Other ID: MH27-98
Status: Completed
Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funding Program(s):
Principal Investigator(s): Michael Bothner
Affiliate Investigator(s):
Information Specialist(s): Peter W. Gill, Frances Lightsom
Data Type(s): Environmental Data: Dissolved Oxygen, Imagery: Photo, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Time Series: Mooring (physical oceanography)
Scientific Purpose/Goals: Exchange moorings near the future outfall site in western Massachusetts Bay and off Scituate. Collect about 28 sediment cores from Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay. Collect oxygen profiles in sediments.
Start Port/Location: Coast Guard Base, Boston, MA
End Port/Location: Coast Guard Base, Boston, MA
Start Date: 1998-06-17
End Date: 1998-06-19
Equipment Used: Oxygen profiling system from Sayles, Camera- deep sea, DGPS, Bottom platform
Information to be Derived: Time series data; Samples and chemical analysis; Suspended sediment concentrations;
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: The MARCUS HANNA has dynamic positioning which removed the problems of drift as cores were taken. Raja Ganeshram collected interstitial water from Stations 8 and 7. The slow corer should be modified for use in the very soft sediment of Cape Cod Bay in future studies. The corer sank into the bottom several cm before sufficient sediment strength was encountered to support the instrument. Either snowshoes should be attached to the feet or the legs should be lengthened. Moorings deployed: 4 (#529, 530, 531 and 532, all recovered FA 98044 MARCUS HANNA Sep. 30 - Oct. 1, 1998). Moorings recovered: 4 (#516 and 517 deployed FA 98011 WHITE HEATH Feb. 10, 1998; #518 and 519 deployed FA 98019 CHRISTOPHER ANDREW Mar. 25, 1998).
Staff: Michael Bothner, Peter W. Gill, Marinna Martini, Joseph S. Newell, Kenneth F. Parolski, Richard Rendigs, Christopher Sommerfield
Affiliate Staff:
Day 1: Adam Goss
Zobeida Monserrate
Joanne Goudreau (WHOI)
Jonathan Borden (Consultant). Days 1-3: Chris Sommerfield (WHOI). Days 2 and 3: Adam Goss
R. Ganeshram (WHOI).
Notes: Original Center People field contained: Day 1: Mike Bothner, Adam Goss, Peter Gill, Marinna Martini, Joseph Newell, Richard Rendigs, Kenneth Parolski, Chris Sommerfield, Zobeida Monserrate. Days 2 and 3: Mike Bothner, Peter Gill, Richard Rendigs, Chris Sommerfield, Kenneth Parolski, Adam Goss.
Project = Pollutant and Sediment Transport in Massachusetts Bay, Pollutant and Sediment Transport in Massachusetts Bay
Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic,
Boundaries | |||
North: 42.4 | South: 42.15 | West: -70.8 | East: -70.6 |
Marcus Hanna |
Bothner, M.H., and Butman, Bradford (eds.), 2007, Processes influencing the transport and fate of contaminated sediments in the coastal ocean—Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1302, 89 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/cir1302.
Butman, B., Alexander, P.S., and Bothner, M.H., 2004, Time-series photographs of the sea floor in western Massachusetts Bay—June 1997 to June 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 87, https://doi.org/10.3133/ds87.
Butman, B., Alexander, P.S., Anderson, S.P., Lightsom, F.L., Scotti, A., and Beardsley, R.C., 2006, The Massachusetts Bay internal wave experiment, August 1998—data report: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 85, Version 2.0, DVD-ROM, URL: https://doi.org/10.3133/ds85.
Butman, B., Alexander, P.S., and Bothner, M.H., 2004, Time-series photographs of the sea floor in western Massachusetts Bay—June 1998 to May 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 96, https://doi.org/10.3133/ds96.
Butman, B., Bothner, M.H., Alexander, P.S., Lightsom, F.L., Martini, M.A., Gutierrez, B.T., and Strahle, W.S., 2004, Long-term oceanographic observations in western Massachusetts Bay offshore of Boston, Massachusetts; data report for 1989-2002: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS-74, Version 2.0, DVD-ROM, URL: https://doi.org/10.3133/ds74_v2.
Butman, B., Dalyander, P.S., Bothner, M.H., Borden, J., Casso, M.A., Gutierrez, B.T., Hastings, M.E., Lightsom, F.L., Martini, M.A., Montgomery, E.T., Rendigs, R.R., and Strahle, W.S., 2009, Long-term oceanographic observations in Massachusetts Bay, 1989 - 2006 (version 3): U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 74, https://doi.org/10.3133/ds74.
Butman, B., Dalyander, P.S., Bothner, M.H., and Lange, W.N., 2008, Time-series photographs of the sea floor in western Massachusetts Bay, 1996 - 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 266, https://doi.org/10.3133/ds266.
Warner, J.C., Butman, B., and Dalyander, P. S., 2008, Storm-driven sediment transport in Massachusetts Bay: Continental Shelf Research, v. 28 no. 2, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2007.08.008.
Warner, J.C., Sherwood, Christopher R., Signell, Richard P., Harris, Courtney K., and Arango, Hernan G., 2008, Development of a three-dimensional, regional, coupled wave, current, and sediment-transport model: Computers and Geosciences, v. 34 no. 10, doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2008.02.012.
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
Oxygen profiling system from Sayles | --- | Dissolved Oxygen | |
Camera- deep sea | --- | Photo | 1998-028-FA-PH-001 (film collection of TRIPOD 530; 19980617-?) 1998-028-FA-PH-002 (DVD ROM disk of MASS BAY BOTHNER NOTEBOOKS, TRIPOD 530 BOSTON 1-175, TRIPOD 530 BOSTON 176-355, TRIPOD 530 BOSTON 356-549, TRIPOD 530 BOSTON 550-626, ) |
DGPS | --- | Navigation | |
Bottom platform | --- | Mooring (physical oceanography) | 1998-028-FA-OM-001 (DVD ROM disk of MASS BAY BOTHNER NOTEBOOKS, TRIPOD 530 BOSTON 1-175, TRIPOD 530 BOSTON 176-355, TRIPOD 530 BOSTON 356-549, TRIPOD 530 BOSTON 550-626, ) 1998-028-FA-OM-002 (Western Mass Bay mooring data) |