These data were generated using DSAS v5.1. The transects automatically generated by the software were visually inspected along with the shoreline data prior to rate calculations. Sometimes transect positions were manually edited within a standard ArcMap edit session to adjust the position at which an individual transect intersected the shorelines to better represent an orthogonal position to the general trend of the coast over time.
This dataset contains the transects automatically generated by the DSAS software application that were used to calculate shoreline change rates for the region. Additional transects may have been generated but did not intersect the minimum requirement of three shorelines. Shoreline change rates data are provided where there are available shorelines to compute change metrics.
Originator: Marie K. Bartlett
Originator: Amy S. Farris
Originator: Kathryn M. Weber
Originator: Emily A. Himmelstoss
Publication_Date: 2021
Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project: A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines (1844-2018)
Edition: 1
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
Series_Name: data release
Issue_Identification: doi:10.5066/P9O8QA8N
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Suggested citation: Bartlett, M.K., Farris, A.S., and Weber, K.M., Himmelstoss, E.A., 2021, Massachusetts shoreline change project—A GIS compilation of vector shorelines (1844-2018): U.S. Geological Survey data release
Type_of_Source_Media: vector digital data
Beginning_Date: 1844
Ending_Date: 2018
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: MA 1844 - 2018 Shorelines
Shorelines published as part of the Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project, 2021 Update were compiled for shoreline change analysis with DSAS v5.1
Originator: Marie K. Bartlett
Originator: Rachel E. Henderson
Originator: Amy S. Farris
Originator: Emily A. Himmelstoss
Publication_Date: 2021
Baseline for the northern coast of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
Edition: 1
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
Series_Name: data release product
Issue_Identification: doi:10.5066/P9YGIYFX
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Type_of_Source_Media: vector digital data
Calendar_Date: 2021
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_baseline
Baseline files for region published as part of the Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project, 2021 Update used for shoreline change analysis with DSAS v5.1
Originator: Marie K. Bartlett
Originator: Rachel E. Henderson
Originator: Amy S. Farris
Originator: Emily A. Himmelstoss
Publication_Date: 2021
Baseline for the southern coast of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
Edition: 1
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
Series_Name: data release product
Issue_Identification: doi:10.5066/P9YGIYFX
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Type_of_Source_Media: vector digital data
Calendar_Date: 2021
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_baseline
Baseline files for region published as part of the Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project, 2021 Update used for shoreline change analysis with DSAS v5.1
Explanation of the methods used to calculate shoreline change rates as part of the 2021 update for the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management Shoreline Change Project: This data release consists of rate transect files that hold long- and short-term rates of shoreline change. Depending on the available data, the shorelines used for analysis may include those referenced to mean high water (MHW) or a proxy-based high water line (HWL).Transects with both MHW and HWL shorelines will have the proxy-datum bias applied. Shoreline data from the 2021 data release (historical and 2018), were merged into a single feature class (MA_shorelines_LT) for the long-term shoreline change. Form this completed shoreline compilation - shoreline data were extracted for the last 30 years and merged into a feature class (MA_shorelines_ST) to calculate short-term shoreline change. All files were projected to UTM zone 19N coordinates and confirmed to have the same attribute names needed for use in DSAS. Note the range of shoreline dates will vary by location. Please check the corresponding intersect file for a record of the exact dates used.
This process step and all subsequent process steps were performed by the same person: Marie K. Bartlett
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MA 1844 - 2018 Shorelines
Process_Date: 2020
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_LT
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_ST
Contact_Person: Marie K. Bartlett
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2306
Transect features generated in a personal geodatabase using DSAS v5.1.2020.0720.0030. Parameters Used: baseline layer= MarthasVN_baseline, baseline group field=DSAS_group, transect spacing=50 meters, search distance=200 meters, land direction=left, shoreline intersection=seaward, File produced = MarthasVN_transects_LT. For additional details on these parameters, please see the DSAS help file distributed with the DSAS software, or visit the USGS website at: Some transects were manually edited for length, moved, or deleted in an edit session using standard editing tools in ArcMap v10.7.1
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_LT
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_baseline
Process_Date: 2021
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_transects_LT
Shoreline intersects and rate calculations performed for long-term rates with and without bias. Parameters Used: shoreline layer= MA_shorelines_LT, shoreline date field=Date_, shoreline uncertainty field name=Uncy, the default accuracy=10 meters, shoreline intersection=seaward, stats calculations=[SCE, NSM, LRR], shoreline threshold=3, confidence interval=90%. Files produced = MarthasVN_trans_LT_rates_20210318_133812, MarthasVN_trans_LT_intersect_20210318_133812.
NOTE: All shorelines have an uncertainty value listed in the attribute table that provides the horizontal uncertainty associated with the shoreline, regardless of the method used. The shoreline database contains both MHW and HWL shorelines Therefore a proxy-datum bias (PDB), stored as a line feature class appended to the reference baseline, is applied during rate calculation. For more information about the origin of the proxy-datum bias, see Ruggiero and List (2009). Rate statistics are presented with both the PDB applied, and with the bias omitted, in which case the attribute field will show “NB_” or “No bias”. The bias uncertainty values are stored within the bias feature attribute table.
