Revision for U.S. Geological Survey data release: Mann, A.G., O'Keefe Suttles, J.A., Gonneea, M.E., Brosnahan, S.M., Brooks, T.W., Wang, Z.A., Ganju, N.K., and Kroeger, K.D., 2019, Time-series of biogeochemical and flow data from a tidal salt-marsh creek, Sage Lot Pond, Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, 2012-2016 (ver. 2.0, July 2023): U.S. Geological Survey data release, --------------------------------------- Version 1 posted online August 2, 2019 --------------------------------------- Revised and reposted, July 2023 as version 2.0 Changes in version 2.0: 1) A new dataset was added to the data release in two different formats: SLPCreek_CO2.csv and SLPCreek_CO2.mat. This dataset includes data collected between 2014-2016 from a CO2 sensor which was deployed at the same location as the original data. 2) Metadata file was updated with process steps detailing collection methods and data processing of CO2 data. Keywords “dissolved gases”, “carbon flux” and “dissolved carbon dioxide” were added. The Attribute Accuracy Report was edited to include accuracy information for the new data. The collection date range (2014-2016) for the new data were added to the Logical Consistency Report. The Completeness Report was updated with information about any excluded CO2 data. Details about collection methods and data processing were added to the Process Description. Resource description and Digital Format sections were edited to include the CO2 data files (comma-separated values and MATLAB format). 3) Detailed deployment dates for the CO2 sensor were added to the table “CollectionDates_Table2.csv” with corresponding updates to the detailed entity and attribute section in the metadata. Revised July 2023 (version 2.0)