Data were post-processed using QRev 3.43, a program developed by the USGS Office of Surface Water to compute moving-boat ADCP discharge. QRev automates data-quality checks, data filtering, extrapolation methods, and invalid-data-handling steps, and provides estimates of uncertainty to help guide the user. QRev is available at Processing in QRev adhered to the defaults except as outlined below.
For both sites, a salinity of 17 PSU was applied based on field measurements of water-column salinity using using a YSI EXO2 multiparameter sonde. Using a field-measured salinity improves the estimate of speed of sound in water, which is used in computing the discharge data.
For Bayou Heron, a spurious transect (008), which included data from two channel crossings, was screened from the final dataset.
For Bayou Middle, spurious transects (000, 010, 016, 030) were removed from the first dataset, and a spurious transect (021) was removed from the second dataset. These were removed because they contained data either only for a partial transect, or for more than a full transect, because of operational error or logistical constraints.
For both sites, data were exported from QRev using bottom-track (BT) navigation reference. Although data using GPS fix (GGA) navigation reference could be exported from QRev, the BT data are considered to be more reliable given the large number of invalid GGA ensembles and poor unfiltered differential GPS data quality.