection point.
Where values could not be calculated due to lack of input data in the lineage dataset, a NoData value of -99999 was recorded for the attribute. Where a transect does not intersect land, it corresponds to a single point with NoData values for all fields. More detail is provided in the associated Open-File Report (Zeigler and others, 2019) and in the Entity and Attribute Information.
rock12_ubw.tif: Before converting the transect vectors to rasters, the transect lines were manually edited to prevent overlapping transects. Where two transects overlapped, one was shortened to the first point of intersection with the other. When a National Assessment of Shoreline Change (NASC) transect overlapped with a supplementary transect, the supplementary transect was shortened to the intersection point. Where values could not be calculated due to lack of input data in the lineage dataset, a fill value of -99999 was recorded for the attribute. More detail is provided in the associated Open-File Report (Zeigler and others, 2019) and in the Entity and Attribute Information.
Originator: Emily A. Himmelstoss
Originator: Meredith G. Kratzmann
Originator: Cheryl J. Hapke
Originator: E. Robert Thieler
Originator: Jeffrey List
Publication_Date: 2010
National Assessment of Shoreline Change: A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines and Associated Shoreline Change Data for the New England and Mid-Atlantic Coasts
Series_Name: Open-File Report
Issue_Identification: 2010-1119
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Type_of_Source_Media: digital data
Calendar_Date: 2010
Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NASC transects
Shore-normal transects with long term shoreline change rates from the National Assessment of Shoreline Change (NASC) (LongIsland_LT.shp). The data are distributed as an Esri polyline shapefile referenced to World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). They were downloaded in 2017.
Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), National Geodetic Survey (NGS), Remote Sensing Division
Publication_Date: 20121115
Hurricane Sandy: Rapid Response Imagery of the Surrounding Regions
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: Raster Digital Data (Aerial Imagery)
Publication_Place: Silver Spring, MD
Publisher: NOAA's Ocean Service, National Geodetic Survey (NGS)
Type_of_Source_Media: digital data
Beginning_Date: 20121031
Ending_Date: 20121106
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Orthoimage
Visual imagery used for digitizing shorefront development, tidal inlets, and for QA/QC. Source data were distributed at 0.35 m pixel resolution, in horizontal datum NAD83. Downloaded on 2/15/2016. Data were projected to UTM Zone 18N (EPSG:26918) using the ‘Project Raster’ tool in ArcToolbox (version 10.4.1).
Type_of_Source_Media: digital data
Beginning_Date: 20121116
Ending_Date: 20121116
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: DEM
Elevation. Source data were downloaded from in horizontal datum NAD 1983, UTM Zone 18N (EPSG:26918), vertical datum NAVD88. Downloaded on 2/15/2016.
Full methods are provided in the associated Methods OFR (Zeigler and others 2019). The iPython notebook used for processing is distributed with this dataset (extractor_rock12.ipynb).
NASC transects from Himmelstoss and others (2010) were modified for the purposes of this study. Transects were extended inland to cover the width of the island, and additional transects were added to fill alongshore gaps greater than 50 m.
Transects were extended by using the last two vertices of each transect to programmatically place the end of the line 3,000 m beyond the end of the original line segment. Python (version 3) with the modules ArcPy and Collections in an ArcGIS Pro 2.0 environment were used for programming (see function core/functions_warcpy.ExtendLine in bi-transect-extractor (Sturdivant, 2019)). The process transformed the data from WGS84 to NAD83 UTM Zone 18N using WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983_2011 (WKID: 108354, accuracy: 0.1 m). It used the coordinates of the last two vertices of each feature and calculated a new second coordinate at a specified distance (3,000 m) along the prolongation of the line from the first coordinate.
Next, transects were manually added to fill alongshore gaps greater than 50 m. To do so we copied the extended NASC transects, replaced their attribute values with fill values (-99999), moved groups of them to fill gaps, deleted any that were unchanged, and then merged the altered file back to the NASC transects. ID values were assigned that ordered the transects consecutively along the shoreline using the ArcGIS Spatial Sort tool in spatial increments.
