Comment: Photographs of the Lake Ontario shoreline, Sodus Bay vicinity, New York, USA from survey 2017-042-FA.EXIF tags:
ImageDescription: Photographs of the Lake Ontario shoreline, Sodus Bay vicinity, New York, USA from survey 2017-042-FA. Artist: Sandy Brosnahan Copyright: Public Domain - please credit U.S. Geological SurveyIPTC tags:
Credit: U.S. Geological Survey Contact: Keywords: Lake Ontario / New York / 2017-042-FA / UAS / aerial imagery / USGS CopyrightNotice: Public Domain - please credit U.S. Geological Survey Caption-Abstract: Photographs of the Lake Ontario shoreline, Sodus Bay vicinity, New York, USA from survey 2017-042-FA.XMP tags:
Caption: Photographs of the Lake Ontario shoreline, Sodus Bay vicinity, New York, USA from survey 2017-042-FA.3. Finally, all the JPEG images were renamed with Namexif ( version 1.7: to ensure unique filenames and compliance with USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program's best practices for image naming convention. Images were renamed with a survey ID prefix followed by a local USGS UID, which corresponds to a distinct UAS project; a camera ID that distinguishes among USGS cameras by make, model, and camera number; the image acquisition date and time in ISO8601 format(UTC; and a suffix with the original image name. For example, image name '2017042FA_U036RI01_20170714T162904Z_A2018661.JPG', 2017042FA is the internal survey ID, U036 is the internal UID, RI01 is the internal camera ID, 20170714 is the UTC date in format YYYYMMDD. A 'T' is used to separate UTC date from UTC time in format HHMMSS followed by a Z, and A2018661 is the original raw photo name appended to the end of the new filename.