Other ID: MIDPAC 2, Leg SO33, S184CP, S-1-84-CP
Status: Completed
Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funding Program(s):
Principal Investigator(s): Robert F. Commeau
Affiliate Investigator(s): Peter Halbach, TUCLZ
Information Specialist(s): Andreas Janetzke
Data Type(s): Sampling: Biology, Sampling: Geology, Imagery: Video, Imagery: Photo, Environmental Data: Conductivity, Environmental Data: Dissolved Oxygen, Environmental Data: ORP, Environmental Data: Temperature, Environmental Data: pH, Sonar: Multibeam, Seismics: Sub Bottom Profiler, Sonar: Single Beam, Location-Elevation: Navigation
Scientific Purpose/Goals: Study the distribution and composition of cobalt-rich ferromaganese crusts in mid-Pacific and central Pacific areas; observe testing of new TV controlled hydraulic grab sampler.
Start Port/Location: Honolulu, HI
End Port/Location: Honolulu, HI
Start Date: 1984-07-29
End Date: 1984-08-27
Equipment Used: Dredge, Box corer, Spade core, Video camera - deep sea, Camera- deep sea, YSI multiparameter sonde, SeaBeam 2112, 3.5 kHz, Echosounder, Magnavox satellite positioning system, Dead reckoning
Information to be Derived:
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Collected 6 sets of Seabeam tracks (72 profile lines) and 111 samples.
Staff: Robert F. Commeau, Candy Bostwick
Affiliate Staff:
Peter Halbach - geochemist
Ch. Sci. (TUCLZ); Heinrich Gundlach - geochemist (BGR); Dieter Hansen - geophysicist (Preussag); Hans Sulzbacher - geophysicist (Preussag); Elmar Heidbuechel - medical doctor (Preussag); Doris Putaneus - geochemist (TUCLZ); Horst Schuettenhelm - ET (Preussag); Manfred Spoetter - MT (Preussag); Axel Bath - scientist (Preussag); Yogi Hoffman - ET (Preussag); Peter Otten - mineralogist; Roger Schmidt-Grassegger - petrologist (BGR); Carl Sattler - research asst. (TUCLZ); Cornelia Kriete - research asst. (TUCLZ); Andreas Janetzke - data curator and photographer (TUCLZ); Rosemary Sliney - geologist (USGS-Menlo Park); Walter Friesen - petrologist (USGS-Menlo Park); Dongyu Xu - scientist (P.R. of China)
Notes: Parent Organization: Technical University of Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Federal Republic of Germany. Original Center People field contained: Candy Lane - geologist, Robert Commeau - geologist.
Cross Seamount Group, Kingman-Palmyra Reef, Line Islands, and Horizon Guyot, mid-Pacific, North Pacific;
Boundaries | |||
North: 23 | South: 5 | West: -173 | East: -154 |
Sonne |
Title | Survey Equipment | Description |
Cruise report | (document not focused on specific equipment) | Chief Scientist's report including personnel, equipment, tabulated data acquisition, seabeam profile listing, sample stations, and cruise trackmap. |
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
Dredge | --- | Biology Geology | |
Box corer | --- | Biology Geology | |
Spade core | --- | Geology | |
Video camera - deep sea | --- | Video | |
Camera- deep sea | --- | Photo | |
YSI multiparameter sonde | --- | Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen ORP pH Temperature | |
SeaBeam 2112 | --- | Multibeam | |
3.5 kHz | --- | Sub Bottom Profiler | |
Echosounder | --- | Single Beam | |
Magnavox satellite positioning system | --- | Navigation | |
Dead reckoning | --- | Navigation |