USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 1998-006-FA

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Other ID: none

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s):

Principal Investigator(s): Lawrence Poppe

Affiliate Investigator(s): Ralph Lewis - Connecticut State Geologist

Information Specialist(s): Lawrence Poppe, Nancy K. Soderberg

Data Type(s): Imagery: Photo, Imagery: Video, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sampling: Geology, Seismics: Sub Bottom Profiler, Sonar: Sidescan, Sonar: Single Beam

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Ground truth the New Haven Harbor sidescan survey and collect near-shore reconnaissance sidescan sonar lines around the Sound to interpolate between previously collected samples.


Start Port/Location: Milford, CT

End Port/Location: Old Lyme, CT

Start Date: 1998-03-06

End Date: 1998-03-17

Equipment Used: DGPS, Edgetech Sidescan sonar, Q-MIPS sidescan sonar system, ODOM 200 kHz depth recorder, Van Veen grab sampler, Osprey camera system, 3.5 kHz

Information to be Derived:

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered:

Staff: Dann Blackwood, Eric Haase, David Nichols, Lawrence Poppe, Alex Robinson

Affiliate Staff:
Ralph Lewis
Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen - CT-DEP

Notes: Original Center People field contained: Chief Scientist - Larry Poppe, Photographer - Dann Blackwood, PST - Alex Robinson, PST - Eric Haase, Marine Seismic Specialist - Dave Nichols.
Project = Long Island Sound Environmental Studies, Long Island Sound Environmental Studies


Long Island Sound, Connecticut, United States, North America, North Atlantic;

North: 41.3 South: 40.8833 West: -73.75 East: -72.0333


photo of Dempsey


Poppe, L.J., Polloni, C., eds., 1998, Long Island Sound environmental studies: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report (98-502),

Poppe, L.J., Robinson, A.C., Blackwood, D., Lewis, R.S., and Cohen-DiGiacomo, M.L., 1998, The distribution of surficial sediments in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut, and the New Haven dumping grounds, north-central Long Island Sound: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-217,


Documents associated with this activity

Title Survey Equipment Description
Navigation log DGPS GPS and P-Code navigation and Odom fathometer performance, start and end times, comments. Also lists personnel.
Navigation log DGPS GPS and P-Code navigation computer printout.
Sample log Van Veen grab sampler March 7, 1998 video camera transect times and locations, still photo locations, bottom descriptions, sample locations and comments
Sample log Van Veen grab sampler March 7-8, 1998 video camera transect times and locations, still photo locations, bottom descriptions, sample locations and comments.
ISIS log Edgetech Sidescan sonar ISIS system log of file and line changes, data collection notes, filenames.

Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
DGPS --- Navigation
1998-006-FA-LN-001 (Floppy disk(s) containing NAV DGPS L1-16, NAV DGPS L17-21, NAV DGPS L22-34, NAV DGPS L35-36, NAV DGPS L37-40, NAV DGPS, )
Edgetech Sidescan sonar --- Sidescan
1998-006-FA-SO-001 (Digital tape(s) of SSS DF1000 L1-16, SSS DF1000 L17-21, SSS DF1000 L22-34, SSS DF1000 L35-36, SSS DF1000 L37-40, )
Q-MIPS sidescan sonar system --- Sidescan
ODOM 200 kHz depth recorder --- Single Beam
Van Veen grab sampler --- Geology
1998-006-FA-SC-001 (GRAB samples)
Osprey camera system --- Photo
1998-006-FA-PH-001 (CD ROM disk of 3.5K ELICS LINE 1-40, NAV, 3.5 K ELICS SEG-Y L1-29, 3.5 K ELICS SEG-Y L30-40, BOTTOMPHOTO LI SOUND, )
3.5 kHz --- Sub Bottom Profiler
1998-006-FA-SE-001 (CD ROM disk of 3.5K ELICS LINE 1-40, NAV, 3.5 K ELICS SEG-Y L1-29, 3.5 K ELICS SEG-Y L30-40, BOTTOMPHOTO LI SOUND, )

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