Study area map of the Middle Atltantic Bight

Map showing the bathymetry of the Middle Atlantic Bight and regional physiographic features. Characterizations of bottom shear stress and sea floor mobility in this database extend offshore to approximately the 120-m isobath.

U.S. Geological Survey Sea Floor Stress and Sediment Mobility Database: Middle Atlantic Bight

Publication Date: November 2012

The Middle Atlantic Bight region extends from Nantucket Shoals off southern New England southward to Cape Lookout off North Carolina.

Spatially and temporally resolved estimates of bottom shear stress are calculated for seasonal and annual time periods. Seasons are defined as Winter (December-February), Spring (March-May), Summer (June-August), and Fall (September-November).

Specifications for stress and mobility time series:

Datasets used to compute the bottom stress and sediment mobility time series:

Complete details on the procedure used to create the data files may be found in the associated metadata.

Note: Additional analysis of bottom shear stress and sediment mobility for this domain may be found in: Dalyander, P.S., Butman, B., Sherwood, C.R., Signell, R.P., Wilkin, J.L., 2012, Characterizing wave- and current- induced bottom shear stress—U.S. middle Atlantic continental shelf: Continental Shelf Research (52), p.73-86. Online at

Suggested citation:Dalyander, P.S., Butman, B., Sherwood, C.R., and Signell, R.P., 2012, U.S. Geological Survey sea floor stress and sediment mobility database: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Statistics of sea floor wave-current stress and sediment mobility in Arc polygon and point shapefile format for the Middle Atlantic Bight from model output. Stress statistics are determined for the entire model grid, whereas mobility statistics are determined only at locations where sediment texture data are available. See metadata files for details of the calculations. Click on zip file to download.

Data Layer Name and Explanation

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Median of Bottom Shear Stress
The value of bottom shear stress exceeded 50% of the time. (Shapefile polygon)

Middle Atlantic Bight median of bottom shear stress browse graphic


Interpercentile Range of Bottom Shear Stress
Half the difference between the 84th and 16th percentile. A measure of variability, equivalent to the standard deviation in a normal distribution. (Shapefile polygon)

Middle Atlantic Bight range of bottom shear stress browse graphic HTML

95th Percentile of Bottom Shear Stress
Value of bottom shear stress exceeded 5% of the time. A measure of the largest stresses. (Shapefile polygon)

Middle Atlantic Bight 95th percentile of bottom shear stress browse graphic HTML

Bed Mobility Percentage
Percentage of time the critical stress is exceeded (determined for locations with sediment texture data). A measure of the extent of bed mobility. (Shapefile point)

Middle Atlantic Bight bed mobility percentage browse graphic HTML

Bed Mobility Recurrence Interval
Time between mobility events (determined for locations with sediment texture data). A measure of the of frequency of mobility events. (Shapefile point)

Middle Atlantic Bight bed mobility recurrence interval browse graphic HTML