Each photographic image was taken at a height of approximately 76 cm (30 in) above the seabed and represents an area of 0.39 square m (4.17 square ft) that measures 76 cm (30 in) wide and 51 cm (20 in) high. The data chamber on the right-hand margin of the image displays information in the following format: NNNYYHHMM, where NNN is the image no. on the film roll, YY is the last 2 digits of the year, and HH and MM are time in hours and minutes. Image metadata is displayed in the image EXIF header comment box of JPG image files as follows:
Station No.: number assigned to station.
In a few instances, when multiple photographic transects were conducted at approximately the same site, the stations were named using a number and in some instances a letter (e.g. 3131a) or a decimal number (3131.1) suffix was appended. During the project, this station numbering scheme was not consistent, so that some station names used one format and some the other. For the purpose of these data, all photographic images were renamed using the number and letter format for the station name where necessary. For example, station 3131.1 is now named 3131a.;
Image No.: file name of photo image
(example: andr95036_q6_1128a_025.jpg); andr: vessel name code (Peter W. Anderson); 95036: USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center Field Activity Number; 95: last two digits of year; 036: thirty-sixth field activity of the year; q6: location is Quadrangle 6; 1128a: Station number in Quadrangle 6; 025: Image number on archived CD ROM for the cruise (multiple images at a station are numbered in the sequence they were collected);
Water Depth, m: depth of water at station location;
Field of View, cm: dimensions of area of seabed in image;
Geographic Location: Quadrangle number in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region;
Time Zone: GMT, Greenwich Mean Time;
Original YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS: Original date and time (GMT) photo collected YEAR:MONTH:DAY HOUR:MINUTES:SECONDS;
Julian Date and Time GMT: Julian Day:HH:MM:SS;
Latitude N: latitude north (decimal degrees) of photo location;
Longitude W: longitude west (decimal degrees) of photo location;
Instrument: instrument used to collect photo;
Link to Instrument Description: link to description of instrument on web;
Organization: organization that collected the photo;
WHCMSC Field Activity (cruise) No.: USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center Field Activity (cruise) Number;
example, 95003: 95: last two digits of year and 003: third field activity of the year;
Principal Investigator: Page Valentine;
Photo Credit: organization to credit when using this image.