USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2011-050-FA

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Other ID: none

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s):

Principal Investigator(s): Neil Kamal Ganju

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s): Neil Kamal Ganju

Data Type(s): Environmental Data: CTD, Environmental Data: Temperature, Sampling: Biology, Sampling: Geology, Time Series: Mooring (physical oceanography)

Scientific Purpose/Goals: tidal-cycle surveys at Blackwater NWR, MD


Start Port/Location: Maple Dam Boat launch, Cambridge, MD

End Port/Location: Maple Dam Boat launch, Cambridge, MD

Start Date: 2011-10-03

End Date: 2011-10-07

Equipment Used: Turbidity, Grab sampler, Current, Pressure, Temperature and salinity

Information to be Derived: Time series data;

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: We performed cross-sectional surveys of velocity, salinity, and turbidity at two sites adjacent to moorings.

Staff: Sandy Baldwin, Jonathan Borden

Affiliate Staff:

Notes: This report is based on information from activity 11017. This report is based on information from activity undefined. This report is based on information from activity 11044.
Project = Models for Changing Coastal Env,
3/13/2020 from Neil: recovery of four pole-mounted sensors and two ADCPs, from USFWS jonboat


Chesapeake Bay, United States, North America, North Atlantic;, undefined

North: 38.45036 South: 38.31796 West: -76.1641 East: -75.89218


photo of Jon Boat - generic
Jon Boat - generic


Ganju, N.K., Dickhudt, P.J., Montgomery, E.T., Brennand, Patrick, Derby, R.K, Brooks, T.W., Guntenspergen, G.R., Martini, M.A., Borden, Jonathan, and Baldwin, S.M., 2012, Summary of oceanographic and water-quality measurements near the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Maryland, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1099,


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Turbidity --- Mooring (physical oceanography)
Grab sampler --- Biology
Current --- Mooring (physical oceanography)
Pressure --- Mooring (physical oceanography)
Temperature and salinity --- CTD

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