From October 22 to November 22, 1985 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a single to survey to ensonify the Cayman Trough. The survey took place over the coastal region of the spreading ridge and along one line to the eastern extremity of the Trough. As in earlier EEZ reconnaissance surveys, the USGS utilized the GLORIA (Geological LOng-Range Inclined Asdic) sidescan-sonar system to complete the geologic mapping. The collected GLORIA data were processed and digitally mosaicked to produce continuous imagery of the sea-floor. Two digital mosaics of a 2 degree by 2 degree area with a 50-meter pixel resolution were completed for the Cayman Trough south of the Cayman Islands.
This remote sensing image of the sea-floor is a reduced-resolution (250-meter) composite mosaic of the 2 mosaics created from the Cayman Trough GLORIA sidescan-sonar data.
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Metadata Identifier
Theme_Keyword: USGS:af26183a-d3ce-47fe-86e7-0b87a6f4734d
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: U.S. Geological Survey
Theme_Keyword: USGS
Theme_Keyword: Coastal and Marine Geology Program
Theme_Keyword: CMGP
Theme_Keyword: Woods Hole Science Center
Theme_Keyword: WHSC
Theme_Keyword: Geological LOng-Range Inclined Asdic
Theme_Keyword: GLORIA
Theme_Keyword: GeoTIFF image
Theme_Keyword: grey scale image
Theme_Keyword: sidescan-sonar mosaic
Theme_Keyword: composite mosaic
Theme_Keyword: backscatter
Theme_Keyword: acoustic reflectivity
Theme_Keyword: marine geology
Theme_Keyword: 250-meter
Theme_Keyword: Albers Equal Area
Theme_Keyword: Exclusive Economic Zone
Theme_Keyword: EEZ
Theme_Keyword: WHSC serial number 85037
Theme_Keyword: WHSC cruise identifier FRNL87-3B
Theme_Keyword: Infobank identifier F-3B-85-CB
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme_Keyword: oceans
Theme_Keyword: geoscientificInformation
Theme_Keyword: imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
NASA/Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Earth Science Keywords, Version
Theme_Keyword: Oceans > Ocean Acoustics > Acoustic Reflectivity
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: NASA/Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords
Theme_Keyword: GLORIA > Geological Long-Range Inclined ASDIC
Theme_Keyword: SIDE-SCAN SONAR
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: Data Categories for Marine Planning
Theme_Keyword: distributions
Theme_Keyword: physical habitats and geomorphology
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) Keywords
Theme_Keyword: seabed
Theme_Keyword: Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
Theme_Keyword: sidescan sonar
Theme_Keyword: marine geophysics
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Thesaurus
Theme_Keyword: sidescan sonar
Theme_Keyword: image mosaics
Theme_Keyword: marine geophysics
Theme_Keyword: sea-floor characteristics
Theme_Keyword: sea-floor acoustic reflectivity
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS)
Theme_Keyword: Marine Oceanic
Theme_Keyword: Continental/Island Slope
Theme_Keyword: Trench
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: Caribbean Sea
Place_Keyword: Cayman Trough
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: NASA/Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Place Keywords
Place_Keyword: Ocean
Place_Keyword: Ocean > Atlantic Ocean
Place_Keyword: Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean
Place_Keyword: Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Caribbean Sea
Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Caribbean Sea > Cayman Islands
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS)
Place_Keyword: Greater Antilles Ecoregion
Stratum_Keyword_Thesaurus: Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS)
Stratum_Keyword: Substrate
Public domain data from the U.S. Government are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize the U.S. Geological Survey as the originator of the dataset.
Public domain data from the U.S. Government are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) must be referenced as the originator of the dataset in any future products or research derived from these data.
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog
Originator: P.S. Chavez Jr.
Publication_Date: 1986
Title: Processing Techniques for Digital Sonar Images from GLORIA
Series_Name: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
Issue_Identification: Vol. 52, No. 8, August 1986, p. 1133-1145
Publication_Place: Falls Church, VA 22046
Publisher: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing