Contour Shoreline date calculation: The date for each shoreline is required to identify the dataset, and is used for shoreline change analysis with DSAS (Himmelstoss and others 2018). The date for each contour shoreline was calculated using the corresponding lidar point cloud tile index shapefile.
The tile index shapefile was downloaded from the 2016 NOAA NGS Topobathy Lidar bulk download page ( The dates associated with the tile index in the attribute table were used to apply the date to the contour shoreline features. In some instances, however, there were multiple tiles to one shoreline feature as some tiles were overlapping. In this case, the average date was calculated and applied to those shoreline features.
To do this, the date field from the tile index was converted to the Julian day (in this case, Julian day refers to the day of the year number).
In order to spatially join the tiles to the contour shorelines and calculate the average date, some modifications to the tile index shapefile was required. A “Count” field was added and calculated with a value of 1 in the tile index shapefile. Then, the contour shorelines were split where they intersected with the tile boundaries. This was done by creating a separate point shapefile where the contours intersected with the tile boundaries (ArcToolbox > Analysis > Overlay > Intersect) and then split the contours at these intersection points (ArcToolbox > Data Management > Features > Split Line at Point).
Each of these split contours were then spatially joined to the corresponding tile index or indices within which they fell (ArcToolbox > Analysis > Overlay > Spatial Join). The sum of the Julian day and Count fields was designated as the merge rule when spatially joining the tiles to the contours.
The summed Julian day field was divided by the summed Count field to derive the average Julian day for each of the contour shorelines. The average Julian day was then converted back to a date as a text field, compatible with DSAS.