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Access_Constraints | None |
Use_Constraints | Public domain data from the U.S. Government are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize the U.S. Geological Survey as the originator of the dataset. |
Data format: | This WinZip (version 9.0) file contains a shapefile of 512i seismic-reflection profile shot points collected during cruise ACAD07007 offshore of the Chandeleur Islands, LA, and the associated metadata. It also contains a comma-separated text file (seismic_shtunique_07007.csv), which contains every unique shot point for the same survey. in format Shapefile (version ArcGIS 9.2) Size: 17.340 |
Network links: | |
Media you can order: | DVD-ROM (Density 4.75 Gbytes) (format UDF) |