USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2010-006-FA

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Other ID: none

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s):

Principal Investigator(s): John Bratton

Affiliate Investigator(s): Holly Michael, University of Delaware

Information Specialist(s): VeeAnn Cross

Data Type(s): Electro-Magnetic: Resistivity, Environmental Data: Conductivity, Environmental Data: Dissolved Oxygen, Environmental Data: ORP, Environmental Data: Temperature, Environmental Data: pH, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Seismics: Sub Bottom Profiler, Sonar: Single Beam

Scientific Purpose/Goals: CRP surveying of Indian River Bay, Delaware.


Start Port/Location: Indian River Marina, Rehoboth Beach, DE

End Port/Location: Indian River Marina, Rehoboth Beach, DE

Start Date: 2010-04-12

End Date: 2010-04-16

Equipment Used: Lowrance 480M, EdgeTech 424 chirp sub-bottom profiler, YSI multiparameter sonde, AGI SuperSting

Information to be Derived:

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: 12 April 2010, drive from Falmouth to Delaware, launch boat and test gear; 13 April 2010, collect resistivity (CRP), depth, salinity/temp, and chirp data around perimeter of Indian River Bay, rough weather in PM, end operations early in SE corner of bay; 14 April 2010, collect data on long E-W lines, equipment problems in AM, Holly Michael and students visit at marina around mid-day, PM resume CRP and salinity/temp/bathy data collection on E-W and some N-S lines, chirp system not operating; 15 April 2010, collect more data along N-S zigzag lines (no chirp), also E-W lines in shallow, SE corner of bay, and set of ~12 closely-spaced lines in a dense box off Holts Landing State Park, load boat on trailer at marina and stow equipment at end of day; 16 April 2010, travel day back to Falmouth from Delaware.

Staff: Emile Bergeron, VeeAnn Cross, Adrian Green

Affiliate Staff:

Notes: Data quality problems with bathymetry and salinity/temperature on 13 April PM and 14 April AM associated with placement of instruments too close to bow and chirp towfish; moved astern on 15 April; CRP processed with available and interpolated data for bathymetry and salinity/temperature on 13-14 April; tide stage data downloaded from USGS gauges at Indian River Inlet (Coast Guard Station) and Oak Orchard gauge (#01484595) upstream in Indian River.


Indian River Bay, Delaware, United States, North America, North Atlantic;

North: 38.6212 South: 38.5656 West: -75.2072 East: -75.06061




Cross, V.A., Bratton, J.F., Michael, H.A., Kroeger, K.D., Green, A., and Bergeron, E., 2014, Continuous resistivity profiling and seismic-reflection data collected in April 2010 from Indian River Bay, Delaware: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1039,


Documents associated with this activity

Title Survey Equipment Description
cruise2010-006_logs (document not focused on specific equipment) PDF file of the data acquisition logs.

Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Lowrance 480M --- Navigation
Single Beam
2010-006-FA Bathymetry (Esri binary grid and GeoTIFF images of the Indian River Bay bathymetry generated from fathometer data. UTM and geographic.)
2010-006_navigation (Raw HYPACK navigation and parsed navigation in point shapefile format acquired on the cruise.)
2010-006-FA_proc_nav_depth (Point shapefiles (3) of navigation with processed depth values (not tide corrected) for use with processing the resistivity data.)
2010-006-FA_nav_crp (Ship tracklines along which continuous resistivity profiling data were collected in the Indian River Bay, Delaware (3 separate files for each day of acquisition).)
EdgeTech 424 chirp sub-bottom profiler --- Sub Bottom Profiler
2010-006-FA_chirp_seismic_navigation (Seismic navigation as 3 separate datasets including unique shots, 100-shot interval, and calibrated tracklines (shapefiles, geographic).)
2010-006-FA_chirp_images (Chirp seismic-reflection profile data in JPEG image format Collected in the Indian River Bay, Delaware)
2010-006-FA_chirp_segy (SEG-Y formatted chirp seismic-reflection profile data collected in the Indian River Bay, Delaware)
YSI multiparameter sonde --- Conductivity
Dissolved Oxygen
2010-006-FA_temp_conductivity (Temperature, conductivity and salinity data collected with a YSI 600 XLM multi-parameter sonde in Indian River Bay, Delaware)
2010-006-FA_proc_temp_sal (Point shapefile containing valid YSI 600 XLM multi-parameter sonde data (temperature, conductivity, and salinity) in Indian River Bay, Delaware. These data have been edited to only include values determined to be valid.)
AGI SuperSting --- Resistivity
2010-006-FA_RAW_CRP (Raw continuous resistivity profile data as 4 separate datasets, one for the test day and 3 days of acquisition.)
2010-006-FA_Processed_CRP (Processed continuous resistivity profile data from 3 days of data acquisition.)
2010-006-FA_Processed_CRP_wcon (ontinuous resistivity profiling data processed with multiple water conductivity values from Indian River Bay, Delaware)
2010-006-FA_CRP_res2dinv (Linearized RES2DINV format continuous resistivity profiling data collected in the Indian River Bay, Delaware (3 separate data files))
2010-006-FA_mrgallxyres (Point shapefiles (3) of processed continuous resistivity profiling data below the sediment water interface collected in the Indian River Bay, Delaware.)
2010-006-FA_watercon_allxyzres (Point shapefile of continuous resistivity profiling data below the sediment water interface processed with a varying water conductivity value from Indian River Bay, Delaware)

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