Welcome to the USGS bedform sedimentology site
- Bedforms and Cross-Bedding in Animation: Online version adapted from DVD publication by D.M. Rubin and C.L. Carter, SEPM Atlas Series No. 2
- Software available for download: Macintosh, PC, and MATLAB software for simulating ripple and dune bedforms and cross-bedding
- Grain Size from Digital Images of Sediment
Information on grain-size analysis using digital images of sediment: Hardware, software, sample images, reprints, and code to download.
- Forecasting Techniques, Underlying Physics, and Applications: Chapter 5 from "Nonlinear Dynamics and Fractals--New Numerical Techniques for Sedimentary Data" by G.V. Middleton, R.E. Plotnick, and D.M. Rubin
SEPM Short Course No. 36