USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2017-691-FA

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AKA: none

Other ID: none

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Other (Other)

Principal Investigator(s): Shawn Harrison

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s): Shawn Harrison

Data Type(s): Imagery: Photo, Location-Elevation: Navigation

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Remote sensing coastal change; shoreline change, nearshore sandbar evolution, storm response and recovery, morphodynamic modeling

Vehicle(s): None

Start Port/Location: Santa Cruz, CA

End Port/Location: Santa Cruz, CA

Start Date: 2017-09-15

End Date: 2017-12-31

Equipment Used: digitalcamera, GPS

Information to be Derived: Shoreline position, sandbar position, wave celerity, wave run-up, depth estimation; Argus image products and pixel timestacks

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: FAN 2017-691-FA Argus Sunset data submitted to FAD by Shawn Harrison 12/4/2017


Affiliate Staff:

Notes: This FA is an ongoing Argus camera station mounted on top of the coastal bluff in the closed area of Sunset State Beach near Port Watsonville. The station has 2 cameras (Point Grey BFLY-PGE-50S5C-C) that overlook a 1x1km region of the beach offshore and northward. The cameras collect Argus image products every half-hour of daylight from 10-minute long video streams. Timestacks are extracted from 20-minute video streams every hour of daylight for a cBathy grid, alongshore and cross-shore transects. The image acquisition is ongoing and will be split up into separate FANs based on year. The station is solar powered. The camera installation is within California State Park jurisdiction and is permitted until 2/24/18 by Joanne Kerbavaz.

Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2017-690-FA


Santa Cruz, Watsonville, California, Sunset State Beach, Monterey Bay

North: 36.89444024 South: 36.88470679 West: -121.84733105 East: -121.83006217





Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
digitalcamera --- Photo
GPS --- Navigation

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