Entity_Type_Label: UBGH2_Sedimentation_Data
Depositional and accumulated sediment interface heights of UBGH2 (Ulleung Basin, offshore Korea) sediment specimens allowed to settle in various fluids.
Entity_Type_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Attribute_Label: Site
Site: UBGH2 site name designation. Format is: Expedition Name (UBGH2)-Site Number (2-2_2 or 2-6) and Hole Designation Letter (B or C) within that site.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)
Unrepresentable_Domain: Character set (text).
Attribute_Label: Core
CoreID: Unique identifier given to each collected sediment core at the designated site.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Shipboard science party, D/V Fugro Synergy
Unrepresentable_Domain: Character set (text).
Attribute_Label: Latitude (degrees, minutes, seconds)
Latitude_DMS: Latitude coordinate, in degrees (°) minutes (’) decimal seconds (”), of the sample’s location. North latitude recorded as positive values.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Shipboard science party, D/V Fugro Synergy
Range_Domain_Minimum: 36°42'42.4"
Range_Domain_Maximum: 37°00'57.6"
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: degrees (°) minutes (’) decimal seconds (”)
Attribute_Label: Longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds)
Longitude_DMS: Longitude coordinate, in degrees (°) minutes (’) decimal seconds (”), of the sample’s location. East longitude is recorded as positive values.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Shipboard science party, D/V Fugro Synergy
Range_Domain_Minimum: 130°15'59.0"
Range_Domain_Maximum: 130°53'42.6"
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: degrees (°) minutes (’) decimal seconds (”)
Attribute_Label: Latitude (decimal degrees)
Lat_DD: Latitude coordinate, in decimal-degrees, of sample’s location. North latitude recorded as positive values.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Shipboard science party, D/V Fugro Synergy
Range_Domain_Minimum: 36.71180
Range_Domain_Maximum: 37.01600
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: decimal degrees
Attribute_Label: Longitude (decimal degrees)
Long_DD: Longitude coordinate, in decimal degrees, of the sample’s location. East longitude is recorded as positive values.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Shipboard science party, D/V Fugro Synergy
Range_Domain_Minimum: 130.26639
Range_Domain_Maximum: 130.89520
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: decimal degrees
Attribute_Label: Average Depth, mbsf
Average_Depth_mbsf: Depth of sample in meters below the sea floor (mbsf).
Attribute_Definition_Source: Shipboard science party, D/V Fugro Synergy
Range_Domain_Minimum: 131.0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 152.4
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: meters
Attribute_Label: Sieve Number
SieveNumber: Standard identification of the sieve size (sieve number) used to remove the coarsest grains from the specimens.
ASTM E11-17, Standard Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2017, www.astm.org/Standards/E11
Range_Domain_Minimum: 40
Range_Domain_Maximum: 50
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: sieve number
Attribute_Label: Sieve Mesh Size, micrometers
MeshSize_micrometers: Standard identification of the sieve size (in micrometers) used to remove the coarsest grains from the specimens.
ASTM E11-17, Standard Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2017, www.astm.org/Standards/E11
Range_Domain_Minimum: 300
Range_Domain_Maximum: 425
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: micrometers
Attribute_Label: Elapsed Time [min]
Time_min: Time elapsed since well-mixed specimen was allowed to begin settling.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0.0833
Range_Domain_Maximum: 1440
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: minutes
Attribute_Label: Depositional Interface, Freshened Water, mm
DWF_DepInt_mm: Each entry is the height of the interface between the settling sediment and the overlying fluid. Overlying fluid could be clear or it could be cloudy if sediment particles formed a colloidal suspension in the fluid. Blank entries indicate no measurement was made at the given time for that row. Explanation of "Freshened Water" is as follows: sediment is mixed with deionized water to obtain these data. As described in the process steps, the original specimen is dried, then saturated with deionized water to create the DWS specimen. That specimen is tested, then approximately 80% of the supernatant fluid in the cylinder is removed after the initial sedimentation test. The cylinder is refilled with deionized water, so the mixture contains freshened water and is identified as a “deionized water, freshened” sample (DWF). Thus, the DWF specimen is considered to have the freshest (lowest salt content) water.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 137.16
Range_Domain_Maximum: 152.4
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters
Attribute_Label: Accumulation Interface, Freshened Water, mm
DWF_AccInt_mm: Each entry is the height of the interface between the accumulated sediment at the base of the specimen and the overlying mixture of sediment and fluid that is still settling. Entries that are equal to the corresponding Depositional Interface Height indicate specimens exhibiting uniform sedimentation (all particles or particle clusters falling at the same rate). Entries that are less than the corresponding Depositional Interface Height indicate specimens exhibiting Segregated Sedimentation (larger particles or particle clusters falling faster than smaller particles or particle clusters). Blank entries indicate no measurement was made at the given time for that row. As noted above, the DWF specimen is considered to have the freshest (lowest salt concentration) water.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 28.575
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters
Attribute_Label: Depositional Interface, Dissolved Salt Water, mm
