Reasoning for deleting the dataset is as follows: The original data files for the CTD data from GFOE (the ROV vendor contracted by NOAA) were discontinuous. The instrument manufacturer's software package was used by the USGS to process the dives. The gaps led to time problems which were recognized by our NOAA colleagues--whey they looked at the time the ROV was known to be on the bottom they found the depth at the file time was not equal to the depth expected from the ROV logs. The initial hypothesis was that we (the USGS) had an error in the processing parameters or steps as the vendor's plot of the suspect dive looked as expected. The vendor plotted the data from different files than those provided to NOAA/USGS. It had the data with the time, and as it was raw data, the time for each record was read and plotted with the data values needed (depth vs. time). The missing data was not recognized (plots were continuous line drawings). The USGS confirmed the processing steps we took were appropriate and noted that the shape of the depth vs. time plot looked similar, while the end of file was early. The USGS requested the ROV log files and the navigation information to make sure we were looking at the correct data. The ROV logs do not reliably start at the surface--since researchers are only interested in the seafloor information, they often start their notes when the bottom is reached. Thus the USGS requested the navigation logs as well as the ROV logs. The vendor was requested to provide continuous data “chunks” with the appropriate start time in the header and a list of the file times. NOAA chose which of the files were of interest (which included the on-bottom and any sections were water samples were taken). They requested 1-second averaged data with a time format they preferred. Those data were processed and provided to NOAA. As these are NOAA data, any future release of data to the public are to be from them as they are the owners of the data, and not the USGS. Therefore, these data have been pulled from the USGS ScienceBase public repository and archived. For questions or concerns, please contact Nancy Prouty (