Images were collected from the Puerto Rico Highway Authority, Photogrammetry Office.
The images were georeferenced in ArcGIS Pro to extract the shoreline positions. Aerial images were purchased from the Puerto Rico Highway Authority. For Culebra, we received a total of 13 images. For Vieques, we received 33 images. The timeframe of the images is from 1964, 1972, and 1978. The scale of all the images was 1:20,000. The 2006-2007 orthophotos were used as reference. The ground control points (GCPs) for each image used varied according to the transformation method used: first order polynomial, second order polynomial, and spline. After the rectifications were completed, we checked each of the images for quality control.
A geodatabase (GDB) was created to mask or clip the images to the area of interest and create the final mosaic. The clipping of the images was done to erase black areas, labeled areas or undesired coverage improves the quality of the mosaics.
To best classify the images, different datasets were used as reference: land cover and benthic areas. Also, the DEM was collected to calculate the slope. This helped to identify cliff areas in the classification.
The main control points were streets, highways, and bridges. However, on some occasions, some rocky features were used in areas where no anthropogenic structures were found. Also, due to bombing in Vieques and Culebra, another reliable source to rectify the images was the army bombarding target points, especially along the Vieques coast. To select the control points, the map scale in ArcGIS Pro was zoomed in between 1:100 and 1:500.
A total of four points were selected per image in most cases. These points were well-distributed across the image. In other cases, more points were used due to the image quality. A maximum RMSE of 4.0 was achieved for each image.
All GCPs in text files were saved individually for backup and reference purposes. All images were exported as “.tif” before being added into the GDB.
Different raster transformations were used to accomplish the best quality possible; these include first order polynomial, second order polynomial, and spline. Different transformations were applied based on the number of available GCPs.
The rectifications were revised several times to achieve the best possible RMSE while ensuring the aerial image matched closely with the reference orthophotos. The GCPs and different transformations were tested for the aerial images individually.
Once all the images were rectified and the best images were chosen, we mosaicked the images. First, an individual GDB was created for Vieques and Culebra. All images were inserted in the GDB.
Each of the images was masked before creating the final mosaics. By creating a mask of the images, we eliminated the black borders and labels on the photos. For these purposes, a polygon was created in the desired area to cut the image and the image was exported to a different GDB to create the mosaics. Once all images were clipped by the mask, the mosaic process was started.
Culebra Mosaic
As mentioned, several attempts were conducted to create the final mosaics. For Culebra, all the rectified images were used. In some cases, the images were clipped twice to improve the quality of the transformation.
For Culebra, the VORONOI transformation was chosen. After testing other methods, the Voronoi transformation was optimal as it divides the images into different sections and analyzes the similarity in each of the images to construct the final mosaics. Therefore, the seamlines inside the mosaic dataset was created using the Voronoi effect (see Build Seamlines:
Due to technical limitations with the software, we created first the mosaic using the Voronoi and merged the resulting image with a small section that was not being exported from the original mosaic (see Create Mosaic Dataset:; and Merge: We collected each image RMSE and averaged these values to establish a final RMSE for the whole mosaic of 0.8309.
Vieques Mosaic
Vieques aerial images mosaic was approached differently. In this case, each image was analyzed and were organized in a certain order using the field “ZOrder.” The ZOrder field is automatically included in the mosaic dataset and gives the user the ability to control the display order of the images. Most of the images were organized from west to east. We collected each image RMSE and averaged these values to establish a final RMSE for the whole mosaic of 0.804.