We eliminated transect overlap in certain locations by manually clipping the transects to the first intersection point with an overlapping transect. While doing so, we prioritized the original NASC transect geometries. Overlapping transects retained the azimuths of the original lines but in some cases were shortened.
Process_Date: 2018
Full methods are provided in the associated Methods OFR (Zeigler and others, 2019) and technical steps can be found in the source code (Sturdivant, 2019). The iPython notebook used to create the point dataset (extractor_rock12.ipynb) is distributed in this data release. All steps described below were performed in the iPython notebook extractor_rock12.ipynb, which used Python 3 and ArcPy distributed with ArcGIS Pro 2.0. Manual steps indicated in the notebook were executed in a session of ArcGIS Pro 2.0.
rock12_pts.csv, part 1
First, we calculate values that apply to entire cross-island transects. Supplemented NASC transects are populated with the shoreline change rate values from the original NASC transects. Lines that are not present in the NASC transects are populated with fill values (-99999) for LRR, TRANSECTID, and TRANSORDER fields.
MHW position and foreshore slope along transect:
Each transect is assigned the foreshore slope (Bslope) from the nearest shoreline point within 25 m (see larger work). The MHW shoreline easting and northing locate the intersection of the transect with the oceanside shoreline. These values are populated for each transect as follows (using Python 3 distributed with ArcGIS Pro 2.0, especially the modules ArcPy, numpy, and pandas): (1) Create a line representing the oceanside shoreline by converting the shoreline polygons to lines, clipping them at the inlet lines, and selecting only those segments that intersect shoreline points; (2) get 'SL_x' and 'SL_y' at the intersection point between the transect and the oceanside shoreline (created from rock12_shoreline.shp in larger work); (3) find the closest shoreline point to that intersection point; and (4) assign the slope value from the shoreline point to the transect ('Bslope').
Dune positions along transects:
'DL_x', 'DL_y', and 'DL_zMHW' are the easting, northing, and height above MHW, respectively, of the nearest dune toe point (rock12_DLpts.shp in larger work) within 25 meters of the transect. Likewise, 'DH_x', 'DH_y', and 'DH_zMHW' are the easting, northing, and height above MHW, respectively, of the nearest dune crest point within 25 meters (rock12_DCpts.shp in larger work). We find the XYZ positions of the nearest dune crest and dune toe within 25 meters for each transect using bi-transect-extractor (Sturdivant, 2019) to execute the following, repeated for both dune crest and dune toe: (1) evaluate the distance from the transect to every dune crest/toe point and find the shortest of these distances (distanceTo geometry method in ArcPy); (2) if the distance is less than 25 m, return the elevation from the point and the XY position of the point ‘snapped’ to the transect (snapToLine geometry method); (3) if there are no points within 25 m of the transect, populate the transect with null/fill values (pandas); and (4) convert the elevations to the MHW datum by applying the MHW offset (0.46 m based on Weber and others, 2005).
'Arm_x', 'Arm_y', and 'Arm_zMHW' are the easting, northing, and height above MHW, respectively, where an artificial structure crosses the transect in the vicinity of the beach. These features are meant to supplement the dune toe dataset by providing an upper limit to the beach in areas where dune toe extraction was confounded by the presence of an artificial structure. Values are populated for each transect as follows: (1) prioritizing areas where dune toe features were not successfully extracted, use orthoimagery, supplemented with the DEM, to manually digitize line segments on the oceanside face of artificial impediments to sediment ("armoring"), such as sand-fencing, sandbags, seawalls, etc.; (2) get the positions of intersection between the digitized armoring lines and the transects (Intersect tool from the Overlay toolset); (3) extract the elevation value at each intersection point from the DEM (Extract Multi Values to Points tool from Spatial Analyst); and (4) convert the elevations to the MHW datum by applying the MHW offset (0.46 m based on Weber and others, 2005).