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_LT
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_transects_LT
Process_Date: 2021
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_trans_rates_LT
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_intersects_LT
Transect features generated in a personal geodatabase using DSAS v5.1.2020.0720.0030. Parameters Used: baseline layer= MarthasVN_baseline, baseline group field=DSAS_group, transect spacing=50 meters, search distance=200 meters, land direction=left, shoreline intersection=seaward, File produced = MarthasVN_transects_ST. For additional details on these parameters, please see the DSAS help file distributed with the DSAS software, or visit the USGS website at: Some transects were manually edited for length, moved, or deleted in an edit session using standard editing tools in ArcMap v10.7.1
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_ST
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_baseline
Process_Date: 2021
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_transects_ST
Shoreline intersects and rate calculations performed for long-term rates with and without bias. Parameters Used: shoreline layer= MA_shorelines_ST, shoreline date field=Date_, shoreline uncertainty field name=Uncy, the default accuracy=5.1 meters, shoreline intersection=seaward, stats calculations=[SCE, NSM, EPR LRR], shoreline threshold=2, confidence interval=90%. Files produced = MarthasVN_trans_ST_rates_20210322_151603, MarthasVN_trans_ST_intersect_20210322_151603. NOTE: All shorelines have an uncertainty value listed in the attribute table that provides the horizontal uncertainty associated with the shoreline, regardless of the method used. The shoreline database contains both MHW and HWL shorelines thus a proxy-datum bias (PDB), stored as a line feature class appended to the reference baseline, is applied during rate calculation. For more information about the origin of the proxy-datum bias, see Ruggiero and List (2009). Rate statistics are presented with both the PDB applied, and with the bias omitted, in which case the attribute field will show “NB_” or “No bias”. The bias uncertainty values are stored within the bias feature attribute table.
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_ST
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_transects_ST
Process_Date: 2021
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_trans_rates_ST
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_intersects_ST
Transect features generated in a personal geodatabase using DSAS v5.1.2020.0720.0030. Parameters Used: baseline layer= MarthasVS_baseline, baseline group field=DSAS_group, transect spacing=50 meters, search distance=200 meters, land direction=left, shoreline intersection=seaward, File produced = MarthasVS_transects_LT. For additional details on these parameters, please see the DSAS help file distributed with the DSAS software, or visit the USGS website at: Some transects were manually edited for length, moved, or deleted in an edit session using standard editing tools in ArcMap v10.7.1
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_LT
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_baseline
Process_Date: 2021
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_transects_LT
Shoreline intersects and rate calculations performed for long-term rates with and without bias. Parameters Used: shoreline layer= MA_shorelines_LT, shoreline date field=Date_, shoreline uncertainty field name=Uncy, the default accuracy=10 meters, shoreline intersection=seaward, stats calculations=[SCE, NSM, LRR], shoreline threshold=3, confidence interval=90%. Files produced = MarthasVS_trans_rates_LT_20210702_122450, MarthasVS_trans_LT_intersect_20210702_122450.
NOTE: All shorelines have an uncertainty value listed in the attribute table that provides the horizontal uncertainty associated with the shoreline, regardless of the method used. The shoreline database contains both MHW and HWL shorelines Therefore a proxy-datum bias (PDB), stored as a line feature class appended to the reference baseline, is applied during rate calculation. For more information about the origin of the proxy-datum bias, see Ruggiero and List (2009). Rate statistics are presented with both the PDB applied, and with the bias omitted, in which case the attribute field will show “NB_” or “No bias”. The bias uncertainty values are stored within the bias feature attribute table.
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_LT
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_transects_LT
Process_Date: 2021
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_trans_rates_LT
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_intersects_LT
Transect features generated in a personal geodatabase using DSAS v5.1.2020.0720.0030. Parameters Used: baseline layer= MarthasVS_baseline, baseline group field=DSAS_group, transect spacing=50 meters, search distance=200 meters, land direction=left, shoreline intersection=seaward, File produced = MarthasVS_transects_ST. For additional details on these parameters, please see the DSAS help file distributed with the DSAS software, or visit the USGS website at: Some transects were manually edited for length, moved, or deleted in an edit session using standard editing tools in ArcMap v10.7.1
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_ST
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_baseline
Process_Date: 2021
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_transects_ST
Shoreline intersects and rate calculations performed for long-term rates with and without bias. Parameters Used: shoreline layer= MA_shorelines_ST, shoreline date field=Date_, shoreline uncertainty field name=Uncy, the default accuracy=5.1 meters, shoreline intersection=seaward, stats calculations=[SCE, NSM, EPR LRR], shoreline threshold=2, confidence interval=90%. Files produced = MarthasVS_trans_rates_ST_20210702_124821, MarthasVS_intersect_ST_20210702_124821. NOTE: All shorelines have an uncertainty value listed in the attribute table that provides the horizontal uncertainty associated with the shoreline, regardless of the method used. The shoreline database contains both MHW and HWL shorelines thus a proxy-datum bias (PDB), stored as a line feature class appended to the reference baseline, is applied during rate calculation. For more information about the origin of the proxy-datum bias, see Ruggiero and List (2009). Rate statistics are presented with both the PDB applied, and with the bias omitted, in which case the attribute field will show “NB_” or “No bias”. The bias uncertainty values are stored within the bias feature attribute table.
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MA_shorelines_ST
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_transects_ST
Process_Date: 2021
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_trans_rates_ST
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_intersects_ST
The rate feature classes were exported to shapefiles in ArcMap v10.7.1 by right-clicking the transect layer > Data > Export data.
Process_Date: 2021
The exported rate shapefiles were projected in Esri's ArcToolbox (v10.7.1) > Data Management Tools > Projections and Transformations > Project. Parameters: input projection = UTM zone 19N (WGS84); output projection = geographic coordinates (WGS84); transformation = none.
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_trans_rates_LT
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_trans_rates_ST
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_trans_rates_LT
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_trans_rates_ST
Process_Date: 2021
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_rates_LT
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVN_rates_ST
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_rates_LT
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: MarthasVS_rates_ST