USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2016-615-FA

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AKA: none

Other ID: none

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s):

Principal Investigator(s): Curt Storlazzi

Affiliate Investigator(s): Ryan Lowe, UWA

Information Specialist(s): Kurt Rosenberger

Data Type(s): Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sampling: Geology, Time Series: Mooring (physical oceanography)

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Collect time series measurements on hydrodynamics and sediment transport over coral reefs


Start Port/Location: Exmouth, western Australia

End Port/Location: Exmouth, western Australia

Start Date: 2016-05-19

End Date: 2016-05-28

Equipment Used: sedimenttrap, Moorings - Tripods, GPS

Information to be Derived: water depth, wave height, wave period, wave direction, current speed, current direction, acoustic backscatter, optical backscatter

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: data and mooringlogs submitted to FAD 10/20/2016 and 12/19/16

Staff: Joshua Logan

Affiliate Staff:



Ningaloo Coast UNESCO World Heritage Site, Australia

North: -21.7588919 South: -22.06072409 West: 113.85681152 East: 114.02984619




Rosenberger, K.J., Cheriton, O.M., Logan, J.B., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2019, Time-series oceanographic data collected from reef flat and lagoon sediment dynamics packages in 2016 off Jurabi Point, Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
sedimenttrap --- Geology
Moorings - Tripods --- Mooring (physical oceanography)
Time-series oceanographic data collected from reef flat and lagoon sediment dynamics packages in 2016 off Jurabi Point, Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia (Time series data of water surface elevation, wave height, water column currents and temperature, and suspended sediment were acquired for 6 weeks on a coral reef off Jurabi Point, Ningaloo Coast UNESCO World Heritage site in Western Australia in support of a study on the circulation and sediment transport patterns of these reefs.)
GPS --- Navigation

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