Beach width and height:
Upper beach width ('uBW') and upper beach height ('uBH') are calculated based on the difference in position between two points: the position of MHW along the transect ('SL_x', 'SL_y') and the dune toe position or equivalent (usually 'DL_x', 'DL_y'). All calculations are performed by the function calc_BeachWidth_fill in bi-transect-extractor (Sturdivant, 2019). In some cases, the dune toe is not appropriate to designate the "top of beach" so beach width and height are calculated from either the position of the dune toe, the dune crest, or the base of an armoring structure. The dune crest is only considered a possibility if the dune crest elevation (DH_zMHW) is less than or equal to 2.5 m. They are calculated as follows, relying primarily on numpy and the snapToLine geometry method in ArcPy, and using pandas for data storage/organization:
(1) Find the position along the transect of an orthogonal line drawn to the dune point ('DL_x', 'DL_y' and 'DH_x', 'DH_y'). (2) Calculate distances from MHW to the position along the transect of the dune toe ('DistDL'), dune crest ('DistDH'), and armoring ('DistArm'). (3) Conditionally select the appropriate feature to represent "top of beach." Dune toe is prioritized. If it is not available and 'DH_zMHW' is less than or equal to maxDH, use dune crest. If neither of the dune feature positions satisfy the conditions and an armoring feature intersects with the transect, use the armoring position. If none of the three are possible, 'uBW' and 'uBH' are given a NoData value of -99999. (4) Copy the distance to shoreline and height above MHW ('Dist--', '---zMHW') to 'uBW' and 'uBH', respectively.
Distance to inlet:
Distance to nearest tidal inlet ('Dist2Inlet') is computed as alongshore distance of each sampling transect from the nearest tidal inlet. Inlets are manually delineated during the creation of the shoreline polygon file. This distance includes changes in the path of the shoreline rather than just a straight-line distance between each transect and the inlet and reflects sediment transport pathways. It is measured using the shoreline polygon(s) and the delineated tidal inlets (see shoreline data in larger work) as follows: (1) split the shoreline polygon(s) at the tidal inlets by converting the shoreline polygon(s) into a polyline feature class with the inlet lines included (Feature to Line in Data Management); (2) retain only the oceanside segments of the shoreline by deleting all segments that do not intersect any shoreline points (disjoint geometry method in ArcPy data access module); (3) if the shoreline is bounded on both sides by an inlet, measure the distance to both and assign the minimum distance of the two or if the shoreline meets only one inlet (meaning the study area ends before the island ends), use the distance to the only inlet (cut, disjoint, and length geometry methods and properties in ArcPy)
Island widths:
Barrier Island Width ('WidthLand') is calculated as the above-water distance between the back-barrier and seaward MHW shorelines. 'WidthLand' only included regions of the barrier within the shoreline polygon(s) (rock12_shoreline.shp in larger work). We also measure the shore-to-shore extent of the island, which includes space occupied by waterways ('WidthFull') and the width of only the most seaward portion of land within the shoreline ('WidthPart'). These are calculated as follows: (1) clip the transect to the shoreline polygon(s) (Clip in the Analysis toolbox); (2) for 'WidthLand', get the length of the multipart line segment from "SHAPE@LENGTH" feature class attribute, which will include only the remaining portions of the transect; (3) for 'WidthPart', convert the clipped transect from multipart to singlepart and get the length of the first line segment, which should be the most seaward; (4) for 'WidthFull', calculate the distance between the first vertex and the last vertex of the clipped transect (Feature Class to NumPy Array with explode to points, pandas groupby, numpy hypot).
