Online Links:
Online Links:
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 255 |
Units: | 1 |
Access_Constraints | None |
Use_Constraints | Public domain data from the U.S. government are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution, however, this sectional imagery data is not to be used for navigational purpose (s) |
Data format: | The individual files that compliment the raster imagery: 150m_ne.tif and 150m_ne.tfw. in format TIFF (version 3.2) GeoTIFF Image Size: 22.754 |
Network links: | |
Media you can order: |
(Density 4700
(format UDF)
Note: The user must have a computer system with a DVD-ROM available. To browse the information contained on this DVD-ROM, the user must have a current WWW browser available. The user must also have software installed on their computer to unzip the archived file. |