The following processing steps are performed by Zafer Defne using VDatum online (VDatum ver.4.5.1) and Matlab (ver.2021b).
a) Convert marsh unit elevations from the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) to Mean Tide Level (MTL) referenced elevations.
Input the ASCII file of latitude and longitude coordinates and elevation from MA dataset (MA_mu.csv) to VDatum software, and transform vertical datum from the NAVD88 to MTL. Do this for the marsh unit elevation and elevation of the vegetated part of the marsh unit to calculate mu_ELEV_MTL and vg_ELEV_MTL, respectively. Use value from the nearest Vdatum point for any point where VDatum has no data.
b) Calculate sediment budget from UVVR based on Ganju and others (2020) with SB=-0.416*log(UVVR)-1.0749, where SB is sediment budget in kilograms per square meter per year, and log() indicates natural logarithm function.
c) Calculate total sediment flux under background relative SLR (BGRND) with SF=SB*ATOT_M2, where SF is sediment flux in kilograms per year and ATOT_M2 is total surface area of marsh unit in square meters.
d) Calculate total sediment flux under global mean sea level (GMSL) scenarios (for example, GMSL03 scenario means GMSL rise of 0.3 meters). SLR reduces vegetated marsh area, therefore, causes reduction in sediment flux. The sediment flux under SLR is calculated with SF_SLR=(SB-SLR_RATE*RHO_F)*ATOT_M2, where SF_SLR is sediment flux under SLR, RHO_F is dry bulk density of future deposited sediment. RHO_F was assigned 159 kilograms per cubic meters from Morris and others (2016). SLR_RATE is the SLR rate, calculated as SLR_RATE=(RSL2100+RSL_OFFSET)/100-RSL_VLM, where RSL2100 is the relative sea level by 2100 under a global mean sea level rise scenario, RSL_OFFSET is the offset to initiate the projection at year 2000, and RSL_VLM is the relative sea level contribution from vertical land motion.
For sea level rise projections Sweet and others (2022) SLR data within the region were used. A total of 33 points including 11 stations and 12 grid points were within the bounding box with lower left corner of (43.6581N, 69W) and upper right corner of (43.6581N, 72.0955W).
Interpolate the SLR_RATE from 39 points over a regular grid using GRIDDATA function with natural neighbor interpolation (grid size by 300 longitudinal by 400 latitudinal points). Assign to each marsh unit the interpolated SLR_RATE value from the nearest grid point. Do this for the three scenarios considered: GMSL rise of 0.3 meters, 0.5 meters and 1.0 meters by year 2100 and calculate sediment flux for each of them.
e) Total sediment mass in the vegetated plain above MTL is calculated with TS=vg_ELEV_MTL*AVEG_M2*RHO_E, where TS is total sediment mass, AVEG_M2 is the surface area of the vegetated part of the marsh unit and RHO_E is the dry bulk density of existing marsh substrate sediment. RHO_E was assigned 373 kilograms per cubic meters from Morris and others (2016).
f) Calculate lifespan (in years) for the background relative SLR with the equation BGRND= -TS/SF. Calculate lifespan (in years) for global mean sea level rise by 0.3 meters, 0.5 meters and 1.0 meters by year 2100 scenarios with the equation GMSL= -TS/SF_SLR for each scenario (GMSL03, GMSL05, GMSL10, respectively).
g) Output Matlab data as a comma separated text file [MA_lifespan.csv].
Morris, J.T., Barber, D.C., Callaway, J.C., Chambers, R., Hagen, S.C., Hopkinson, C.S., Johnson, B.J., Megonigal, P., Neubauer, S.C., Troxler, T., and Wigand, C., 2016. Contributions of organic and inorganic matter to sediment volume and accretion in tidal wetlands at steady state. Earth's future, 4(4), 110–121.
Sweet, W.V., Hamlington, B.D., Kopp, R.E., Weaver, C.P., Barnard, P.L., Bekaert, D., Brooks, W., Craghan, M., Dusek, G., Frederikse, T., Garner, G., Genz, A.S., Krasting, J.P., Larour, E., Marcy, D., Marra, J.J., Obeysekera, J., Osler, M., Pendleton, M., Roman, D., Schmied, L., Veatch, W., White, K.D., and Zuzak, C., 2022, Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States: Updated Mean Projections and Extreme Water Level Probabilities Along U.S. Coastlines. NOAA Technical Report NOS 01. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, MD, 111 pp.