Process_Date: 2018
Contact_Person: Emily J. Sturdivant
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geographer
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2230
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Full methods are provided in the associated Methods OFR (Zeigler and others, 2019) and technical steps can be found in the source code (Sturdivant, 2019). The iPython notebook used to create the point dataset (extractor_rock12.ipynb) is distributed in this data release. All steps described below were performed in the iPython notebook extractor_rock12.ipynb, which used Python 3 and ArcPy distributed with ArcGIS Pro 2.0. Manual steps indicated in the notebook were executed in a session of ArcGIS Pro 2.0.
rock12_pts.csv, part 2
Nourishment, Construction, Development:
We manually assigned coded values for the attributes Nourishment, Construction, and Development by comparing the transect positions to ancillary datasets in ArcGIS 10.5. These datasets included the inventory of habitat modification (Rice 2015), available aerial imagery, and the development layer included in this data release. See the associated Methods OFR (Zeigler and others, 2019) for details and example figures.
Process_Date: 2018
Contact_Person: Benjamin T. Gutierrez
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2289
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Full methods are provided in the associated Methods OFR (Zeigler and others, 2019). All steps described below were performed in the iPython notebook extractor_rock12.ipynb, which used Python 3 and ArcPy distributed with ArcGIS Pro 2.0. Manual steps indicated in the notebook were executed in a session of ArcGIS Pro 2.0.
rock12_pts.csv, part 3
The point dataset represents 5 m sampling of the land along each shore-normal transect (rock_trans.shp; see Zeigler and others, 2019). The 5-m point file is created from the supplemented NASC transects as follows: (1) Manually shorten overlapping transects to the first point of intersection. When a transect overlaps with a supplementary transect, shorten the supplementary transect to the intersection point. (2) Clip the transects to the shoreline polygon of the barrier island, retaining only those portions of the transects that represent land. (3) Create a point along each transect every 5 m starting from the ocean-side shoreline.
Process_Date: 2018
Contact_Person: Emily J. Sturdivant
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geographer
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2230
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Full methods are provided in the associated Methods OFR (Zeigler and others, 2019). All steps described below were performed in the iPython notebook extractor_rock12.ipynb, which used Python 3 and ArcPy distributed with ArcGIS Pro 2.0 (Sturdivant, 2019). Manual steps indicated in the notebook were executed in a session of ArcGIS Pro 2.0.
rock12_pts.csv, part 4
Point identifier:
We populate the 5-m points with a numerical identifier ('SplitSort') of the 5-m data sampling points at a particular study site, sorted by order along shoreline and by distance from oceanside. 'SplitSort' values are populated by sorting the points by 'sort_ID' and 'Dist_Seg' (see below).
'Dist_Seg' and 'Dist_MHWbay' measure the distance of the point from the seaward shoreline and bayside shoreline respectively. 'Dist_Seg' is calculated as the Euclidean distance between the point and the shoreline ('SL_x', 'SL_y'). 'Dist_MHWbay' is calculated by subtracting the 'Dist_Seg' value from the transect 'WidthPart'. This is performed by the function prep_points in bi-transect-extractor (Sturdivant, 2019).
'DistSegDH', 'DistSegDL', and 'DistSegArm' measure the distance of each 5-m point from the dune crest, dune toe, and dune armoring position respectively along a particular transect. They are calculated as the Euclidean distance between the 5-m point and the given feature.
Elevation and slope:
'ptZ' and 'ptSlp' are the elevation (NAVD88) and slope at the 5-m cell corresponding to the point. We use the 5-m DEM to generate a slope surface (Slope tool in 3D Analyst). The elevation and slope values are assigned to the points using the Extract Multi Values to Points tool in Spatial Analyst, which is called by bi-transect-extractor (Sturdivant, 2019). 'ptZmhw' is calculated from 'ptZ' by subtracting the MHW offset (0.46 m based on Weber and others, 2005).