DWS_DepInt_mm: Each entry is the height of the interface between the settling sediment and the overlying fluid. Overlying fluid could be clear or it could be cloudy if sediment particles formed a colloidal suspension in the fluid. Blank entries indicate no measurement was made at the given time for that row. Explanation of "Dissolved Salt Water" is as follows: sediment is mixed with deionized water to obtain these data. As described in the process steps, the original specimen is dried, then saturated with deionized water to create the DWS specimen. Because the salts in the original specimen remain in the specimen for this test, this specimen has a higher salt content than the DWF specimen. Because of the amount of fluid used for the settling test compared to the amount of sediment, the DWS fluid has a salinity that is less than the in situ salinity, however.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 22.606
Range_Domain_Maximum: 152.4
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters
Attribute_Label: Accumulation Interface, Dissolved Salt Water, mm
DWS_AccInt_mm: Each entry is the height of the interface between the accumulated sediment at the base of the specimen and the overlying mixture of sediment and fluid that is still settling. Entries that are equal to the corresponding Depositional Interface Height indicate specimens exhibiting uniform sedimentation (all particles or particle clusters falling at the same rate). Entries that are less than the corresponding Depositional Interface Height indicate specimens exhibiting Segregated Sedimentation (larger particles or particle clusters falling faster than smaller particles or particle clusters). Blank entries indicate no measurement was made at the given time for that row. As noted above, the DWS specimen is considered to have a higher salt content (salinity) than the DWF specimen, but less than the in situ salinity.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 14.986
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters
Attribute_Label: Depositional Interface, 2M Brine, mm
2M_DepInt_mm: Each entry is the height of the interface between the settling sediment and the overlying fluid. Overlying fluid could be clear or it could be cloudy if sediment particles formed a colloidal suspension in the fluid. Blank entries indicate no measurement was made at the given time for that row. Explanation of "2M Brine" is as follows: sediment is mixed with brine (2M NaCl) to obtain these data. Because this test is run on the original sediment after drying, the specimen still contains the salt from the in situ environment. This salt is then dissolved in the 2M brine, so the final salinity is higher than 2M. The 2M Brine specimen has the highest salinity of any of the specimens tested here.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 23.495
Range_Domain_Maximum: 152.4
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters
Attribute_Label: Accumulation Interface, 2M Brine, mm
2M_AccInt_mm: Each entry is the height of the interface between the accumulated sediment at the base of the specimen and the overlying mixture of sediment and fluid that is still settling. Entries that are equal to the corresponding Depositional Interface Height indicate specimens exhibiting uniform sedimentation (all particles or particle clusters falling at the same rate). Entries that are less than the corresponding Depositional Interface Height indicate specimens exhibiting Segregated Sedimentation (larger particles or particle clusters falling faster than smaller particles or particle clusters). Blank entries indicate no measurement was made at the given time for that row. Sediment is mixed with brine (2M NaCl) to obtain these data. As noted above, the 2M Brine specimen has the highest salinity of any of the specimens tested here.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 10.795
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters
Attribute_Label: Depositional Interface, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, mm
NaPO3_DepInt_mm: Each entry is the height of the interface between the settling sediment and the overlying fluid. Overlying fluid could be clear or it could be cloudy if sediment particles formed a colloidal suspension in the fluid. Blank entries indicate no measurement was made at the given time for that row. Explanation of "Sodium Hexametaphosphate" is as follows: sediment is mixed with the dispersant Sodium Hexametaphosphate ((NaPO3)6) to obtain these data. Unlike the ions of salt (NaCl), which remain as a dissolved phase in the water, the ions from (NaPO3)6 adsorb onto the sediment particles, meaning the particles all have the same type of surface electrical charge. Like charges repel, so the particles experience electrical repulsion that can help to keep the sediment particles separate (dispersed), hindering sedimentation.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 26.924
Range_Domain_Maximum: 152.4
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters
Attribute_Label: Accumulation Interface, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, mm
NaPO3_AccInt_mm: Each entry is the height of the interface between the accumulated sediment at the base of the specimen and the overlying mixture of sediment and fluid that is still settling. Entries that are equal to the corresponding Depositional Interface Height indicate specimens exhibiting uniform sedimentation (all particles or particle clusters falling at the same rate). Entries that are less than the corresponding Depositional Interface Height indicate specimens exhibiting Segregated Sedimentation (larger particles or particle clusters falling faster than smaller particles or particle clusters). Blank entries indicate no measurement was made at the given time for that row. Sediment is mixed with the dispersant Sodium Hexametaphosphate ((NaPO3)6) to obtain these data. As noted above, (NaPO3)6 tends to disperse the particles, hindering sedimentation.
Attribute_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 17.526
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: millimeters