USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2014-301-FA

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Other ID: 14CTB01

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Hurricane Sandy - Barrier Island and Estuarine Wetland Physical Change Assessment (GX.13.MN00.FKS01.00), Hurricane Sandy - Impacts to and Vulnerability of Coastal Beaches (AE03FBQ), Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Funding - Estuarine Physical Response (MN00FKD)

Principal Investigator(s): Christopher Smith

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s): Julie Bernier, Christopher Smith

Data Type(s): Environmental Data: Conductivity, Environmental Data: Depth, Environmental Data: Dissolved Oxygen, Environmental Data: ORP, Environmental Data: pH, Environmental Data: Temperature, Imagery: Photo, Location-Elevation: Benchmarks, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sampling: Geology

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Hurricane Sandy supplemental funding project GS-2A (Wetland Physical Change) - Characterize the surficial sediment of washover fans and back-barrier marshes and integrate data into vulnerability assessments. Estuarine Physical Response project - Collect and analyze surficial sediment for integration into estuarine model and establish a baseline dataset for future response scenarios.

Vehicle(s): Ford F-350 Dually White (GSA)

Start Port/Location: Ocean City, MD

End Port/Location: Chincoteague Bay Field Station, VA

Start Date: 2014-03-24

End Date: 2014-04-04

Equipment Used: Digital Camera, Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS, Garmin GPS, Peat Corer, Grab Sampler, YSI Professional Plus multiparameter meter, Choke Ring Antenna, Core Barrels, Push Corer

Information to be Derived: Sediment characterization (physical parameters - grain size, organic content, bulk density, radiochemistry, foraminiferal analysis)

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: 35 surface grab samples (onshore), 20 sand auger cores, 7 marsh push cores, 6 peat auger cores, 46 estuarine grab samples, 41 estuarine water column samples.

Staff: Charles Adams, Julie Bernier, Alisha Ellis

Affiliate Staff:

Notes: Horn Point Laboratory (University of Maryland cooperative) vessel and R/V Mako used for estuarine sampling.

Sediment Samples are staged to be archived and are on the East Wall of the Sed Lab as of July 18th, 2018.


Chincoteague Bay, Assateague Island, MD and VA

North: 39.48602511 South: 37.0239427 West: -77.5635 East: -74.72851563


photo of Mako (SP)
Mako (SP)



Bernier, J.C., Zaremba, N.J., Wheaton, C.J., Ellis, A.M., Marot, M.E., Smith, C.G., 2016, Sedimentologic characteristics of recent washover deposits from Assateague Island, Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 999,

Ellis, A.M., Marot, M.E., Wheaton, C.J., Bernier, J.C., Smith, C.G., 2016, A seasonal comparison of surface sediment characteristics in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia, USA: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1219,

Ellis, A.M., Shaw, J., Osterman, L.E., Smith, C.G., 2017, Distribution of foraminifera in Chincoteague Bay and the marshes of Assateague Island and the adjacent vicinity, Maryland and Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1060,

Ellis, A.M., Shaw, J.E., Osterman, L.E., Smith, C.G., 2018, Foraminiferal data for Chincoteague Bay and the marshes of Assateague Island and the adjacent vicinity, Maryland and Virginia (ver. 2.0, May 2018): U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Ellis, A.M., Shaw, J.E., Osterman, L.E., Smith, C.G.,, 2018, The Foraminifera of Chincoteague Bay, Assateague Island, and the Surrounding Areas: a Regional Distribution Study: Journal of Foraminiferal Research, v. 48 no. 3, pp. 223–240, doi: 10.2113/gsjfr.48.3.223.

Ellis, A.M., Shaw, J.E., Osterman, L.L., Smith, C.G., 2017, Foraminiferal data for Chincoteague Bay and the marshes of Assateague Island and the adjacent vicinity, Maryland and Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Ellis, A.M., Smith, C.G., 2017, A seasonal and spatial comparison of metals, and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes, in Chincoteague Bay and the marsh deposits of Assateague Island and the adjacent vicinity, Maryland and Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1059,

Plant, N.G., Smith, K.E.L., Passeri, D.L., Smith, C.G., Bernier, J.C., 2018, Barrier-island and estuarine-wetland physical-change assessment after Hurricane Sandy: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017-1157, 45 p.,

Smith, C.G., Marot, M.E., Ellis, A.M., Wheaton, C.J., Bernier, J.C., Adams, C.S., 2015, Sedimentological and radiochemical characteristics of marsh deposits from Assateague Island and the adjacent vicinity, Maryland and Virginia, following Hurricane Sandy: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1169,

Zaremba, N., Smith, C.G., Bernier, J.C., Forde, A.S., 2016, Application of ground penetrating radar for identification of washover deposits and other stratigraphic features: Assateague Island, MD: Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, v. 21 no. 4, pp. 173–186, doi: 10.2113/Jeeg21.4.173.


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Digital Camera --- Photo
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS --- Benchmarks
14CTB_Site_Information (Sample locations, Water quality parameters)
Garmin GPS --- Navigation
14CTB_Spring-and-Fall_Site-Information (Site Information)
Peat Corer --- Biology
14CTB_Data Plots (Sediment core data plots)
14CTB_Alpha_Spec_Data (Alpha spectroscopy data)
14CTB_Peat Auger Core Photos (peat auger core photographs)
14CTB_Grain-Size_Data (Grain size data)
14CTB_Raw_Spring_CN_Data (Spring carbon and nitrogen data)
14CTB_Raw_Fall_CN_Data (Fall carbon and nitrogen data)
14CTB_Raw_Fall_Metals_SG_Data (Fall metals data)
14CTB_Raw_Spring_Metals_SG_Data (Spring metals data) (14CTB01 (Spring) G and S normalized foraminiferal counts) (14CTB inner shelf G raw and normalized foraminiferal counts)
14CTB_Peat Auger Core Logs (Peat auger core logs) (14CTB01 (Spring) G and S raw foraminiferal counts)
Grab Sampler --- Biology
14CTB_Spring-and-Fall_Compiled-Grain-Size-Data (particle size analysis results summary from Chincoteague Bay)
14CTB_Spring-and-Fall_Shear-Stress (shear stress data)
14CTB_Spring-and-Fall_Physical-Parameter-Data (Chincoteague Bay surface sediment physical parameters data)
YSI Professional Plus multiparameter meter --- Conductivity
Dissolved Oxygen
Choke Ring Antenna --- Benchmarks
No data was collected
Core Barrels --- Geology
No data was collected
Push Corer --- Geology

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