Transect-averaged elevation:
We calculate the per-transect mean and maximum barrier elevation (mean_Zmhw, max_Zmhw) from the 5-m elevations (ptZmhw). Mean barrier elevations are calculated for only those transects having less than 20 percent missing values within the 5-m points. Locations not satisfying this criterion are assigned a fill value. This is performed by the function aggregate_z in bi-transect-extractor (Sturdivant, 2019).
Habitat variables:
Variables for vegetation type (VegType), vegetation density (VegDens), substrate type (SubType), distance to foraging habitat (DisMOSH), and geomorphic setting (GeoSet) are populated from the corresponding raster layers provided with the larger work (files Rock12_VegType.tif, Rock12_VegDen.tif, Rock12_SubType.tif, Rock12_DisMOSH.tif, Rock12_GeoSet.tif). They are assigned to the points using the Extract Multi Values to Points tool in Spatial Analyst, which is called by bi-transect-extractor (Sturdivant, 2019).
The values are recoded as follows using bi-transect-extractor, which is documented in the file extractor_rock12.ipynb.
SubType: 7777:'{1111, 2222}', 1000:'{1111, 3333}’
VegType: 77:'{11, 22}', 88:'{22, 33}', 99:'{33, 44}'
VegDens: 666: '{111, 222}', 777: '{222, 333}', 888: '{333, 444}', 999: '{222, 333, 444}'
To calculate the values, the data are passed between pandas dataframe format and ArcGIS geodatabase feature class. Once all values have been calculated, the pandas dataframe is saved in comma-separated values (CSV) format. Curly brackets ('{}') around two values are used in the modeling process.
Process_Date: 2018
Contact_Person: Emily J. Sturdivant
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geographer
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2230
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Full methods are provided in the associated Methods OFR (Zeigler and others, 2019). For the detailed documentation of the processing, see the files extractor_rock12.ipynb and the source code bi-transect-extractor (Sturdivant, 2019).
The width of the upper beach (from mean high water (MHW) shoreline to either dune crest, dune toe, or coastal armoring/development) is calculated along the supplemented NASC transects.
Calculate beach width along transect:
To calculate the beach width for the transects, upper beach width ('uBW') is calculated based on the difference in position between two points: the position of MHW along the transect ('SL_x', 'SL_y') and the dune toe position or equivalent (usually 'DL_x', 'DL_y'). It is calculated using bi-transect-extractor (Sturdivant, 2019) and documented in extractor_rock12.ipynb as follows:
(1) Find the position along the transect of an orthogonal line drawn to the dune point ('DL_x', 'DL_y' and 'DH_x', 'DH_y'). (2) Calculate distances from MHW to the position along the transect of the dune toe ('DistDL'), dune crest ('DistDH'), and armoring ('DistArm'). (3) Conditionally select the appropriate feature to represent "top of beach." Dune toe is prioritized. If it is not available and 'DH_zMHW' is less than or equal to maxDH, use dune crest. If neither of the dune feature positions satisfy the conditions and an armoring feature intersects with the transect, use the armoring position. If none of the three are possible, 'uBW' is given a NoData value of -99999. (4) Copy the selected distance to shoreline and height above MHW ('Dist--') to 'uBW'.
Assign values to raster
A transect ID raster is created from the transect file. Transects are modified from the supplemented transect file (rock_trans.shp) by manually shortening overlapping transects to the first point of intersection. When a transect overlaps with a supplementary transect, the supplementary transect is shortened to the intersection point. The beach width values from each transect are assigned to the cells that represent that transect using the JoinField tool in the data management toolbox, which is also an automated process performed by bi-transect-extractor.
The raster file is exported to GeoTiff using the Export Raster tool. Raster cells outside the bounds of the data are assigned a NoData value of 65535.
Process_Date: 2018
Contact_Person: Emily J. Sturdivant
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geographer
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2230
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Added keywords section with USGS persistent identifier as theme keyword.
Process_Date: 20200810
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Person: VeeAnn A. Cross
Contact_Position: Marine Geologist
Address_Type: Mailing and Physical
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2251
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310