Revision History for U.S. Geological Survey Data Release in ScienceBase Continuous Bathymetry and Elevation Models of the Massachusetts Coastal Zone and Continental Shelf By Brian D. Andrews, Wayne E. Baldwin, Daniel W. Sampson, and William C. Schwab --------------------------------------------- Version 1 posted online February 5, 2018 --------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted April 3, 2018 here as version 2.0 Changes in version 2.0: The MassBay_10m.tif file that was originally uploaded to ScienceBase on February 5, 2018, was an incorrect version. The “MassBayTer” terrain described in Processing Step 8 had been updated prior to publication, but it was not re-exported to create the final version of the MassBay_10m.tif file. This was fixed by rerunning Processing Step 8 to createMassBay_10m_V2.tif, a new GeoTIFF file. The only changes reflected in MassBay_10m_V2.tif are described below. 1) There was a small 10-meter (one cell) gap between National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration surveys W00044 and W00039 in Stellwagen Bank that produced a gap in the final grid. This was corrected by editing the "MassBayTerBnd" feature class to remove the boundary and the gap. 2) A vertical offset between the U.S. Geological Survey Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary data and surrounding surveys of 2-3 meters was fixed by reprocessing the data through VDatum (ver. 3.6) with the correct transformation parameters and replacing the source multipoint file (USGS_SBNMS_10m_MP_navd88) in the terrain model. New citation for version 2.0: Andrews, B.D., Baldwin, W.E., Sampson, D.W., and Schwab, W.C., 2018, Continuous bathymetry and elevation models of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf (ver. 2.0, April 2018): U.S. Geological Survey data release,