USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2016-371-DD

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Other ID: none

Status: Pending

Organization(s): USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Next-Generation Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast (GX.24.MN00.U0310.00)

Data Source Information: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Information Specialist(s): Donya Frank-Gilchrist

Data Type(s): Simulation: Physical (lab experiment), Imagery: Photo

Start Date: 2016-01-06

End Date: 2016-01-07

Equipment Used: Digital Camera

Information to be Derived: Images of sand transport and data files of flow velocities obtained via Particle Image Velocimetry.

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: This laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the transport of sand over sand ripples under oscillatory flows, relevant to coastal processes of nearshore hydrodynamics and sediment transport.

Notes: LaVision Particle Image Velocimetry system comprised of 3 Photron FASTCAM SA 1.1 cameras and 2 Litron Nano L Nd:YAG lasers were used to make the measurements.


Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, United States of America

North: 30.41735102 South: 30.31931262 West: -89.67754483 East: -89.54940498



Frank-Gilchrist, D.P., Penko, A.M., and Calantoni, J., Brown, J.A., Birchler, J.J., Karwandyar, S., Swanson, E., Palmsten, M.L., 2024, Laboratory Observations of Oscillatory Flow Over Sand Ripples: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Digital Camera --- Photo
DatasetA_Images (The first frame of all 2,728 images captured by the center camera for Dataset A (folders for datasets B-E as well))
DatasetA_FluidVelocities (Fluid velocities processed by Particle Image Velocimetry with the 2,728 double-framed images captured by the two side cameras for Dataset A (folders for datasets B-E as well))

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