USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Tsunami and Earthquake Research at the USGS

Idealized animation of tsunamis produced by the 15 January 2022 eruption of
the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai volcano in the Kingdom of Tonga

View to the north-northeast. The fastest water wave to radiate away from the eruption is being pushed by an atmospheric wave triggered by the explosion. The water wave grows bigger (amplification) over the deep Tonga Trench, then decouples from the atmospheric wave on the east side of the trench, creating a series of new, decoupled waves. Together, the coupled and decoupled waves constitute a meteotsunami. Far behind them, the “classic” tsunami is produced by seafloor changes displacing a large volume of water during the eruption. Read the News Article for details.

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Science questions to: Eric L. Geist