USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 1979-033-FA

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Other ID: 80-1

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s):

Principal Investigator(s): Kurt Grove

Affiliate Investigator(s): Dr. Jack Morelock - UPR

Information Specialist(s):

Data Type(s): Sampling: Biology, Sampling: Geology, Location-Elevation: Navigation

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Fill in gaps in existing sediment sample distribution from Guayanilla area. Sediment distribution is to be integrated with existing seismic, bathymetric, and physical oceanographic information.


Start Port/Location:

End Port/Location:

Start Date: 1979-10-15

End Date: 1979-10-16

Equipment Used: Grab sampler, GPS (wh), Plane table-transit-radios triangulation

Information to be Derived: Grain size analysis;

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Sediment samples: 40.

Staff: Kurt Grove

Affiliate Staff:
Dr. Jack Morelock - UPR; Barbara Morelock; Jose Muniz - Puerto Rico Dept. Nat. Res.

Notes: Effort to increase cooperative ties with University of Puerto Rico marine geology personnel. Successful effort; good working relationship becoming better established. Paper to be submitted for presentation at 1980 meeting of the Association of Island Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean.
Project = Puerto Rico Marine Geology Co-op, Puerto Rico Marine Geology Co-op


Guayanilla shelf and bay, Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea, United States, North America, North Atlantic;

North: 18 South: 17.75 West: -67 East: -66.55





Documents associated with this activity

Title Survey Equipment Description
Cruise report (document not focused on specific equipment) Brief cruise report listing personnel, equipment, location, purpose and comments.

Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Grab sampler --- Biology
GPS (wh) --- Navigation
Plane table-transit-radios triangulation --- Navigation

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