Other ID: 18CCT09, 18CCT10, 18CCT11
Status: Completed
Organization(s): USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
Funding Program(s): Sea-level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines - SSIEES (GX.18.MN00.F1M10.00)
Principal Investigator(s): Christopher Smith, Kathryn Smith
Affiliate Investigator(s):
Information Specialist(s): Julie Bernier, Chelsea Stalk, Joseph Terrano
Data Type(s): Location-Elevation: Benchmarks, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sampling: Geology, Sonar: Multibeam
Scientific Purpose/Goals: Retrieve and redeploy sediment plate, collect sediment cores, and collect multibeam bathymetry along the marsh edge.
Vehicle(s): White Dodge Pickup - White, Chevy Suburban Silver
Start Port/Location: Saint Petersburg, FL
End Port/Location: Moss Point, MS
Start Date: 2018-10-22
End Date: 2018-10-27
Equipment Used: Net Sedimentation Tile , Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS, Choke Ring Antenna, Collapsible Tripod, Other, Applanix POS-MV DGPS/IMU, GPS Pole, Core Barrels, Grab Sampler, Peat Corer, Push Corer, Sediment Trap, Other, Multibeam Bathymetry System
Information to be Derived: Grain size, sediment deposition, shoreline positions, bulk density, sediment stratigraphy
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: 18CCT11- Completed all priority areas as well as some additional shore perpendicular and transit lines.
Staff: Isabelle Atchia, Julie Bernier, Alisha Ellis, Chelsea Stalk, Joseph Vargas, Hunter Wilcox
Affiliate Staff:
Notes: Joseph T. and Isabelle are collecting sediment cores with GBNERR staff using their vessel (18CCT10). Julie, Alisha, and Joe V. are collecting sediment cores and estuarine grab samples using the Mako (18CCT09). Chelsea and Hunter are collecting multibeam bathymetry data on the Twin Vee (18CCT11).
Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve,Mississippi and Alabama, United States, Gulf of Mexico
Boundaries | |||
North: 30.44181901 | South: 30.30899023 | West: -88.49138541 | East: -88.34690909 |
Mako (SP) | Twin Vee (Jabba Jaw) | Other |
Ellis, A.M., Smith, C.G., Vargas, J., Everhart, C., 2021, Sedimentologic data from Point aux Chenes marsh and estuary, Mississippi: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9XYDHFZ.
Ellis, A.M., Smith, C.G., Vargas, J.M., Everhart, C.S., 2023, Sedimentologic Data from Point aux Chenes Marsh and Estuary, Mississippi (ver. 2.0, August 2023): U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9XYDHFZ.
Smith, K.E.L., Terrano, J.F., Pitchford, J., Brochard M., Vargas, J.M., Atchia, I.D., Everhart, C.S., Smith C.G., 2020, Shore proximal marsh sediment deposition and ancillary data from Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, from July 2018 to January 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9ONI8PS.
Stalk, C.A., Fredericks, J.J., Smith, C.G., 2020, Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2018 from Grand Bay and Point Aux Chenes Bay Alabama/Mississippi: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9R4LO3U.
Survey Equipment | Survey Info | Data Type(s) | Data Collected |
Net Sedimentation Tile | --- | Geology | |
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS | --- | Benchmarks Navigation | 18CCT09_SiteInformation.zip (Station location, core lengths, and water quality parameters for project ID 18CCT09 ) |
Choke Ring Antenna | --- | Benchmarks Navigation | |
Collapsible Tripod | --- | Benchmarks Navigation Profiles Transects | |
Other | --- | --- | --- |
Applanix POS-MV DGPS/IMU | --- | Navigation | |
GPS Pole | --- | Navigation Profiles Transects | |
Core Barrels | --- | Geology | |
Grab Sampler | --- | Biology Geology | |
Peat Corer | --- | Biology Geology | |
Push Corer | --- | Geology | 18CCT09_GammaSpectroscopy.zip (Sediment radiochemical data by gamma spectroscopy for project ID 18CCT09) 18CCT09_GrainSize.zip (Sediment grain size distribution and properties for project ID 18CCT09 ) 18CCT09_SedimentPhysicalProperties.zip (Sediment bulk density, water content, porosity, and loss on ignition for project ID 18CCT09 ) 18CCT09_Xrays.zip (Sediment push core x-ray images for project ID 18CCT09) |
Sediment Trap | --- | Geology | |
Other | --- | --- | --- |
Multibeam Bathymetry System | --- | Multibeam | Grand_Bay_2018_MBB_xyz.zip (Processed elevation point data (xyz) as derived from a 1-meter grid provided in WGS84 and NAD83, NAVD88 Geoid 12A (.xyz)) |